Project Information

Remuneration of UGC-platforms for artistic/publicistic services and their inclusion in the ‘Künstlersozialabgabe’ (artists’ social security levy)


User-generated content platforms, which include well-known social media platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and Twitch, have become an essential part of everyday media use for a growing number of consumers. They also play a significant economic role as advertising platforms with billions in revenue. A growing number of professional creatives earn their living by creating content, i.e. producing videos, photos and texts for such platforms. It is estimated that there are already more than two million professional content creators. In addition, there are more than 47 million people who monetize content published on those platforms, at least to some extent (Signalfire 2020). Content creation on social media platforms is thus establishing itself as a new field of self-employment.

There are multiple monetization options on UGC platforms. So far, however, there are considerable gaps in knowledge regarding the distribution channels between UGC platforms and content creators. The research project commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) aims to broaden knowledge in this area. This also includes the question of the inclusion into the artists’ social security levy.

Research design

The research project is designed in three steps and includes the following modules:

  1. mapping of remuneration and payment models on UGC platforms
  2. determining the perspective of content creators on the monetizing options of UGC platforms
  3. investigation of the role of other intermediaries (agencies, labels, networks, collecting societies).


Hoose, Fabian / Rosenbohm, Sophie, 2024: Entgelte von sog. UGC-Plattformen für künstlerisch/ publizistische Leistungen und deren Einbeziehung in die Künstlersozialabgabe. Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales (BMAS). Forschungsbericht 640 | Lesen

Project data

Term of the project:
01.10.2023 - 31.03.2024

Reseach department:
Working-Time and Work Organisation

Project team:
Dr. Fabian Hoose,Dr. Sophie Rosenbohm

Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales (BMAS)