Marcel Schulte

Marcel Schulte

Fakultät für Chemie
Instrumentelle Analytische Chemie
Universitätsstr. 5, Raum S05 V02 E35
D-45141 Essen

Tel: +49 201 183-6784
Fax: +49 201 183-6773

My Project:
Construction of a preconcentration unit for the characterisation of the stable isotope composition of methane and carbon dioxide at atmospheric levels.

PhD student at the Instrumentelle Analytische Chemie since September 2011

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Annual Reports


University Duisburg-Essen
Faculty of Chemistry
Instrumental Analytical Chemistry
Universitätsstr. 5
D-45141 Essen

Head of Department
Prof. Dr. Torsten C. Schmidt
Phone +49 201 183-6774

Lydia Vaassen
Phone +49 201 183-6772

Fax: +49 201 183 6773