Nanomaterials are pivotal for achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7: Affordable and clean energy, SDG 6: Clean water and sanitation, or SDG 3: Good health and well-being. However, despite the rapid emergence of new nanomaterials, we still lack a scientific understanding of the process technologies to integrate them into practical systems. This gap has driven my team’s research focus on nanoparticle processing. Building on the successful development of methods for particle characterization and harnessing interface-driven phenomena using well-defined colloids, my team and I apply, expand and innovate this approach for instance for electrochemical applications and optoelectronics, striving for scalable implementation. We reveal hidden parameters in powders and apply them to unravel material–process–structure–property–performance relationships in devices and electrochemical applications. We target membrane electrode assemblies, half-cells, and single cells for electrolysis, fuel cells, CO2 reduction, and lithium ion batteries.

Typically, we start from high-performance materials, e.g., synthesized at UDE's NanoEnergieTechnikZentrum (NETZ), and strive for the needed understanding to rationally develop ink formulations and their subsequent thin film coating on a wide range of substrates. We make use of a powerful toolbox of methods for the in-depth characterization of multicomponent formulations and electrode layers with defined porosity and composition that govern performance-relevant layer properties like wetting and mechanical stability. By using appropriate descriptors, we aim for connecting particle properties with microstructure, layer properties, and performance metrics, ultimately enabling us to transfer the gained material and processes from laboratory scale to pilot-scale roll-to-roll coating

Research Collaboration


After founding the Chair for Particle Science and Technology at UDE in 2021, I was curious to what extend a University chair can be detached from the typical hierarchy. In the beginning of 2022, we decided to undergo the transformation to a self-organized team that now exhibits smooth onboarding, provides an innovative and inspiring atmosphere where individuals can develop, maximize time for scientific discussion with supervisors and research collaboration.                                                         

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