12th International Conference on Magnetic and Superconducting Materials (MSM22)
University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, 28 August – 02 September 2022
Organizers: Prof. Dr. M. Farle, Dr. A. Semisalova

Important dates
Abstract submission opens - 07.03.2022
Abstract submission closes - 06.06.2022
Notification about acceptance till - 17.06.2022
Early bird registration deadline - 29.07.2022
Registration deadline - 15.08.2022
To receive updates on the conference, please write to with the reference “keep me updated”
Thank YOU!
Dear MSM22 participants,
It was a pleasure to host all of your during the week August 28 - September 2 in Duisburg!
We hope you enjoyed the scientific and social program of MSM22 and had interesting discussions with old and hopefully new friends and colleagues. We thank all of you for your contributions and participation!
Sincerely yours,
Michael Farle, Anna Semisalova and all members of local organizing committee
Conference photo
General MSM22 photo will be taken on Wednesday, directly after the end of morning sessions (12:00-12:05). Meeting point - MC entrance. We kindly invite all the participants to take part in the photo.
Updates in the session schedule
The conductivity parameters of YBa2Cu3O6.5 superconductor compound
by Prof. Emad K. Al-Shakarchi (Monday, Aug. 29).
Elemental substitution at Tl-site of Tl1-xXx(Ba,Sr)CaCu2O7 superconductor with X = Cr, Bi, Pb, Se and Te
by Dr. Nur Akasyah Jaafar (Monday, Aug. 29).
Spin pumping in noncollinear antiferromagnets
by Mike Alexander Lund (Monday, Aug. 29).
Poster session starts on 17:50, August 29.
The influence of exchange correlation functional on the properties of Mn2V(Al,Si) Heusler alloys
by Vasily Buchelnikov (Tuesday, Aug. 30).
On site registraion and welcome reception
Dear MSM22 participants,
we are looking forward to welcoming you on August 28! On site registration will start at 3 pm, welcome reception - at 5 pm. Location - foyer MC122/MD162 in MC building (Lotharstrasse 1, 47057 Duisburg).
Google Maps link (University library, Fachbibliothek MC)
Program at a glance
MSM22 Organizers are glad to announce the schedule of Scientific Program:
Overview of sessions schedule (1 page pdf)
Program Book MSM22 (26 pages pdf)
Book of abstracts MSM22 (131 pages pdf)
Participant registration
All authors can see the acceptance status of their submitted contributions in ConfTool MSM22 portal.
For registration proceed to "Register as Participant" and follow the instructions. Deadline for early bird registration is July 29 (EXTENDED).
Accommodation for MSM22 participants
Organizers of MSM22 agreed on a special deal with InterCity Hotel and Hotel Ibis Duisburg Hauptbahnhof for the period of conference August 28 - September 2, 2022. Check info at our Venue&Accommodation page.
Abstract submission is closed
Special requests for post-deadline abstract submission should be directed to
IUPAP resolution regarding international conferences in this time
MSM22 organizers would like to share the statements by IUPAP Executive Council regarding participation in conferences:
Dear Colleagues,
Welcome to International Conference on Magnetic and Superconducting Materials MSM22, hosted by the University of Duisburg-Essen on 28 August – 02 September 2022!
Previous MSM conferences
- 1st MSM99 - Tehran, Iran, September 27-30, 1999
- 2nd MSM01 - Irbid, Jordan, September 9-13, 2001
- 3rd MSM03 - Tunisia, September 1-4, 2003
- 4th MSM05 - Morocco, September 5-8, 2005
- 5th MSM07 - Khiva, Uzbekistan, September 25-30, 2007
- 6th MSM09 - Kolkata, India, November 11-14, 2009
- 7th MSM11 - Selangor, Malaysia, October 11-13, 2011
- 8th MSM13 - Sfax, Tunisia, September 2-5, 2013
- 9th MSM15 - Antalya, Turkey, April 30-May 3, 2015
- 10th MSM17 - Tehran, Iran, September 18-21, 2017
- 11th MSM19 - Seoul, South Korea, August 17-24, 2019