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Fakultät für Chemie

S05 T01 B23


  • Universitätsprofessor/in, Physikalische Chemie

Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.

    Artikel in Zeitschriften

  • Yang, Tao; Sleziona, Stephan; Pollmann, Erik; Hasselbrink, Eckart; Kratzer, Peter; Schleberger, Marika; Campen, Richard Kramer; Tong, Yujin
    Isolating the optical response of a MoS2 monolayer under extreme screening of a metal substrate
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 109 (2024) Nr. 16, L161402
  • Linke, Matthias; Multhaup, Joshua; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Response of a 4-nitrothiophenol monolayer to rapid heating studied by vibrational sum frequency spectroscopy
    In: The Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP) Jg. 161 (2024) Nr. 19, 194711
  • Omranpoor, Amir H.; Bera, Anupam; Bullert, Denise; Linke, Matthias; Salamon, Soma; Webers, Samira; Wende, Heiko; Hasselbrink, Eckart; Spohr, Eckhard; Kenmoe, Stephane
    2-Propanol interacting with Co3O4(001) : A combined vSFS and AIMD study
    In: The Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP) Jg. 158 (2023) Nr. 16, 164703
  • Yang, Tao; Pollmann, Erik; Sleziona, Stephan; Hasselbrink, Eckart; Kratzer, Peter; Schleberger, Marika; Campen, Richard Kramer; Tong, Yujin
    Interaction between a gold substrate and monolayer MoS2 : An azimuthal-dependent sum frequency generation study
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 107 (2023) Nr. 15, 155433
  • Bera, Anupam; Bullert, Denise; Linke, Matthias; Franzka, Steffen; Hagemann, Ulrich; Hartmann, Nils; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Interaction of 2-propanol with predominantly SrO- and TiO2-terminated SrTiO3(100) surfaces studied by vibrational sum frequency spectroscopy
    In: Catalysis Science and Technology Jg. 13 (2023) Nr. 17, S. 4988 - 4995
  • Hekele, Joscha; Linke, Matthias; Keller, Thomas; Jose, Jesil; Hille, Marvin; Hasselbrink, Eckart; Schlücker, Sebastian; Kratzer, Peter
    A fresh look at the structure of aromatic thiols on Au surfaces from theory and experiment
    In: The Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP) Jg. 155 (2021) Nr. 4, 044707
  • Bera, Anupam; Bullert, Denise; Linke, Matthias; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Vibrational Sum Frequency Spectroscopy Study of Alcohol Adsorption on Thin-Film TiO₂at Ambient Pressure and Temperature
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces Jg. 125 (2021) Nr. 14, S. 7721 - 7727
  • Lackner, Michael; Hille, Marvin; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Vibrational Energy Redistribution between CH Stretching Modes in Alkyl Chain Monolayers Revealed by Time-Resolved Two-Color Pump–Probe Sum Frequency Spectroscopy
    In: The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters Jg. 11 (2020) S. 108 - 112
  • Bera, Anupam; Bullert, Denise; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Vibrational Sum Frequency Spectroscopy Study of Methanol Adsorption on Thin Film TiO₂at Ambient Pressure and Temperature
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces Jg. 124 (2020) Nr. 29, S. 16069 - 16075
  • Linke, Matthias; Hille, Marvin; Lackner, Michael; Schumacher, Ludmilla; Schlücker, Sebastian; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Plasmonic Effects of Au Nanoparticles on the Vibrational Sum Frequency Spectrum of 4-Nitrothiophenol
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces (2019) S. 24234 - 24242
  • Lackner, Michael; Lucaßen, Daniel; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Bimodal velocity distributions in the photodesorption of CO from Si(1 0 0) suggest V-to-T energy transfer
    In: Chemical Physics Letters Jg. 713 (2018) S. 277 - 281
  • Meyburg, Jan-Philipp; Diesing, Detlef; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Metal-insulator-metal sensors monitoring charge flow during thermal desorption
    In: Surface Science Jg. 678 (2018) S. 91 - 98
  • Hasselbrink, Eckart; Spohr, Eckhard
    Warum ist Wasser ein ganz besonders edler Tropfen? : Erklärungen rund ums H2O
    In: Unikate: Berichte aus Forschung und Lehre (2018) Nr. 51: Herausforderung Wasserforschung - lokal, regional, global, S. 18 - 23
  • Hasselbrink, Eckart; Firla, Damian; Beier-Hannweg, Andre
    Order and melting stability of calcium arachidate Langmuir-Blodgett monolayers prepared at different pH
    In: Thin Solid Films Jg. 642 (2017) S. 1 - 7
  • Diesing, Detlef; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Chemical energy dissipation at surfaces under UHV and higher pressure conditions studied using metal- insulator-metal and similar devices
    In: Chemical Society Reviews Jg. 45 (2016) Nr. 13, S. 3747 - 3755
  • Scheele, Michael; Nedrygailov, Ievgen I.; Hasselbrink, Eckart; Diesing, Detlef
    Energy Transfer in Argon Atom : Surface Interactions Studied by Pt-SiO₂-Si Thin Film Chemoelectronic Devices
    In: Vacuum Jg. 111 (2015) S. 137 - 141
  • Meyburg, Jan-Philipp; Nedrygailov, Ievgen I.; Hasselbrink, Eckart; Diesing, Detlef
    Thermal desorption spectroscopy from the surfaces of metal-oxide-semiconductor nanostructures
    In: Review of Scientific Instruments Jg. 85 (2014) S. 104102
  • Weber, Jan; Beier-Hannweg, André; Hasselbrink, Eckart; Balgar, Thorsten
    Thermally induced conformational changes of Ca-arachidate Langmuir-Blodgett Films at different compression
    In: The Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP) Jg. 141 (2014) 044912
  • Weber, Jan; Balgar, Thorsten; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Conformational disorder in alkylsiloxane monolayers at elevated temperatures
    In: The Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP) Jg. 139 (2013) Nr. 24, 244902
  • Schindler, Beate; Diesing, Detlef; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Electronic Excitations in the Course of the Reaction of H with Coinage and Noble Metal Surfaces : a comparsion
    In: Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie Jg. 227 (2013) Nr. 11, S. 1381 - 1395
  • Schindler, Beate; Diesing, Detlef; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Electronically Nonadiabatic Processes in the Interaction of H with a Au Surface Revealed Using MIM Junctions: The Temperature Dependence
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces Jg. 117 (2013) Nr. 12, S. 6337 - 6345
  • Nedrygailov, Ievgen; Karpov, Eduard; Hasselbrink, Eckart; Diesing, Detlef
    On the Significance of Thermoelectric and Thermionic Emission Currents Induced by Chemical Reactions Catalyzed on Nanofilm Metal–Semiconductor Heterostructures
    In: Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films Jg. 31 (2013) Nr. 2, S. 021101
  • Balgar, Thorsten; Kim, Hyunil; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Preparation of graphene with graphane areas of controlled hydrogen isotope composition on opposite sides
    In: The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters Jg. 4 (2013) Nr. 12, S. 2094 - 2098
  • Kim, Hyunil; Balgar, Thorsten; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Is there sp³-bound H on epitaxial graphene? : Evidence for adsorption on both sides of the sheet
    In: Chemical Physics Letters Jg. 546 (2012) S. 12 - 17
  • Nedrygailov, Ievgen I.; Hasselbrink, Eckart; Diesing, Detlef; Dasari, Suhas K.; Hashemian, Mohammad A.; Karpov, Eduard G.
    Noninvasive measurement and control of the temperature of Pt nanofilms on Si supports
    In: Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films Jg. 30 (2012) Nr. 3,
  • Schindler, Beate; Diesing, Detlef; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Electronic excitations induced by hydrogen surface chemical reactions on gold
    In: The Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP) Jg. 134 (2011) Nr. 3, S. 034705
  • Kim, Hyunil; Balgar, Thorsten; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    The stretching vibration of hydrogen adsorbed on epitaxial graphene studied by sum-frequency generation spectroscopy
    In: Chemical Physics Letters Jg. 508 (2011) Nr. 1-3, S. 1 - 5
  • Stella, Kevin; Bürstel, Damian; Hasselbrink, Eckart; Diesing, Detlef
    Thin Tantalum Films on Crystalline Silicon - A Metallic Glass
    In: Physica Status Solidi (RRL): Rapid Research Letters Jg. 5 (2011) S. 68 - 70
  • Thissen, Peter; Schindler, Beate; Diesing, Detlef; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Optical response of metal–insulator–metal heterostructures and their application for the detection of chemicurrents
    In: New Journal of Physics (NJP) Jg. 12 (2010) Nr. 11, S. 113014
  • Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Capturing the Complexities of Molecule-Surface Interactions
    In: Science Jg. 326 (2009) Nr. 5954, S. 809 - 810
  • Mathieu, Mareike; Schunk, Daniel; Franzka, Steffen; Mayer, Christian; Hasselbrink, Eckart; Hartmann, Nils
    Direct Laser Patterning of Soft Matter: Photothermal Processing of Supported Phospholipid Multilayers with Nanoscale Precision
    In: Small Jg. 5 (2009) Nr. 18, S. 2099 - 2104
  • Sakong, Sung; Kratzer, Peter; Han, Xu; Balgar, Thorsten; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Isotope Effects in the Vibrational Lifetime of Hydrogen on Germanium(100) : Theory and Experiment
    In: The Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP) Jg. 131 (2009) S. 124502
  • Hartmann, Nils; Klingebiel, Benjamin; Balgar, Thorsten; Franzka, Steffen; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Laser-induced local dehydroxylation on surface-oxidized silicon substrates: mechanistic aspects and prospects in nanofabrication
    In: Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing Jg. 94 (2009) Nr. 1, S. 95 - 103
  • Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Non-adiabaticity in Surface Chemical Reactions
    In: Surface Science Jg. 603 (2009) Nr. 10-12, S. 1564 - 1570
  • Han, Xu; Balgar, Thorsten; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Vibrational dynamics of hydrogen on Ge surfaces
    In: The Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP) Jg. 130 (2009) S. 134701
  • Sakong, Sung; Kratzer, Peter; Han, Xu; Laß, Kristian; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Density-Functional Theory Study of Vibrational Relaxation of CO Stretching Excitation on Si(100)
    In: J. Chem. Phys. Jg. 129 (2008) S. 174702
  • Hasselbrink, Eckart;
    Photochemistry on ultrathin metal films
    11th International Workshop on Desorption Induced by Electronics Transitions (DIET-11) ; 11-15 March 2007, Berlin, Germany,
    In: Surface Science Jg. 602 (2008) Nr. 20, S. 3184 - 3187
  • Han, Xu; Laß, Kristian; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Vibrational Relaxation of Adsorbates at Semiconductor Surfaces: H on Ge(100)
    In: J. Phys.: Cond. Matter Jg. 20 (2008) S. 224008
  • Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Wie die Trägheit des Spins eine chemische Reaktion aus der Bahn wirft : die Oxidation von Aluminium(111)
    In: Essener Unikate: Berichte aus Forschung und Lehre (2008) Nr. 32: Naturwissenschaften - Physik: Energieumwandlungen an Oberflächen, S. 22 - 29
  • Wesenberg, C.; Autzen, O.; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Photodesorption from ultra-thin metal films : a comparison of SO2 and NO2 on Ag/Si(100)
    In: Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing Jg. 88 (2007) Nr. 3, S. 559 - 569
  • Schramm, S; Dantscher, S.; Schramm, C.; Autzen, Olaf; Wesenberg, Claudia; Hasselbrink, Eckart; Pfeiffer, Walter
    Photoinduced Interface Charging in Multiphoton Photoemission from Ultrathin Ag Films on Si(100)
    In: Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing Jg. 88 (2007) Nr. 3, Special Issue: “Dynamics of Electron Transfer Processes at Interfaces”, S. 459 - 464
  • Dahlhaus, Daniel; Franzka, Steffen; Hasselbrink, Eckart; Hartmann, Nils
    1D Nanofabrication with a Micrometer-Sized Laser Spot
    In: Nano Letters Jg. 6 (2006) Nr. 10, S. 2358 - 2361
  • Laß, Kristian; Han, Xu; Hasselbrink, Eckart;
    Dynamics of the C-O Stretch Vibration on Si(100)
    23th European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS-23) ; 5-9 September 2005, Berlin, Germany,
    In: Surface Science Jg. 600 (2006) Nr. 18, S. 4275 - 4279
  • Kennerknecht, Claudia; Dantscher, Sandra; Pfeiffer, Walter; Autzen, Olaf; Wesenberg, Claudia; Hasselbrink, Eckart;
    Electron Dynamics in a Heterogeneous System : Thin Ag Films on Si(100)
    23th European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS-23) ; 5-9 September 2005, Berlin, Germany,
    In: Surface Science Jg. 600 (2006) Nr. 18, S. 4269 - 4274
  • Mildner, Beate; Hasselbrink, Eckart; Diesing, Detlef
    Electronic excitations induced by surface reactions of H and D on gold
    In: Chemical Physics Letters Jg. 432 (2006) Nr. 1-3, S. 133 - 138
  • Hasselbrink, Eckart
    How non-adiabatic are surface dynamical processes?
    In: Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science Jg. 10 (2006) Nr. 3-4, S. 192 - 204
  • Balgar, Thorsten; Franzka, Steffen; Hasselbrink, Eckart; Hartmann, Nils
    Laser-assisted fabrication of submicron-structured hydrophilic/ hydrophobic templates for the directed self-assembly of alkylsiloxane monolayers into confined domains
    In: Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing Jg. 82 (2006) Nr. 1, S. 15 - 18
  • Autzen, Olaf; Wesenberg, Claudia; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Photochemistry on Thin Metal Films: Probe of Electron Dynamics in Metal-Semiconductor Heterosystems
    In: Physical Review Letters Jg. 96 (2006) Nr. 19, 196807/1-196807/4
  • Wesenberg, Claudia; Autzen, Olaf; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Photochemistry on ultrathin metal films : strongly enhanced cross sections for NO2 on Ag∕Si(100)
    In: The Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP) Jg. 125 (2006) Nr. 22, S. 224707
  • Urch, Henning; Franzka, Steffen; Dahlhaus, Daniel; Hartmann, Nils; Hasselbrink, Eckart; Epple, Matthias
    Preparation of two-dimensionally patterned layers of functionalised calcium phosphatenanoparticles by laser direct writing
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry Jg. 16 (2006) Nr. 19, S. 1798 - 1802
  • Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Nonadiabatic Pathways in the Dissociative Adsorption of Simple Molecules
    In: Israel Journal of Chemistry Jg. 45 (2005) Nr. 1-2, Special Issue: Nonadiabatic Processes at Surfaces, S. 37 - 44
  • Laß, Kristian; Han, Xu; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    The surprisingly short vibrational lifetime of the internal stretch of CO adsorbed on Si(100)
    In: The Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP) Jg. 123 (2005) Nr. 5, S. 051102
  • Binetti, Marcello; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Abstraction of oxygen from dioxygen on Al(111) revealed by resonant multiphoton ionization laser spectrometry
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B: Condensed Matter, Materials, Surfaces, Interfaces & Biophysical Chemistry Jg. 108 (2004) Nr. 38, S. 14677 - 14684
  • Laß, Kristian; Binetti, M.; Weiße, Olaf; Wesenberg, Claudia; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Evidence for oxygen abstraction from NO2 upon thermal scattering from an Al(111) surface
    In: Applied Physics: A, Materials science & processing Jg. 78 (2004) Nr. 2, S. 201 - 204
  • Balgar, Thorsten; Franzka, Steffen; Hartmann, Nils; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Preparation of Submicron-Structured Alkylsiloxane Monolayers Using Prepatterned Silicon Substrates by Laser Direct Writing
    In: Langmuir Jg. 20 (2004) Nr. 9, S. 3525 - 3527
  • Ambaye, Hailemariam; Manson, J. R.; Weiße, Olaf; Wesenberg, Claudia; Binetti, Marcello; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Scattering of O₂ from Al(111)
    In: The Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP) Jg. 121 (2004) Nr. 4, S. 1901 - 1909
  • Balgar, Thorsten; Bautista, Rafael; Hartmann, Nils; Hasselbrink, Eckart;
    An AFM study of the growth kinetics of the self-assembled octadecylsiloxane monolayer on oxidized silicon
    7th International Conference on Nanometer-Scale Science and Technology and the 21st European Conference on Surface Science (NANO-7 / ECOSS-21) ; 24-28 June 2002, Malmö, Sweden,
    In: Surface Science Jg. 532-535 (2003) S. 963 - 969
  • Weiße, Olaf; Wesenberg, Claudia; Binetti, Marcello; Hasselbrink, Eckart; Corriol, Cécile; Darling, George R.; Holloway, Stephen
    Incidence angle dependence of scattering and dissociation of O2 on Al(111) : Possible weakly bound molecular precursors
    In: The Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP) Jg. 118 (2003) Nr. 17, S. 8010 - 8015
  • Gleeson, Michael A.; Mårtensson, Kristina; Kasemo, Bengt; Chakarov, Dinko V.; Reibke, R.; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    The interactions of Na, NO, and H2O on the graphite (0001) surface
    In: The Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP) Jg. 119 (2003) Nr. 13, S. 6753 - 6767
  • Binetti, Marcello; Weiße, Olaf; Hasselbrink, Eckart; Katz, Gil; Kosloff, Ronnie; Zeiri, Yehuda
    The role of nonadiabatic pathways and molecular rotations in the oxygen abstraction reaction on the Al(111) surface
    In: Chemical Physics Letters Jg. 373 (2003) Nr. 3-4, S. 366 - 371
  • Bautista, Rafael; Hartmann, Nils; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Two-dimensional aggregation of species with weak and strong bonding interactions : Modeling the growth of self-assembled Alkylsiloxane monolayers
    In: Langmuir Jg. 19 (2003) Nr. 17, S. 6590 - 6593
  • Komrowski, Andrew J.; Sexton, Jonathan; Kummel, Andrew C.; Binetti, Marcello; Weiße, Olaf; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Oxygen abstraction from dioxygen on the Al(111) surface
    In: Physical Review Letters Jg. 8724 (2001) Nr. 24, S. 246103
  • Wright, Steven; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Photodesorption of disilane physisorbed on hydrogen terminated Si(100) and the dramatic consequences of weak molecular chemisorption
    In: The Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP) Jg. 114 (2001) Nr. 16, S. 7228 - 7238
  • Binetti, Marcello; Weiße, Olaf; Hasselbrink, Eckart; Komrowski, Andrew J.; Kummel, Andrew C.
    Abstractive chemisorption of O2 on Al(111)
    In: Faraday Discussions Jg. 117 (2000) S. 313 - 320
  • Wright, Steven; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Photochemistry of disilane adsorbed on a H terminated Si(100) surface
    In: The Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP) Jg. 111 (1999) Nr. 22, S. 10287 - 10302
  • Bornscheuer, Karl-Heinz; Binetti, Marcello; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    The rotational state distributions of photodesorbed ammonia as a local probe of corrugation
    In: Israel Journal of Chemistry Jg. 38 (1998) Nr. 4, S. 329 - 337
  • Bornscheuer, Karl Heinz; Nessler, Wienfried; Binetti, Marcello; Hasselbrink, Eckart; Saalfrank, Peter
    Isotope and quantum effects in vibrational state distributions of photodesorbed ammonia
    In: Physical Review Letters Jg. 78 (1997) Nr. 6, S. 1174 - 1177
  • Dippel, Olaf; Wright, Steven; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Photochemical routes to silicon epitaxy
    In: Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films Jg. 15 (1997) Nr. 3, S. 1135 - 1139
  • Wright, Steven; Dippel, Oliver; Hasselbrink, Eckart;
    Photodesorption and photofragmentation of disilane adsorbed on a hydrogen terminated Si(100) surface
    Desorption Induced by Electronic Transitions (DIET-7) ; 8-11 April 1997, Ambleside, The English Lake District, UK,
    In: Surface Science Jg. 390 (1997) Nr. 1-3, S. 209 - 213
  • Dippel, Olaf; Cemic, Franz; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    A HREELS Investigation of Benzene/Pt(111) : the b₂(sub g)(π*) Resonance
    In: Surface Science Jg. 357-358 (1996) S. 190 - 194
  • Hasselbrink, Eckart; Wolf, Martin; Holloway, Stephen; Saalfrank, Peter;
    Classical and quantum-mechanical modeling of the stimulated desorption of ammonia from Cu(111)
    Dynamical Quantum Processes on Solid Surfaces (DQPSS) ; 20-22 September 1995, Osaka, Japan,
    In: Surface Science Jg. 363 (1996) Nr. 1-3, S. 179 - 184
  • Nessler, Winfried; Bornscheuer, Karl-Heinz; Hertel, Tobias; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Internal Quantum State Distributions of NH₃ Photodesorbed from Cu(111) at 6.4 eV
    In: Chemical Physics Jg. 205 (1996) Nr. 1,2, S. 205 - 219
  • Nessler, Winfried; Bornscheuer, Karl-Heinz; Binetti, Marcello; Hasselbrink, Eckart;
    Quantum-State-Resolved Investigation of the UV Photodesorption of NH₃
    15th European Conference on Surface Science ; 4-8 September 1995, Lille, France,
    In: Surface Science Jg. 352-354 (1996) S. 189 - 194
  • Harris, Steven M.; Holloway, Stephen; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    A theoretical study of the photodesorption of NO/Pt(111)
    In: Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research: Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms Jg. 101 (1995) Nr. 1-2, S. 31 - 36
  • Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Dynamics of molecular-hydrogen interactions with silicon surfaces
    In: Berichte der Bunsen-Gesellschaft für physikalische Chemie Jg. 99 (1995) Nr. 9, S. 1077 - 1081
  • Kolasinski, Kurt W.; Cemič, Franz; de Meijere, Arne; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Interactions in co-adsorbed CO + O₂/Pd(111) layers
    In: Surface Science Jg. 334 (1995) Nr. 1-3, S. 19 - 28
  • Kolasinski, Kurt W.; Nessler, Winfried; Bornscheuer, Karl-Heinz; Hasselbrink, Eckart;
    Investigations of the adsorption dynamics of D2 on Si(100)
    14th European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS-14) ; 17.9.-23.9.1994, Leipzig, Germany,
    In: Surface Science Jg. 331-333 (1995) Nr. Part A, S. 485 - 489
  • Cemič, Franz; Dippel, O.; Kolasinski, K.W.; Hasselbrink, Eckart;
    Negative ion resonances in electron scattering from chemisorbed O2 on Pd(111)
    14th European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS-14) ; 17.9.-23.9.1994, Leipzig, Germany,
    In: Surface Science Jg. 331-333 (1995) Nr. Part A, S. 267 - 271
  • Cemič, Franz; Dippel, Olaf; Hasselbrink, Eckart; Palmer, Richard E.
    Negative-ion resonances in vibrational excitation and photochemistry of chemisorbed molecules : A critical case study of O2/Pt(111)
    In: Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions Jg. 91 (1995) Nr. 20, S. 3633 - 3638
  • Nessler, W.; Bornscheuer, K.h; Kolasinski, K.w.; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Quantum state-resolved study of NH3 photodesorbed from GaAs(1 0 0)
    In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms Jg. 101 (1995) Nr. 1-2, S. 49 - 52
  • Cemič, Franz; Dippel, Olaf; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Resonant electron scattering from benzene chemisorbed on Pt(111)
    In: Surface Science Jg. 342 (1995) Nr. 1-3, S. 101 - 110
  • Kolasinski, Kurt W.; Nessler, Winfired; Bornscheuer, Karl-Heinz; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Beam investigations of D2 adsorption on Si(100) : On the importance of lattice excitations in the reaction dynamics
    In: The Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP) Jg. 101 (1994) Nr. 8, S. 7082 - 7094
  • Kolasinski, Kurt W.; Nessler, Winfried; de Meijere, Arne; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Hydrogen Adsorption on and Desorption from Si : Considerations on the Applicability of Detailed Balance
    In: Physical Review Letters Jg. 72 (1994) Nr. 9, S. 1356 - 1359
  • Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Mechanisms in photochemistry on metal surfaces
    In: Applied Surface Science Jg. 79-80 (1994) S. 34 - 40
  • Kolasinski, Kurt W.; Cemič, Franz; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    O₂/Pd(111) - Clarification of the Correspondence between Thermal-Desorption Features and Chemisorption States
    In: Chemical Physics Letters Jg. 219 (1994) Nr. 1-2, S. 113 - 117
  • Hertel, T.; Knoesel, E.; Hasselbrink, Eckart; Wolf, M.; Ertl, G.
    Unoccupied adsorbate states of CO/Cu(111) analyzed with two-photon photoemission
    In: Surface Science Jg. 317 (1994) Nr. 3, S. L1147 - L1151
  • De Meijere, Arne; Hirayama, Hiroyuki; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Adsorbate structure and angular dependence of desorption dynamics : molecular oxygen photodesorbed from palladium(111)
    In: Physical Review Letters Jg. 70 (1993) Nr. 8, S. 1147 - 1150
  • de Meijere, Arne; Kolasinski, Kurt W.; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Energy Partitioning in the Reaction 2H₂ + O₂ -> 2H₂O on Pd(111)
    In: Faraday Discussions Jg. 96 (1993) S. 265 - 275
  • Hasselbrink, Eckart
    On-Line Diagnostics for Industrial Laser Surface Treatments
    In: Berichte der Bunsen-Gesellschaft für physikalische Chemie Jg. 97 (1993) Nr. 12, S. 1697 - 1706
  • Hirayama, Hiroyuki; de Meijere, Arne; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    The influence of lateral interactions on the angular distribution in photodesorption
    In: Surface Science Jg. 287-288 (1993) Nr. Part 1, S. 160 - 164
  • Weik, F.; de Meijere, Armin; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Wavelength dependence of the photochemistry of molecular oxygen on palladium(111) and the role of hot electron cascades
    In: The Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP) Jg. 99 (1993) Nr. 1, S. 682 - 694
  • Hasselbrink, Eckart; Hirayama, H.; De Meijere, A.; Weik, F.; Wolf, Martin; Ertl, G.
    Photodissociation and photodesorption of O2 adsorbed on Pd(111)
    In: Surface Science Jg. 269-270 (1992) S. 235 - 246
  • Ertl, G.; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Reactions at metal surfaces involving valence electron excitations
    In: Molecular Physics (MPH) Jg. 76 (1992) Nr. 4, S. 777 - 786
  • Wolf, Martin; Nettesheim, S.; White, J. M.; Hasselbrink, Eckart; Ertl, G.
    Dynamics of the ultraviolet photochemistry of water adsorbed on Pd(111)
    In: The Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP) Jg. 94 (1991) Nr. 6, S. 4609 - 4619
  • Wolf, Martin; Hasselbrink, Eckart; Ertl, G.; Zhu, X-Y; White, J.m.
    Excitation Mechanism in the Photodissociation of Dioxygen Adsorbed on Palladium (111)
    In: Surface Science Letters Jg. 248 (1991) Nr. 1-2, S. L235 - L239
  • Zhu, Xiaoyang; White, John Michael; Wolf, Martin; Hasselbrink, Eckart; Ertl, Gerhard
    Photochemical pathways of water on Pd(111) at 6.4 eV
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry Jg. 95 (1991) Nr. 21, S. 8393 - 8402
  • Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Photostimulated chemistry at the metal-adsorbate interface
    In: Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing Jg. 53 (1991) Nr. 5, S. 403 - 409
  • Zhu, Xiaoyang; White, John Michael; Wolf, Martin; Hasselbrink, Eckart; Ertl, Gerhard
    Polarization Probe of Excitation Mechanisms in Surface Photochemistry
    In: Chemical Physics Letters Jg. 176 (1991) Nr. 5, S. 459 - 466
  • Bertolo, M.; Jacobi, Karl; Nettesheim, Stefan; Wolf, Martin; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Adsorption of NO on Pd(111)
    In: Vacuum Jg. 41 (1990) Nr. 1 -3, S. 76 - 78
  • Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Coupling of the Rotational and Translational Degrees of Freedom in Molecular DIET : A Classical Trajectory Study
    In: Chemical Physics Letters Jg. 170 (1990) Nr. 4, S. 329 - 334
  • Hasselbrink, Eckart; Jakubith, S.; Nettesheim, S.; Wolf, Martin; Cassuto, A.; Ertl, G.
    Cross sections and NO product state distributions resulting from substrate mediated photodissociation of NO2 adsorbed on Pd(111)
    In: The Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP) Jg. 92 (1990) Nr. 5, S. 3154 - 3169
  • Hasselbrink, Eckart; Nettesheim, S.; Wolf, Martin; Cassuto, A.; Ertl, G.
    Laser Induced Dissociation of Nitrogen Oxide (NO₂) Adsorbed on Palladium(111)
    In: Vacuum Jg. 41 (1990) Nr. 1-3, S. 287 - 288
  • Black, J.f.; Hasselbrink, Eckart; Waldeck, J.r.; Zare, R.n.
    Photofragment orientation as a probe of near-threshold non-adiabatic phenomena in the photodissociation of ICN
    In: Molecular Physics (MPH) Jg. 71 (1990) Nr. 5, S. 1143 - 1153
  • Wolf, Martin; Hasselbrink, Eckart; White, J. M.; Ertl, G.
    The adsorbate state specific photochemistry of dioxygen on Pd(111)
    In: The Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP) Jg. 93 (1990) Nr. 7, S. 5327 - 5336
  • Wolf, Martin; Nettesheim, S.; White, J.m.; Hasselbrink, Eckart; Ertl, G.
    Ultraviolet‐laser induced dissociation and desorption of water adsorbed on Pd(111)
    In: The Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP) Jg. 92 (1990) Nr. 2, S. 1509 - 1510
  • Düren, Rudolf; Hasselbrink, Eckart; Hillrichs, G.
    Fine-Structure Inelastic Differential Cross Sections and B²Σ Potentials for the Potassium-Rare Gas Interaction
    In: The Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP) Jg. 89 (1988) Nr. 5, S. 2822 - 2828
  • Hasselbrink, Eckart; Waldeck, Janet R.; Zare, Richard N.
    Orientation of the CN X 2Σ+ fragment following photolysis of ICN by circularly polarized light
    In: Chemical Physics Jg. 126 (1988) Nr. 1, S. 191 - 200
  • Düren, Rudolf; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Orientation-Dependent Scattering of Alkali (²P₃/₂) Atoms with mj = +3/2 and mj = -3/2 from Rare Gas Atoms
    In: The Journal of Physical Chemistry Jg. 91 (1987) Nr. 21, S. 5455 - 5459
  • Milošević, Slobodan; Pichler, Goran; Düren, Rudolf; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Fluorescence studies of the K2 diffuse band at 572.5 nm
    In: Chemical Physics Letters Jg. 128 (1986) Nr. 2, S. 145 - 149
  • Dueren, R.; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Orientation Effects in the Scattering of Sodium(3²P₃/₂) and Potassium(4²P₃/₂) with Rare Gas Targets at Thermal Energies
    In: The Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP) Jg. 85 (1986) Nr. 4, S. 1880 - 1893
  • Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Orientation effect and fine-structure transition in differential scattering cross sections
    In: Bericht / Max-Planck-Institut für Strömungsforschung (1985) Nr. 15, S. 113
  • Düren, Rudolf; Hasselbrink, Eckart; Hillrichs, G.
    Differential cross sections for fine-structure inelastic collisions of K(42P) with Ar, Kr and N2
    In: Chemical Physics Letters Jg. 112 (1984) Nr. 5, S. 441 - 444
  • Düren, Rudolf; Hasselbrink, Eckart; Tischer, H.
    Coherence Observed as Left-Right Asymmetry in the Scattering of Potassium(4²P₃/₂) from Argon
    In: Physical Review Letters Jg. 50 (1983) Nr. 25, S. 1983 - 1986
  • Düren, Rudolf; Hasselbrink, Eckart; Moritz, G.
    On the Interaction of Excited Alkali Metal Atoms with Rare Gas Targets in Scattering Processes
    In: Zeitschrift für Physik A Hadrons and Nuclei Jg. 307 (1982) Nr. 1, S. 1 - 11
  • Düren, Rudolf; Hasselbrink, Eckart; Tischer, H.; Milosevic, S.; Pichler, G.
    On the ²Σ Potentials for the Interaction of Potassium(4P) and Potassium(5P) with Argon.
    In: Chemical Physics Letters Jg. 89 (1982) Nr. 3, S. 218 - 222
  • Düren, Rudolf; Hasselbrink, Eckart; Tischer, H.
    Potential Parameters for the K(4P)-Rare Gas Π Interaction
    In: The Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP) Jg. 77 (1982) Nr. 6, S. 3286 - 3287
  • Düren, Rudolf; Gröger, Wolfgang; Hasselbrink, Eckart; Liedtke, R.
    Differential Scattering Cross Sections and the A²Π Potentials for the Systems NaAr, NaKr, and NaXe
    In: The Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP) Jg. 74 (1981) Nr. 12, S. 6806 - 6811
  • Beiträge in Sammelwerken und Tagungsbänden

  • Kumar, Vikas; Schlücker, Sebastian; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Ultrafast time-resolved molecular spectroscopy
    In: Molecular and Laser Spectroscopy: Advances and Applications / Gupta, V.P.; Ozaki, Yukihiro (Hrsg.) Jg. 2 2020, S. 563 - 594
  • Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Electronically non-adiabatic processes in adsorption and desorption
    In: Reference module in chemistry, molecular sciences and chemical engineering / Reedijk, Jan (Hrsg.) 2017
  • Ritter, Sebastian; Hasselbrink, Eckart; Sumfleth, Elke
    Der Einfluss des Lerninhalts "Nano-Größeneffekte" auf Teilchen- und Modellvorstellungen von Schülerinnen und Schülern
    In: Inquiry-based Learning – Forschendes Lernen : Jahrestagung in Hannover 2012 / Bernholt, Sascha (Hrsg.) 2013, S. 464 - 466
  • Nakoinz, Simone; Hasselbrink, Eckart; Sumfleth, Elke
    Interpretation von Phänomenen auf Grundlage atomarer Zusammenhänge
    In: Inquiry-based Learning – Forschendes Lernen : Jahrestagung in Hannover 2012 / Bernholt, Sascha (Hrsg.) 2013, S. 767 - 769
  • Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Photon Driven Chemistry at Surfaces
    In: Handbook of Surface Science, Vol. 3, Dynamics / Hasselbrink, Eckart; Lundqvist, Bengt (Hrsg.) 2008, S. 621 - 679
  • Hasselbrink, Eckart
    3.8.3 Adsorbate properties of NH3 and PF3 on metals and semiconductors
    In: Numerical data and functional relationships in science and technology : new series / Landolt-Börnstein: Condensed matter ; Group 3, Physics of covered solid surfaces ; Vol. 42, Adsorbed layers on surfaces ; Subvol. a: Surface segregation and adsorption on surfaces / Bonzel, Hans P. (Hrsg.) 2003, S. 388 - 400
  • Hartmann, Nils; Balgar, Thorsten; Bautista, Rafael; Dahlhaus, Daniel; Franzka, Steffen; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Preparation of organic monolayers on uniform and patterned silicon substrates
    In: Physical chemistry of interfaces and nanomaterials II: 6 - 8 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA II / Optical Science and Technology, SPIE's 48th Annual Meeting, 2003, 06.-08.08.2003, San Diego, California, United States / Lian, Tianquan; Dai, Hai-Lung (Hrsg.) 2003, S. 9 - 23
  • Bornscheuer, Karl-Heinz; Nessler, Winfried; Kolasinski, Kurt W.; Hertel, Tobias; Wolf, Martin; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Photodesorption of ammonia from GaAs(100) and Cu(111))
    In: Laser techniques for surface science II: 12 - 14 July 1995, San Diego, California / SPIE's 1995 International Symposium on Optical Science, Engineering, and Instrumentation, 1995, 12.-14.07.1995, San Diego, CA, United States / Hicks, Janice M.; Wilson, Ho; Dai, Hai-Lung (Hrsg.) 1995, S. 185 - 193
  • Hasselbrink, Eckart
    State-Resolved Probes of Molecular Desorption Dynamics Induced by Short-Lived Electronic Excitations
    In: Laser Spectroscopy and Photochemistry on Metal Surfaces: Part 2 / Dai, Hai-Lung; Ho, Wilson (Hrsg.) 1995, S. 685 - 728
  • de Meijere, Armin; Hirayama, H.; Weik, F.; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Photodesorption dynamics and structural information for O₂ Adsorbed on Pd(₁₁₁)
    In: Desorption Induced by Electronic Transitions DIET V / Fifth International Workshop on Desorption Induced by Electronic Transitions (DIET), April 1–4, 1992, Taos, USA,; Stechel, Ellen B.; Jennison, Dwight R. / Burns, Alan R. (Hrsg.) 1993, S. 57 - 62
  • Ertl, G.; Cassuto, A.; Nettesheim, S.; Hasselbrink, Eckart; Wolf, M.
    Substrate Mediated Photodissociation of NO₂/₂O₄ Adsorbed on Pd(₁₁₁)
    In: Desorption Induced by Electronic Transitions DIET IV / Fourth International Workshop on Desorption Induced by Electronic Transitions (DIET), October 2–4, 1989, Gloggnitz, Austria; Varga, Peter / Betz, Gerhard (Hrsg.) 1990, S. 75 - 79
  • Düren, Rudolf; Hasselbrink, Eckart; Milosevic, S.; Pichler, G.; Tischer, H.
    On the ²Σ-Potentials for the Interaction of Potassium(4P) and Potassium(5P) with Argon
    In: Spectral line shapes: Proceedings, Sixth International Conference [on Spectral Line Shapes], Boulder, Colorado, July 12 - 16, 1982; Volume 2 / Sixth International Conference [on Spectral Line Shapes], July 12 - 16, 1982, Boulder, Colorado / Burnett, Keith (Hrsg.) 1983, S. 461 - 465
  • Bücher/Sammelwerke/Tagungsbände

  • Hasselbrink, Eckart; Lundqvist, Bengt
    Handbook of Surface Science, Vol. 3, Dynamics
    Amsterdam (2008) 1036 Seiten
  • Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Potentialbestimmung für elektronisch angeregte Alkali-Edelgas-Stosssysteme
    In: Bericht / Max-Planck-Institut für Strömungsforschung Göttingen Jg. 1981,19 (1981) 79 S. : 25 graph. Darst.
  • Dissertation

  • Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Orientierungseffekte und Feinstrukturübergänge in differentiellen Streuquerschnitten
    In: Max-Planck-Institut für Strömungsforschung (Göttingen): Bericht Göttingen Jg. 1985,15 (1985) 112 Seiten: graph. Darst.
  • Lexikoneinträge

  • Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Electronically non-adiabatic processes in adsorption and desorption
    In: Encyclopedia of interfacial chemistry: Surface science and electrochemistry 2018, S. 366 - 375