Project Information

Strengthen collective bargaining

Goal and task

International comparative research has shown that high collective bargaining coverage is the most effective instrument for reducing inequality in market incomes. Only through a significant increase in collective bargaining coverage can the high income inequality in the primary distribution in Germany be effectively reduced. There are various proposals from different disciplines (economics, law, social sciences) for increasing collective bargaining coverage. They range from strengthening trade union bargaining power through classic trade union organising, expanding co-determination, benefit regulations for trade union members, collective bargaining dispositive law, tariff compliance laws in the awarding of public contracts, facilitating the declaration of collective agreements as generally binding, to a number of other measures. In practice, however, they are mostly discussed separately both in the trade unions and in academia.

The effects of the many proposed instruments on collective bargaining coverage have not yet been proven in detail. Recognisable effects in the direction of a significant increase in collective bargaining coverage from today's 51% (WSI Tarifarchiv 2023) to 80% (target figure in the European minimum directive) cannot be achieved with one of these instruments alone, but only through their combination, whereby this combination may well differ from sector to sector.

The aim of this interdisciplinary research project is to combine the various proposals for increasing collective bargaining coverage - often formulated along disciplinary lines - into a coherent overall concept and to close research gaps in the process.


An interdisciplinary research group with representatives from economics, law and the social sciences is to be formed to develop the concept. This research group is to summarise the state of the art across disciplines and close research gaps through its own work and the commissioning of expert reports. Firstly, the heterogeneous collective bargaining landscape and the causes of the decline in collective bargaining coverage in Germany are to be analysed. Secondly, the different disciplinary narratives on increasing collective bargaining coverage will be elaborated and linked. Thirdly, the individual proposals will be presented on this paradigmatic basis and their possible effects evaluated on the basis of national and international experience. Fourthly, proposals for an overall concept will be developed. The topics of equal treatment and a solidarity-based wage policy to upgrade collective wages in low-paying sectors will also be explicitly addressed.

The project is a cooperation project between the WSI of the HBS and the IAQ.



Frederic Hüttenhoff: Perspektiven für eine Stärkung der Tarifbindung - ein gemeinsames Projekt von IAQ und WSI. WSI-Tarifforum 2023, Düsseldorf, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliches Institut der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, 05.12.2023  Weitere Informationen

Project data

Term of the project:
01.07.2023 - 30.06.2025

Reseach department:
Precarization, Regulation, Job quality

Project management:
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Bosch

Project team:
Frederic Hüttenhoff
