jCS Ruhr 2014
On October 9th 2014 the „junges Chemie Symposium Ruhr“ took place in Bochum. Circa 80 young chemists from the Ruhr area and around participated at this event. As a novelty in 2014 students doing their “Vertiefungspraktikum” in inorganic chemistry participated at the poster session. Here they could learn at an early stage in their scientific career to present their research results to a wider audience and to deal with critical questions from the audience. As always, all other major research field of chemistry have been present in form of posters or small lectures. Thomas Emmerich in the speaker position of the Jungchemikerforum Bochum and Daniel Peeters as his first representative speaker moderated the event. Prof. Detlef Bahnemann from Hannover hold the plenary lecture entitled “Mechanism(s) of Photocatalytic Processes: Revisited”.
We gratefully acknowledge our sponsors Evonik, Altana, abcr, ASI and the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Bochum for the financial support wich allowed the realization of the event. The GDCh supported the JCF Bochum with funds from the “Sonderfonds für außergewöhnliche Ortsverbands- und JCF-Veranstaltungen”.