sCO2-HeRo Training


The sCO2‐HeRo project has an educational purpose in response to the Euratom’s aim to act as a research and training programme. Students and PhD candidates visit the GfS and participate in tests and workshops with the glass model.

These tests and demonstrations at the glass model follow a double objective:

  • Illustrating the processes of decay heat removal within a power plant, and thus supporting the training program
  • Motivating students to consider the nuclear sector as promising for their future career. Empirically such excursions raise the interest of the students in the shown topic.

sCO2 Summer School Workshop

The sCO2-HeRo team from CVR organized a sCO2-HeRo Workshop that was held back to back with the sCO2 Summer School at CVR. The workshop took place on 1st Sep 2017 and was open to interested students from Europe and abroad (find here the sCO2-HeRo Workshop flyer).

During the Summer School, interested students were teached on the latest developments in the field of sCO2 cycle technology, with special focus on the SUSEN loop at CVR.

Summer School flyer

The presentations are available for download:

Training opportunities

KSG|GfS offers trainings at the worldwide unique reactor glass model which demonstrates complex thermal hydraulic phenomena in an extremely hands-on manner. Processes that usually happen out of sight inside ducts and vessels become visible in an unforgettable first-hand experience.

Please find here more information on the training opportunities at KSG|GfS.