Es wurde 1 Person gefunden.
Fakultät für Physik, Experimentalphysik
Mülheimer Str
47057 Duisburg
47057 Duisburg
ME 251
Gruppe der Hochschullehrerinnen und Hochschullehrer, Fakultätsrat Physik
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in, Arbeitsgruppe Prof. Lorke
Aktuelle Veranstaltungen
2024 WS
Vergangene Veranstaltungen (max. 10)
2024 SS
- Halbleiter-, Oberflächen- und Nanophysik
- Semiconductor Optics and Quantum Structures - Halbleiteroptik- und -quantenstrukturen
- Advanced Laboratory Course - Fortgeschrittenenpraktikum
- Kolloquium des SFB 1242
- Project - Semiconductor Optics and Quantum Structures - Projekt zu Halbleiteroptik- und quantenstrukturen
2023 WS
2023 SS
Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.
Plasma-induced optically active defects in hexagonal boron nitrideIn: Applied Physics Letters (APL) Jg. 112 (2025) Nr. 4, S. 043103Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Quantum polyspectra approach to the dynamics of blinking quantum emitters at low photon rates without binning : Making every photon countIn: Physical Review A Jg. 109 (2024) Nr. 6, 062210Online Volltext: (Open Access)
The interplay between electron tunneling and Auger emission in a single quantum emitter weakly coupled to an electron reservoirIn: Applied Physics Letters (APL) Jg. 124 (2024) Nr. 2, 023102Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Auger and spin dynamics in a self-assembled quantum dotIn: Journal of Applied Physics Jg. 134 (2023) Nr. 15, 154304Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Enhanced intensity of Raman signals from hexagonal boron nitride filmsIn: Applied Physics Letters (APL) Jg. 123 (2023) Nr. 7, 073101Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Post-processing of real-time quantum event measurements for an optimal bandwidthIn: Scientific Reports Jg. 13 (2023) Nr. 1, 1105Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Unraveling spin dynamics from charge fluctuationsIn: Physical Review Research Jg. 5 (2023) Nr. 4, 043103Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Pushing the Limits in Real-Time Measurements of Quantum DynamicsIn: Physical Review Letters Jg. 128 (2022) Nr. 8, 087701Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Quantum Zeno manipulation of quantum dotsIn: Physical Review Research Jg. 4 (2022) Nr. 3, L032045Online Volltext: (Open Access)
The role of momentum conservation on the tunneling between a two-dimensional electron gas and self-assembled quantum dotsIn: Journal of Applied Physics Jg. 132 (2022) Nr. 6, 064401Online Volltext:
A monolithic, back-gated diamond field-effect transistor for tunable color centersIn: Diamond and Related Materials Jg. 119 (2021) 108597Online Volltext:
Internal photoeffect from a single quantum emitterIn: Physical Review B Jg. 103 (2021) Nr. 7, S. 075426Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Quantum Sensor for Nanoscale Defect CharacterizationIn: Physical Review Applied Jg. 15 (2021) Nr. 2, S. 024029Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Quantum polyspectra for modeling and evaluating quantum transport measurements : A unifying approach to the strong and weak measurement regimeIn: Physical Review Research Jg. 3 (2021) Nr. 3, 033123Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Defect spectroscopy on the dielectric material aluminum oxideIn: Scientific Reports Jg. 10 (2020) Nr. 1, 12533Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Real-Time Detection of Single Auger Recombination Events in a Self-Assembled Quantum DotIn: Nano Letters Jg. 20 (2020) Nr. 3,Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Contrast of 83% in reflection measurements on a single quantum dotIn: Scientific Reports Jg. 9 (2019) S. 8817Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Gas dependent hysteresis in MoS2 field effect transistorsIn: 2D Materials Jg. 6 (2019) Nr. 4,Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Nonequilibrium carrier dynamics in self-assembled quantum dotsIn: Applied Physics Reviews Jg. 6 (2019) Nr. 3, 031306Online Volltext:
Optical Detection of Single-Electron Tunneling into a Semiconductor Quantum DotIn: Physical Review Letters Jg. 122 (2019) Nr. 24, S. 247403Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Patterning of diamond with 10 nm resolution by electron-beam-induced etchingIn: Nanotechnology Jg. 30 (2019) Nr. 36, S. 365302Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Photon Noise Suppression by a Built-in Feedback LoopIn: Nano Letters Jg. 19 (2019) Nr. 1, S. 135 - 141Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Tunable carrier density and high mobility of two-dimensional hole gases on diamond : The role of oxygen adsorption and surface roughnessIn: Diamond and Related Materials Jg. 97 (2019) S. 107450Online Volltext:
All-electrical measurement of the triplet-singlet spin relaxation time in self-assembled quantum dotsIn: Applied Physics Letters (APL) Jg. 111 (2017) Nr. 9, 092103_1 - 092103_4Online Volltext:
Charge-driven feedback loop in the resonance fluorescence of a single quantum dotIn: Physical Review B Jg. 95 (2017) Nr. 11, S. 115305Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Electron dynamics in transport and optical measurements of self-assembled quantum dotsIn: Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Solid State Physics Jg. 254 (2017) Nr. 3, Special Issue: Single-Electron Control in Solid State Devices, S. 1600625Online Volltext:
Giant magneto-photoelectric effect in suspended grapheneIn: New Journal of Physics (NJP) Jg. 19 (2017) Nr. 6, S. 063028Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Auger Recombination in Self-Assembled Quantum Dots : Quenching and Broadening of the Charged Exciton TransitionIn: Nano Letters Jg. 16 (2016) Nr. 5, S. 3367 - 3372Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Optical Blocking of Electron Tunneling into a Single Self-Assembled Quantum DotIn: Physical Review Letters Jg. 117 (2016) Nr. 1, S. 017401Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Photoelectron generation and capture in the resonance fluorescence of a quantum dotIn: Applied Physics Letters (APL) Jg. 108 (2016) Nr. 26, S. 263108Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Electron-beam induced nano-etching of suspended grapheneIn: Scientific Reports Jg. 5 (2015) S. 7781Online Volltext: (Open Access)
The effect of charged quantum dots on the mobility of a two-dimensional electron gas : how important is the Coulomb scattering?In: Journal of Applied Physics Jg. 117 (2015) Nr. 5, S. 054305Online Volltext:
Tuning the tunneling probability between low-dimensional electron systems by momentum matchingIn: Applied Physics Letters (APL) Jg. 106 (2015) Nr. 24, S. 243105Online Volltext:
3 ns single-shot read-out in a quantum dot-based memory structureIn: Applied Physics Letters (APL) Jg. 104 (2014) Nr. 5, S. 053111Online Volltext:
Asymmetry of charge relaxation times in quantum dots: The influence of degeneracyIn: EPL (Europhysics Letters) Jg. 106 (2014) Nr. 4, S. 47002Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Time-resolved transconductance spectroscopy on self-assembled quantum dots : spectral evolution from single- into many-particle statesIn: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 89 (2014) Nr. 15, S. 155430Online Volltext:
Phase-locked indistinguishable photons with synthesized waveforms from a solid-state sourceIn: Nature Communications Jg. 4 (2013) S. 1600Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Role of the ligand layer for photoluminescence spectral diffusion of CdSe/ZnS nanoparticlesIn: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 88 (2013) Nr. 12, S. 125302-1 - 125302-6Online Volltext:
Spatial high resolution energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy on thin lamellasIn: Ultramicroscopy Jg. 129 (2013) S. 30 - 35Online Volltext:
Momentum matching in the tunneling between 2-dimensional and 0-dimensional electron systemsIn: Applied Physics Letters (APL) Jg. 100 (2012) Nr. 23, S. 232110Online Volltext:
N-GaAs/InGaP/p-GaAs core-multishell nanowire diodes for efficient light-to-current conversionIn: Advanced Functional Materials Jg. 22 (2012) Nr. 5, S. 929 - 936Online Volltext:
Time-resolved detection of many-particle hole states in InAs/GaAs quantum dots using a two-dimensional hole gas up to 77 KIn: Physica Status Solidi (C): Current Topics in Solid State Physics Jg. 9 (2012) Nr. 2, S. 243 - 246Online Volltext:
Transverse rectification in density-modulated two-dimensional electron gasesIn: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 86 (2012) Nr. 8, 085309Online Volltext:
Mobility and carrier density in nanoporous indium tin oxide filmsIn: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 83 (2011) Nr. 21, S. 212201Online Volltext:
Optical properties of heavily doped GaAs nanowires and electroluminescent nanowire structuresIn: Nanotechnology Jg. 22 (2011) Nr. 8, S. 085702Online Volltext:
Role of oxygen on microstructure and thermoelectric properties of silicon nanocompositesIn: Journal of Applied Physics Jg. 110 (2011) Nr. 11, 113515Online Volltext:
Spatially resolved photoelectric performance of axial GaAs nanowire pn-diodesIn: Nano Research Jg. 4 (2011) Nr. 10, S. 987 - 995Online Volltext:
Synthesis and ink-jet printing of highly luminescing silicon nanoparticles for printable electronicsIn: Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Jg. 11 (2011) Nr. 6, S. 5028 - 5033Online Volltext:
The QD-flash : a quantum dot-based memory deviceIn: Semiconductor Science and Technology Jg. 26 (2011) Nr. 1, S. 014026Online Volltext:
The influence of charged InAs quantum dots on the conductance of a two-dimensional electron gas : mobility vs. carrier concentrationIn: Applied Physics Letters (APL) Jg. 99 (2011) Nr. 22, S. 223510Online Volltext:
Time-resolved high-temperature detection with single charge resolution of holes tunneling into many-particle quantum dot statesIn: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 84 (2011) Nr. 7, 1-7, art. no. 075309Online Volltext:
Transport spectroscopy of non-equilibrium many-particle spin states in self-assembled quantum dotsIn: Nature Communications Jg. 2 (2011) S. 209Online Volltext: (Open Access)
XeF2 gas-assisted focused-electron-beam-induced etching of GaAs with 30 nm resolutionIn: Nanotechnology Jg. 22 (2011) Nr. 4, 1-5, art. no. 045301Online Volltext:
A two-dimensional electron gas as a sensitive detector for time-resolved tunneling measurements on self-assembled quantum dotsIn: Nanoscale Research Letters Jg. 5 (2010) Nr. 5, S. 829 - 833Online Volltext: (Open Access)
A two-dimensional electron gas as a sensitive detector to observe the charge carrier dynamics of self-assembled QDsIn: Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures Jg. 42 (2010) Nr. 10, S. 2598 - 2601Online Volltext:
A voltage-tunable in-plane diode in a two-dimensional-electron systemIn: Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures Jg. 42 (2010) Nr. 4,, S. 1216 - 1219Online Volltext:
Electroluminescence from silicon nanoparticles fabricated from the gas phaseIn: Nanotechnology Jg. 21 (2010) Nr. 45, 455201 (5pp)Online Volltext:
Transverse ballistic rectification in density-modulated 2D-systemsIn: Physics of semiconductors Jg. 1199 (2009) S. 143 - 144
Using a two-dimensional electron gas to study nonequilibrium tunneling dynamics and charge storage in self-assembled quantum dotsIn: Applied Physics Letters (APL) Jg. 95 (2009) Nr. 2, S. 022113-1 - 022113-3Online Volltext:
Author Correction : Contrast of 83% in reflection measurements on a single quantum dotIn: Scientific Reports Jg. 9 (2019) Nr. 1, S. 17811Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Quantum dot-based flash memoriesIn: Nanoscale Semiconductor Memories: Technology and Applications 2013, S. 183 - 200Online Volltext:
All-electrical transport spectroscopy of non-equilibrium many-particle states in self-assembled quantum dotsIn: Physics of semiconductors / 30th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Seoul, Korea, 25-30 July 2010 / Ihm, Jisoon; Cheong, Hyeonsik (Hrsg.) 2011, S. 351 - 352Online Volltext:
A 2D Electron Gas for Studies on Tunneling Dynamics and Charge Storage in Self-assembled Quantum DotsIn: Quantum Communication and Quantum Networking: Revised Selected Papers / First International Conference, QuantumComm 2009, Naples, Italy, October 26-30, 2009 / Sergienko, Alexander; Pascazio, Saverio; Villoresi, Paolo (Hrsg.) 2010, S. 180 - 188Online Volltext: