Institutionalisation, Deinstitutionalisation and Reinstitutionalisation in the Fields of Education and Social Work

Panel 2: School

Re- or de-institutionalisation of social justice claims in the regulatory framework of output- and data-based school governance? Results from a discourse analysis of policy documents on education and migration

Prof. Dr. Mechtild Gomolla

Helmut Schmidt Universität Hamburg

Fakultät für Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften


Transnational educational policy - a discursive institutionalist perspective on policy affecting the school

Prof. Ninni Wahlström 

Linnaeus University 
Department of Education and Teachers' Practice

Construing talent, (re-)producing elites. A neopragmatist take on social sorting in school education


Dr. Kenneth Horvath

Universität Luzern

Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät
