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EMPI - Institut für Energie- und Material-Prozesse - RF

Carl-Benz-Straße 199, NETZ-Gebäude
47057 Duisburg
LN 0.10


  • Technische/r Mitarbeiter/in, Reaktive Fluide

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Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.

    Artikel in Zeitschriften

  • Sadek Kadari, Ali; Khane, Yasmina; Nebatti Ech-Chergui, Abdelkader; Popa, Adriana; Guezzoul, M'hamed; Silipas, Dan; Bennabi, Farid; Zoukel, Abdelhalim; Akyildiz, Erdal; Driss-Khodja, Kouider; Amrani, Bouhalouane
    Growth, properties and photocatalytic degradation of congo red using Gd:ZnO thin films under visible light
    In: Inorganic Chemistry Communications Jg. 142 (2022) 109626
  • Kadari, Ali sadek; Ech-Chergui, Abdelkader Nebatti; Mukherjee, Sanat Kumar; Velasco, Leonardo; Singh, Rajan Kumar; Mohamedi, Mohamed walid; Akyildiz, Erdal; Zoukel, Abdelhalim; Driss-Khodja, Kouider; Amrani, Bouhalouane; Reda Chellali, Mohammed
    Atomic mapping of Li:ZnO thin films and its spectroscopic analysis
    In: Inorganic Chemistry Communications Jg. 132 (2021) 108852
  • Felsmann, Daniel; Moshammer, Kai; Krueger, Julia; Lackner, Alexander; Brockhinke, Andreas; Kasper, Tina; Bierkandt, Thomas; Akyildiz, Erdal; Hansen, Nils; Lucassen, Arnas; Osswald, Patrick; Koehler, Markus; Garcia, Gustavo A.; Nahon, Laurent; Hemberger, Patrick; Bodi, Andras; Gerber, Thomas; Kohse-Hoeinghaus, Katharina
    Electron ionization, photoionization and photoelectron/photoion coincidence spectroscopy in mass-spectrometric investigations of a low-pressure ethylene/oxygen flame
    In: Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Jg. 2015 (2015) Nr. 35, S. 779 - 786
  • Bierkandt, Thomas; Kasper, Tina; Akyildiz, Erdal; Lucassen, A.; Oßwald, P.; Köhler, M.; Hemberger, P.
    Flame structure of a low-pressure laminar premixed and lightly sooting acetylene flame and the effect of ethanol addition
    In: Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Jg. 35 (2015) Nr. 1, S. 803 - 811
  • Oßwald, Patrick; Hemberger, Patrick; Bierkandt, Thomas; Akyildiz, Erdal; Köhler, Markus; Bodi, Andras; Gerber, Thomas; Kasper, Tina
    In situ flame chemistry tracing by imaging photoelectron photoion coincidence spectroscopy
    In: Review of Scientific Instruments Jg. 85 (2014) Nr. 2, S. 025101
  • Beiträge in Sammelwerken und Tagungsbänden

  • Shi, Lin; Görs, S.; Endres, Torsten; Akyildiz, Erdal; Dreier, Thomas; Jeffries, J.B.; Witzel, Benjamin; Klapdor, E.V.; Schulz, T.
    Laser-absorption CO detection at 4.56 µm in the exhaust plume of a full-scale gas turbine burner
    In: Proceedings of the 8th European Combustion Meeting / 8th European Combustion Meeting : April 18-21, 2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia 2017
  • Bierkandt, Thomas; Hemberger, Patrick; Oßwald, Patrick; Köhler, Markus; Akyildiz, Erdal; Bodi, Andras; Gerber, Thomas; Kasper, Tina
    Distinguishing reactive isomers in premixed laminar low-pressure flames by using PEPICO spectroscopy
    In: Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting – 2015 / European Combustion Meeting – 2015, March 30–April 2, 2015, Budapest, Hungary 2015, S. P3 - 50
  • Dissertation

  • Akyildiz, Erdal;
    Entwicklung einer Methode zur in-situ Flugzeit-massenspektrometrischen Untersuchung des Hochtemperatur-Wachstums von Siliziumkarbid
    Duisburg, Essen (2015) 180 Seiten