Andreas Kempf

Lehrstuhl für Fluiddynamik Prof. Dr. Ing. Andreas Kempf

Contact details


Carl-Benz Straße 199
47057 Duisburg
Raum: NETZ 1.09a

Tel. Sekretariat: +49-(0)203-379 8099
E-Mail: andreas.kempf [at]


Anfragen zu folgenden Themen richten Sie bitte an:
Bewerbungen: [at]
Studienarbeiten: [at]
Strömungslehre 1 / Fluidmechanik: [at]
Strömungslehre 2 / Fluiddynamik: [at]
Gas Dynamics: [at]
Numerics and Flow Simulation: [at]
Turbulent Flows: [at]

Research Interests


  • Large-Eddy Simulation of turbulent reactive flows
  • Simulation of the Nanoparticle Synthesis with LES
  • Large-Eddy Simulation of internal combustion engines with
  • Development of particle based computational modelling methods
  • Further development of the LES and DNS Code PsiPhi
  • Improvement of the applicability of LES-Methods
  • Development of the diagnostics 'chemiluminescence tomography'

Scientific Career

since 2011
Professor at the University Duisburg-Essen and Head of the chair "Fluid dynamics"

(Senior) Lecturer at the Imperial College London (Assistant/Associate Professor), section 'Multiscale Simulations in the field of Thermal Fluids' of the mechanical engineering department, examinations officer of the mechanical engineering department

Doctoral thesis and postdoctoral research with Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Janicka in the engineering department at the TU Darmstadt, Dissertation: Large-Eddy Simulation of Non-Premixed Turbulent Flames.

Study in Mechanical Engineering at the TU Darmstadt, diploma thesis: 'Large-Eddy Simulation of a Counter Flow Configuration', Mentor: Prof. J.-Y. Chen, University of Berkeley, CA, USA

Professional Roles

  • Associate Editor of the Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
  • Associate Editor for Progress in Energy and Combustion Science
  • Member of the editorial board Flow, Turbulence and Combustion
  • Speaker of the board of the Center for Computational Sciences and Simulation (CCSS)
  • Member of the HPC resource allocation panel at NIC Jülich

Membership of Networks and Associations

  • German and British section of the 'International Combustion Institute', Centre for Nano-Integration (CeNIDE), Centre for Energy Research (CER.UDE)

The contents of the filters are dependent on each other - with the exception of the author filter, this always contains all author names present in the total list.

There were 206 publications found

  • Karimi Noughabi, Amir; Leer, Michael; Wlokas, Irenäus; Kempf, Andreas Markus
    An Eulerian-Lagrangian decomposition for scalar transport at high schmidt number with adaptive particle creation and removal
    In: Computers & Fluids Vol. 287 (2025) 106490
  • Paknahad, Reza; Lipkowicz, Jonathan T.; Gaffran, Noah; Wlokas, Irenäus; Kempf, Andreas Markus; Crane, Jackson
    Statistics of detonation confinement : 1D, 2D and 3D simulations in hydrogen–oxygen
    In: Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Vol. 40 (2024) Nr. 1-4, 105388
  • Baik, Seung-Jin; Martins, Fabio J. W. A.; Beyrau, Frank; Kempf, Andreas
    Synthetic Inlet Conditions for Inhomogeneous Flows from Filters, Packed Beds, or Sinter Plates
    In: Flow, Turbulence and Combustion Vol. 112 (2024) Nr. 2, pp. 483 - 489
  • Wen, Xu; Shamooni, Ali; Stein, Oliver T.; Tainaka, Kazuki; Meller, Dominik; Kronenburg, Andreas; Kempf, Andreas Markus; Hasse, Christian
    A four-fuel-stream flamelet model for large-eddy simulation of piloted pulverized coal/ammonia co-combustion
    In: Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Vol. 40 (2024) Nr. 1-4, 105470
  • Meller, Dominik; Engelmann, Linus; Baik, Seung Jin; Kempf, Andreas Markus
    A Four Mixture Fraction FPV-LES for the Co-firing of Coal and Ammonia
    In: Direct and Large Eddy Simulation XIII: Proceedings of DLES13 / DLES13: Direct and Large Eddy Simulation; 26th - 28th October 2022; Udine, Italy / Marchioli, Cristian; Salvetti, Maria Vittoria; Garcia-Villalba, Manuel; Schlatter, Philipp (Eds.) 2024, pp. 95 - 100
  • Eigemann, Jonas; Beck, Christian; Kempf, Andreas Markus
    A Method to Dampen Acoustic Waves in Compressible Reactive Flow Simulations
    In: Flow, Turbulence and Combustion Vol. 113 (2024) Nr. 2, pp. 459 - 464
  • Engelmann, Linus; Laichter, Judith; Wollny, Patrick; Klein, Markus; Kaiser, Sebastian A.; Kempf, Andreas M.
    Cyclic Variations in the Flame Propagation in an Spark-Ignited Engine : Multi Cycle Large Eddy Simulation Supported by Imaging Diagnostics
    In: Flow, Turbulence and Combustion Vol. 110 (2023) Nr. 1, pp. 91 - 104
  • Prenting, Markus Michael; Baik, Seung-Jin; Dreier, Thomas; Endres, Torsten; Kempf, Andreas Markus; Schulz, Christof
    Liquid-phase temperature in the SpraySyn flame measured by two-color laser-induced fluorescence thermometry and simulated by LES
    In: Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Vol. 39 (2023) Nr. 2, pp. 2621 - 2630
  • Shamooni, Ali; Stein, Oliver T.; Kronenburg, Andreas; Kempf, Andreas Markus; Debiagi, Paulo; Li, Tao; Dreizler, Andreas; Böhm, Benjamin; Hasse, Christian
    Fully-resolved simulations of volatile combustion and NOₓ formation from single coal particles in recycled flue gas environments
    In: Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Vol. 39 (2023) Nr. 4, pp. 4529 - 4539
  • Meller, Dominik; Engelmann, Linus; Wollny, Patrick; Tainaka, Kazuki; Watanabe, Hiroaki; Debiagi, Paulo; Stein, Oliver T.; Kempf, Andreas Markus
    Evaluation of ammonia co-firing in the CRIEPI coal jet flame using a three mixture fraction FPV-LES
    In: Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Vol. 39 (2023) Nr. 3, pp. 3615 - 3624