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Fakultät für Physik

MD 426


  • Gruppe der Hochschullehrerinnen und Hochschullehrer, Studienbeirat

  • ---, Experimentalphysik

  • Vorsitz, Prüfungsausschuss Bachelor-/Master-Programm sowie Diplom II (Campus Duisburg)

  • Leiter/in, Arbeitsgruppe Prof. Wurm

Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.

    Artikel in Zeitschriften

  • Onyeagusi, Florence Chioma; Teiser, Jens; Wurm, Gerhard
    Clusters of tribocharged dust aggregates as pebbles in protoplanetary disks
    In: Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A) Jg. 694 (2025) A78
  • Martikainen, Julia; Muñoz, Olga; Martín, Juan Carlos Gómez; Varo, María Passas; Jardiel, Teresa; Peiteado, Marco; Willame, Yannick; Neary, Lori; Becker, Tim; Wurm, Gerhard; Gómez Martín, Juan Carlos; Passas Varo, María
    Database of Martian dust optical properties in the UV-vis-NIR
    In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Jg. 537 (2025) Nr. 2, S. 1489 - 1503
  • Führer, Florian; Schwaak, Jonas; Brendel, Lothar; Wurm, Gerhard; Wolf, Dietrich E.
    Hybrid simulation method for agglomerate evolution in driven granular gases
    In: Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A) Jg. 694 (2025) A191
  • Teiser, Jens; Penner, Jakob; Joeris, Kolja; Onyeagusi, Florence Chioma; Kollmer, Jonathan E.; Daab, Dominique Jonas; Wurm, Gerhard
    The growth of super-large pre-planetary pebbles to an impact erosion limit
    In: Nature Astronomy (2025) 39996 in press
  • Bila, Tetyana; Wurm, Gerhard; Stuers, Kai; Joeris, Kolja; Teiser, Jens
    Dry Downhill Particle Motion on Mars
    In: The Planetary Science Journal Jg. 5 (2024) Nr. 5, 115
  • Becker, Tim; Onyeagusi, Florence Chioma; Teiser, Jens; Jardiel, T.; Peiteado, M.; Muñoz, O.; Martikainen, J.; Gomez Martin, J.C.; Merrison, J.; Wurm, Gerhard
    Ejected Particles after Impact Splash on Mars : Electrification
    In: The Planetary Science Journal Jg. 5 (2024) Nr. 12, 277
  • Martikainen, Julia; Muñoz, Olga; Gómez Martín, Juan Carlos; Jardiel, Teresa; Peiteado, Marco; Caballero, Amador C.; Pérez-Hoyos, Santiago; Sánchez Lavega, Agustin; Becker, Tim; Wurm, Gerhard; Willame, Yannick; Vandaele, Ann Carine
    Experimental Scattering Matrices of Martian Dust Aerosols with Narrow Particle-size Distributions
    In: The Astrophysical Journal (Supplement Series) Jg. 273 (2024) Nr. 2, 28
  • Penner, Jakob; Wurm, Gerhard; Teiser, Jens
    Gas Phase Ions in Protoplanetary Disks from Collisions of Solids
    In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society / Letters Jg. 529 (2024) Nr. 1, S. L159 - L163
  • Schwaak, Jonas; Führer, Florian; Wolf, Dietrich; Posorski, L.; Brendel, Lothar; Teiser, Jens; Wurm, Gerhard
    High stability of charged particle clusters in protoplanetary disks
    In: Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A) Jg. 691 (2024) A127
  • Onyeagusi, Florence Chioma; Teiser, Jens; Becker, Tim; Wurm, Gerhard
    The dissolution of planetesimals in electrostatic fields
    In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Jg. 529 (2024) Nr. 3, S. 1989 - 1994
  • Becker, Tim; Völke, G; Steinpilz, Tobias; Onyeagusi, Florence Chioma; Teiser, Jens; Wurm, Gerhard
    Tribocharged solids in protoplanetary discs : internal and external discharge time-scales
    In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Jg. 533 (2024) Nr. 1, S. 413 - 422
  • Schönau, Laurent; Teiser, Jens; Wurm, Gerhard
    Zero-g wind tunnel experiments on planetesimal erosion
    In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Jg. 533 (2024) Nr. 1, S. 482 - 485
  • Onyeagusi, Florence Chioma; Meyer, Christian; Teiser, Jens; Becker, Tim; Wurm, Gerhard
    Charged Atmospheric Aerosols from Charged Saltating Dust Aggregates
    In: Atmosphere Jg. 14 (2023) Nr. 7, 1065
  • Pillich, Cynthia; Bogdan, Tabea; Tasto, Janosch; Landers, Joachim; Wurm, Gerhard; Wende, Heiko
    Composition and Sticking of Hot Chondritic Dust in a Protoplanetary Hydrogen Atmosphere
    In: The Planetary Science Journal Jg. 4 (2023) Nr. 10, 195
  • Becker, Tim; Teiser, Jens; Jardiel, T.; Peiteado, M.; Muñoz, O.; Martikainen, J.; Martin, J. C. Gomez; Merrison, J.; Wurm, Gerhard
    Ejected Particles after Impact Splash on Mars : Aggregates and Aerodynamics
    In: The Planetary Science Journal Jg. 4 (2023) Nr. 9, 180
  • Onyeagusi, Florence Chioma; Jungmann, Felix; Teiser, Jens; Wurm, Gerhard
    Electrostatic Repulsion of Dust from Planetary Surfaces
    In: The Planetary Science Journal Jg. 4 (2023) Nr. 1, 13
  • Schönau, Laurent; Teiser, Jens; Demirci, Tunahan; Joeris, Kolja; Bila, Tetyana; Onyeagusi, Florence Chioma; Fritscher, Miriam E.; Wurm, Gerhard
    Forbidden planetesimals
    In: Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A) Jg. 672 (2023) A169
  • Martikainen, Julia; Muñoz, Olga; Jardiel, Teresa; Gómez Martín, Juan Carlos; Peiteado, Marco; Willame, Yannick; Penttilä, Antti; Muinonen, Karri; Wurm, Gerhard; Becker, Tim
    Optical Constants of Martian Dust Analogs at UV-Visible-Near-infrared Wavelengths
    In: The Astrophysical Journal (Supplement Series) Jg. 268 (2023) Nr. 2, 47
  • Bogdan, Tabea; Pillich, C.; Landers, Joachim; Wende, Heiko; Wurm, Gerhard
    The Curie line in protoplanetary disks and the formation of Mercury-like planets
    In: Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A) Jg. 670 (2023) A6
  • Bila, Tetyana; Kollmer, Jonathan E.; Teiser, Jens; Wurm, Gerhard
    Thermal Creep on Mars : Visualizing a Soil Layer Under Tension
    In: The Planetary Science Journal Jg. 4 (2023) Nr. 1, 16
  • Jungmann, Felix; Kruß, Maximilian; Teiser, Jens; Wurm, Gerhard
    Aggregation of sub-mm particles in strong electric fields under microgravity conditions
    In: Icarus: International Journal of Solar System Studies Jg. 373 (2022) 114766
  • Jungmann, Felix; Onyeagusi, Florence Chioma; Teiser, Jens; Wurm, Gerhard
    Charge transfer of pre-charged dielectric grains impacting electrodes in strong electric fields
    In: Journal of Electrostatics Jg. 117 (2022) 103705
  • Becker, Tim; Steinpilz, Tobias; Teiser, Jens; Wurm, Gerhard
    Collisional Charging in the Low Pressure Range of Protoplanetary Disks
    In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Jg. 513 (2022) Nr. 4, S. 5814 - 5817
  • Wurm, Gerhard; Jungmann, Felix; Teiser, Jens
    Ionizing protoplanetary discs in pebble collisions
    In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society / Letters Jg. 517 (2022) Nr. 1, S. L65 - L70
  • Onyeagusi, Florence Chioma; Teiser, Jens; Schneider, Niclas; Wurm, Gerhard
    Measuring electric dipole moments of trapped sub-mm particles
    In: Journal of Electrostatics Jg. 115 (2022) 103637
  • Becker, Tim; Teiser, Jens; Jardiel, T.; Peiteado, M.; Muñoz, O.; Martikainen, J.; Gomez Martin, J.C.; Wurm, Gerhard
    Releasing Atmospheric Martian Dust in Sand Grain Impacts
    In: The Planetary Science Journal Jg. 3 (2022) Nr. 8, 195
  • Teiser, Jens; Kruß, Maximilian; Jungmann, Felix; Wurm, Gerhard
    A smoking gun for planetesimal formation : Charge-driven growth into a new size range
    In: The Astrophysical Journal Letters Jg. 908 (2021) Nr. 2, S. L22
  • Schoenau, Laurent; Steinpilz, Tobias; Teiser, Jens; Wurm, Gerhard
    Corona discharge of a vibrated insulating box with granular medium
    In: Granular Matter Jg. 23 (2021) Nr. 3, 68
  • Jungmann, Felix; Bila, Tetyana; Kleinert, Laura; Mölleken, Andre; Möller, Rolf; Schmidt, Lars; Schneider, Niclas; Teiser, Jens; Utzat, Detlef; Volkenborn, Victoria; Wurm, Gerhard
    Cosmic radiation does not prevent collisional charging in (pre)-planetary atmospheres
    In: Icarus: International Journal of Solar System Studies Jg. 355 (2021) S. 114127
  • Schneider, Niclas; Wurm, Gerhard
    Drag forces on porous aggregates in protoplanetary disks
    In: Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A) Jg. 655 (2021) S. A50
  • Pillich, C.; Bogdan, Tabea; Landers, Joachim; Wurm, Gerhard; Wende, Heiko
    Drifting inwards in protoplanetary discs : II. The effect of water on sticking properties at increasing temperatures
    In: Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A) Jg. 652 (2021) A106
  • Schneider, Niclas; Musiolik, Grzegorz; Kollmer, Jonathan E.; Steinpilz, Tobias; Kruß, Maximilian; Jungmann, Felix; Demirci, Tunahan; Teiser, Jens; Wurm, Gerhard
    Experimental study of clusters in dense granular gas and implications for the particle stopping time in protoplanetary disks
    In: Icarus: International Journal of Solar System Studies Jg. 360 (2021) S. 114307
  • Kruß, Maximilian; Salzmann, Tim; Parteli, Eric; Jungmann, Felix; Teiser, Jens; Schönau, Laurent; Wurm, Gerhard
    Lifting of Tribocharged Grains by Martian Winds
    In: The Planetary Science Journal Jg. 2 (2021) Nr. 6, 238
  • Jungmann, Felix; Wurm, Gerhard
    Observation of bottom-up formation for charged grain aggregates related to pre-planetary evolution beyond the bouncing barrier
    In: Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A) Jg. 650 (2021) A77
  • Wurm, Gerhard; Teiser, Jens
    Understanding planet formation using microgravity experiments
    In: Nature Reviews Physics Jg. 3 (2021) S. 405 - 421
  • Jungmann, Felix; van Unen, Hannah; Teiser, Jens; Wurm, Gerhard
    Violation of triboelectric charge conservation on colliding particles
    In: Physical Review E Jg. 104 (2021) Nr. 2, L022601
  • Demirci, Tunahan; Wurm, Gerhard
    Accretion of eroding pebbles and planetesimals in planetary envelopes
    In: Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A) Jg. 641 (2020) S. A99
  • Kruß, Maximilian; Wurm, Gerhard
    Composition and Size Dependent Sorting in Preplanetary Growth : Seeding the Formation of Mercury-like Planets
    In: The Planetary Science Journal Jg. 1 (2020) Nr. 1, 23
  • Demirci, Tunahan; Schneider, Niclas; Teiser, Jens; Wurm, Gerhard
    Destruction of eccentric planetesimals by ram pressure and erosion
    In: Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A) Jg. 644 (2020) S. A20
  • Bogdan, Tabea; Pillich, C.; Landers, Joachim; Wende, Heiko; Wurm, Gerhard
    Drifting inwards in protoplanetary discs I Sticking of chondritic dust at increasing temperatures
    In: Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A) Jg. 638 (2020) S. A151
  • Steinpilz, Tobias; Joeris, Kolja; Jungmann, Felix; Wolf, Dietrich; Brendel, Lothar; Teiser, Jens; Shinbrot, Troy; Wurm, Gerhard
    Electrical charging overcomes the bouncing barrier in planet formation
    In: Nature Physics Jg. 16 (2020) Nr. 2, S. 225 - 229
  • Bogdan, Tabea; Kollmer, Jonathan E.; Teiser, Jens; Kruß, Maximilian; Wurm, Gerhard
    Laboratory impact splash experiments to simulate asteroid surfaces
    In: Icarus: International Journal of Solar System Studies Jg. 341 (2020) S. 113646
  • Bila, Tetyana; Wurm, Gerhard; Onyeagusi, Florence Chioma; Teiser, Jens
    Lifting grains by the transient low pressure in a Martian dust devil
    In: Icarus: International Journal of Solar System Studies Jg. 339 (2020) S. 113569
  • Steinpilz, Tobias; Jungmann, Felix; Joeris, Kolja; Teiser, Jens; Wurm, Gerhard
    Measurements of dipole moments and a Q-patch model of collisionally charged grains
    In: New Journal of Physics (NJP) Jg. 22 (2020) Nr. 9, S. 093025
  • Demirci, Tunahan; Schneider, Niclas; Steinpilz, Tobias; Bogdan, Tabea; Teiser, Jens; Wurm, Gerhard
    Planetesimals in rarefied gas : Wind erosion in slip flow
    In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Jg. 493 (2020) Nr. 4, S. 5456 - 5463
  • Kruß, Maximilian; Musiolik, Grzegorz; Demirci, Tunahan; Wurm, Gerhard; Teiser, Jens
    Wind erosion on Mars and other small terrestrial planets
    In: Icarus: International Journal of Solar System Studies Jg. 337 (2020) Article- No.: 113438
  • Wurm, Gerhard; Schmidt, Lars; Steinpilz, Tobias; Boden, Lucia; Teiser, Jens
    A challenge for Martian lightning : Limits of collisional charging at low pressure
    In: Icarus: International Journal of Solar System Studies Jg. 331 (2019) S. 103 - 109
  • Steinpilz, Tobias; Musiolik, Grzegorz; Kruß, Maximilian; Jungmann, Felix; Demirci, Tunahan; Aderholz, Manfred; Kollmer, Jonathan E.; Teiser, Jens; Bila, Tetyana; Guay, Evelyn; Wurm, Gerhard
    ARISE : A granular matter experiment on the International Space Station
    In: Review of Scientific Instruments Jg. 90 (2019) Nr. 10,
  • Kraemer, Anna; Teiser, Jens; Steinpilz, Tobias; Köster, Marc; Wurm, Gerhard
    Analog experiments on thermal creep gas flow through Martian soil
    In: Planetary and Space Science Jg. 166 (2019) S. 131 - 134
  • Demirci, Tunahan; Kruß, Maximilian; Teiser, Jens; Bogdan, Tabea; Jungmann, Felix; Schneider, Niclas; Wurm, Gerhard
    Are pebble pile planetesimals doomed?
    In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Jg. 484 (2019) Nr. 2, S. 2779 - 2785
  • Bogdan, Tabea; Teiser, Jens; Fischer, Nikolai; Kruß, Maximilian; Wurm, Gerhard
    Constraints on compound chondrule formation from laboratory high-temperature collisions
    In: Icarus: International Journal of Solar System Studies Jg. 319 (2019) S. 133 - 139
  • Musiolik, Grzegorz; Wurm, Gerhard
    Contacts of Water Ice in Protoplanetary Disks - Laboratory Experiments
    In: The Astrophysical Journal Jg. 873 (2019) Nr. 1, 58
  • Schneider, Niclas; Wurm, Gerhard; Teiser, Jens; Klahr, Hubert; Carpenter, Vincent
    Dense Particle Clouds in Laboratory Experiments in Context of Drafting and Streaming Instability
    In: The Astrophysical Journal Jg. 872 (2019) Nr. 1, 3
  • Schneider, Niclas; Wurm, Gerhard
    Laboratory Experiments on the Motion of Dense Dust Clouds in Protoplanetary Disks
    In: The Astrophysical Journal Letters Jg. 886 (2019) Nr. 2, S. L36
  • Demirci, Tunahan; Krause, Corinna; Teiser, Jens; Wurm, Gerhard
    Onset of planet formation in the warm inner disk. Colliding dust aggregates at high temperatures
    In: Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A) Jg. 629 (2019) S. A66
  • Steinpilz, Tobias; Teiser, Jens; Wurm, Gerhard
    Sticking Properties of Silicates in Planetesimal Formation Revisited
    In: The Astrophysical Journal Jg. 874 (2019) Nr. 1, 60
  • Wurm, Gerhard
    Traveling to the origins of the Solar System
    In: Science Jg. 364 (2019) Nr. 6437, S. 230 - 231
  • Jungmann, Felix; Steinpilz, Tobias; Teiser, Jens; Wurm, Gerhard
    Recharging and restitution of charged monodisperse grains
    In: Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress (2018)
  • Musiolik, Grzegorz; Kruß, Maximilian; Demirci, Tunahan; Schrinski, Björn; Teiser, Jens; Daerden, Frank; Smith, Michael D.; Neary, Lori; Wurm, Gerhard
    Saltation under Martian gravity and its influence on the global dust distribution
    In: Icarus: International Journal of Solar System Studies Jg. 306 (2018) S. 25 - 31
  • Kruß, Maximilian; Wurm, Gerhard
    Seeding the Formation of Mercurys : an Iron-sensitive Bouncing Barrier in Disk Magnetic Fields
    In: The Astrophysical Journal Jg. 869 (2018) Nr. 1, 45
  • Wurm, Gerhard
    Selective aggregation experiments on planetesimal formation and mercury-like planets
    In: Geosciences Jg. 8 (2018) Nr. 9, 310
  • Jungmann, Felix; Steinpilz, Tobias; Teiser, Jens; Wurm, Gerhard
    Sticking and Restitution in Collisions of Charged Sub-mm Dielectric Grains
    In: Journal of Physics Communications Jg. 2 (2018) S. 095009
  • Musiolik, Grzegorz; de Beule, Caroline; Wurm, Gerhard
    Analog Experiments on Tensile Strength of Dusty and Cometary Matter
    In: Icarus: International Journal of Solar System Studies Jg. 296 (2017) S. 110 - 116
  • Köster, Marc; Kelling, Thorben; Teiser, Jens; Wurm, Gerhard
    Gas flow within Martian soil : experiments on granular Knudsen compressors
    In: Astrophysics and Space Science Jg. 362 (2017) Nr. 9, S. 171
  • Kruß, Maximilian; Teiser, Jens; Wurm, Gerhard
    Growing into and out of the bouncing barrier in planetesimal formation
    In: Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A) Jg. 600 (2017) A103
  • Demirci, Tunahan; Teiser, Jens; Steinpilz, Tobias; Landers, Joachim; Salamon, Soma; Wende, Heiko; Wurm, Gerhard
    Is There a Temperature Limit in Planet Formation at 1000 K?
    In: The Astrophysical Journal Jg. 846 (2017) Nr. 1, 48
  • Köster, Marc; Wurm, Gerhard
    Lifting particles in martian dust devils by pressure excursions
    In: Planetary and Space Science Jg. 145 (2017) S. 9 - 13
  • de Beule, Caroline; Landers, Joachim; Salamon, Soma; Wende, Heiko; Wurm, Gerhard
    Planetesimal Formation in the Warm, Inner Disk : Experiments with Tempered Dust
    In: The Astrophysical Journal Jg. 837 (2017) Nr. 1, 59
  • Yoshimatsu, R.; Araújo, Nuno A. M.; Wurm, Gerhard; Herrmann, Hans J.; Shinbrot, Troy
    Self-charging of identical grains in the absence of an external eld
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 7 (2017) S. 39996
  • Bischoff, Addi; Wurm, Gerhard; Chaussidon, Marc; Horstmann, Marian; Metzler, Knut; Weyrauch, Mona; Weinauer, Julia
    The Allende multicompound chondrule (ACC)—Chondrule formation in a local super-dense region of the early solar system
    In: Meteoritics and Planetary Science Jg. 52 (2017) Nr. 5, S. 906 - 924
  • Steinpilz, Tobias; Teiser, Jens; Köster, Marc; Schywek, Mathias; Wurm, Gerhard
    Tracing Thermal Creep Through Granular Media
    In: Microgravity Science and Technology Jg. 29 (2017) Nr. 4, S. 325 - 330
  • Schywek, Mathias; Teiser, Jens; Wurm, Gerhard
    Tracing Thermal Creep and Thermophoresis in Porous Structures at Low Ambient Pressure and Low Gravity
    In: Microgravity Science and Technology Jg. 29 (2017) Nr. 6, S. 485 - 491
  • Küpper, Markus; Wurm, Gerhard
    Amplification of dust loading in Martian dust devils by self-shadowing
    In: Icarus: International Journal of Solar System Studies Jg. 274 (2016) Nr. August, S. 249 - 252
  • Teiser, Jens; Jankowski, Tim; Wurm, Gerhard; Musiolik, Grzegorz
    Collisions of CO2 Ice Grains in Planet Formation
    In: The Astrophysical Journal Jg. 818 (2016) Nr. 1, 16
  • Wurm, Gerhard; Kelling, Thorben; Kruß, Maximilian; Demirci, Tunahan; Köster, Marc
    Failed growth at the bouncing barrier in planetesimal formation
    In: The Astrophysical Journal Jg. 827 (2016) Nr. 2, 110
  • Teiser, Jens; Jankowski, Tim; Wurm, Gerhard; Musiolik, Gregor
    Ice Grain Collisions in Comparison: CO2, H2O, and Their Mixtures
    In: The Astrophysical Journal Jg. 827 (2016) Nr. 1, 63
  • Wurm, Gerhard; Kelling, Thorben; Neakrase, Lynn D. V.; Balme, Matthew R.; Esposito, Francesca; Klose, Martina; Kok, Jasper F.; Marticorena, Béatrice; Merrison, Jonathan; Patel, Manish
    Particle Lifting Processes in Dust Devils
    In: Space Science Reviews Jg. 203 (2016) Nr. 1, S. 347 - 376
  • Wurm, Gerhard; Jankowski, Tim; Lösche, Christoph; Küpper, Markus
    Photophoresis on particles hotter/colder than the ambient gas in the free molecular flow
    In: Journal of Aerosol Science Jg. 97 (2016) S. 22 - 33
  • Wurm, Gerhard; de Beule, Caroline; Matthews, Lorin S.; Kimery, Jesse B.; Küpper, Markus; Hyde, Truell W.
    Photophoretic force on aggregate grains
    In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Jg. 455 (2016) Nr. 3, S. 2582 - 2591
  • Wurm, Gerhard; Husmann, Tim; Lösche, Christoph
    Self-sustained recycling in the inner dust ring of pre-transitional disks
    In: The Astrophysical Journal Jg. 829 (2016) Nr. 2, 111
  • Wurm, Gerhard; Kelling, Thorben; Teiser, Jens; Ebel, Denton S.; Lösche, Christoph
    The motion of chondrules and other particles in a protoplanetary disc with temperature fluctuations
    In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Jg. 463 (2016) Nr. 4, S. 4167 - 4174
  • de Beule, Caroline; Wurm, Gerhard; Kelling, Thorben; Köster, Marc; Kocifaj, Miroslav
    An insolation activated dust layer on Mars
    In: Icarus: International Journal of Solar System Studies Jg. 260 (2015) S. 23 - 28
  • Dabrowska, Dominika D.; Muñoz, Olga; Moreno, Fernando; Ramos, José L.; Martínez-Frías, Jesús; Wurm, Gerhard
    Scattering matrices of martian dust analogs at 488 nm and 647 nm
    In: Icarus: International Journal of Solar System Studies Jg. 250 (2015) S. 83 - 94
  • Küpper, Markus; Wurm, Gerhard
    Thermal creep-assisted dust lifting on Mars : wind tunnel experiments for the entrainment threshold velocity
    In: JGR / Planets: E, planets Jg. 120 (2015) Nr. 7, S. 1346 - 1356
  • Kelling, Thorben; Köster, Marc; Wurm, Gerhard
    Experimental Study on Bouncing Barriers in Pro-toplanetary Discs
    In: The Astrophysical Journal Jg. 783 (2014) Nr. 2, 111
  • Aumatell, Guillem; Wurm, Gerhard
    Ice aggregate contacts at the nm-scale
    In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Jg. 437 (2014) Nr. 1, S. 690 - 702
  • Küpper, Markus; Kimery, Jesse B.; Matthews, Lorin S.; Wurm, Gerhard; de Beule, Caroline
    Photophoresis on polydisperse basalt microparticles under microgravity
    In: Journal of Aerosol Science Jg. 76 (2014) S. 126 - 137
  • Loesche, Christoph; Teiser, Jens; Wurm, Gerhard; Hesse, Alexander; Friedrich, Jon M.; Bischoff, Addi
    Photophoretic strength on chondrules : 2. Experiment
    In: The Astrophysical Journal Jg. 792 (2014) Nr. 1, 73
  • Küpper, Markus; Dürmann, Christoph; de Beule, Caroline; Wurm, Gerhard
    Propulsion of porous plates in thin atmospheres by temperature fields : experiments on parabolic flights
    In: Microgravity Science and Technology Jg. 25 (2014) Nr. 5, S. 311 - 318
  • Wurm, Gerhard
    Sternfusionen : Physik auf der Suche nach dem Ursprung der Erde
    In: Unikate: Berichte aus Forschung und Lehre (2014) Nr. 45: Fusionen : Was sagen die Fakultäten?, S. 18 - 26
  • Wurm, Gerhard; Teiser, Jens; Jankowski, Tim; Küpper, Markus; de Beule, Caroline; Kelling, Thorben
    The martian soil as a planetary gas pump
    In: Nature Physics Jg. 10 (2014) Nr. 1, S. 17 - 20
  • Kelling, Thorben; Wurm, Gerhard
    Accretion through the Inner Edge of a Protoplanetary Disk by A Giant Solid State Pump
    In: The Astrophysical Journal Letters Jg. 774 (2013) Nr. 1, S. L1
  • de Beule, Caroline; Kelling, Thorben; Wurm, Gerhard; Teiser, Jens; Jankowski, Tim
    From planetesimals to dust : low-gravity experiments on recycling solids at the inner edges of protoplanetary disks
    In: The Astrophysical Journal Jg. 763 (2013) Nr. 1, 11
  • Wurm, Gerhard; Trieloff, Mario; Rauer, Heike
    Photophoretic separation of metals and silicates : the formation of mercury-like planets and metal depletion in chondrites
    In: The Astrophysical Journal Jg. 769 (2013) Nr. 1, 78
  • Loesche, Christoph; Wurm, Gerhard; Teiser, Jens; Friedrich, Jon M.; Bischoff, Addi
    Photophoretic strength on chondrules : 1. modeling
    In: The Astrophysical Journal Jg. 778 (2013) Nr. 2, 101
  • Meisner, Thorsten; Teiser, Jens; Schywek, Mathias; Wurm, Gerhard
    Preplanetary scavengers: Growing tall in dust collisions
    In: Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A)
    Les Ulis Jg. 559 (2013) A 123
  • Dürmann, Christoph; Kuepper, Markus; Wurm, Gerhard
    Radiative forces on macroscopic porous bodies in protoplanetary disks : laboratory experiments
    In: Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A) Jg. 558 (2013) S. A70
  • Jankowski, Tim; Wurm, Gerhard; Kelling, T.; Teiser, Jens; Sabolo, Walter; Gutiérrez, Pedro J.; Bertini, Ivano
    Crossing barriers in planetesimal formation : The growth of mm-dust aggregates with large constituent grains
    In: Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A) Jg. 542 (2012) S. A80
  • Meisner, Thorsten; Wurm, Gerhard; Teiser, Jens
    Experiments on centimeter-sized dust aggregates and their implications for planetesimal formation
    In: Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A) Jg. 544 (2012) S. A138
  • van Eymeren, Janine; Wurm, Gerhard
    The implications of particle rotation on the effect of photophoresis
    In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Jg. 420 (2012) Nr. 1, S. 183 - 186
  • Loesche, Christoph; Wurm, Gerhard
    Thermal and photophoretic properties of dust mantled chondrules and sorting in the solar nebula
    In: Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A) Jg. 545 (2012) S. A36
  • Kelling, Thorben; Wurm, Gerhard
    A Mechanism to Produce the Small Dust Observed in Protoplanetary Disks
    In: The Astrophysical Journal Jg. 733 (2011) Nr. 2, 120
  • Aumatell, Guillem; Wurm, Gerhard
    Breaking the ice : Planetesimal formation at the snowline
    In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society / Letters Jg. 418 (2011) Nr. 1, S. L1 - L5
  • Kelling, Thorben; Reiss, Dennis; Kocifaj, Miroslav; Wurm, Gerhard
    Dust ejection from planetary bodies by temperature gradients: Laboratory experiments
    In: Icarus: International Journal of Solar System Studies Jg. 212 (2011) Nr. 2, S. 935 - 940
  • Kufner, Ewald; Blum, J.; Callens, N.; Eigenbrod, Ch.; Koudelka, O.; Orr, A.; Rosa, C.C.; Vedernikov, A.; Will, S.; Reimann, J.; Wurm, Gerhard
    ESA’s Drop Tower Utilisation Activities 2000 to 2011
    In: Microgravity Science and Technology Jg. 23 (2011) Nr. 4, S. 409 - 425
  • Kelling, Thorben; Dürmann, Christoph; Wurm, Gerhard
    Ice particles trapped by temperature gradients at mbar pressure
    In: Review of Scientific Instruments Jg. 82 (2011) Nr. 11, S. 115105
  • Teiser, Jens; Wurm, Gerhard; Küpper, Markus
    Impact angle influence in high velocity dust collisions during planetesimal formation
    In: Icarus: International Journal of Solar System Studies Jg. 215 (2011) Nr. 2, S. 596 - 598
  • De Beule, C.; Kelling, T.; Wurm, Gerhard; Teiser, Jens; Jankowski, T.
    Light induced erosion of dusty planetesimals and Mars : μg experiments
    In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCONF) Jg. 327 (2011) Nr. 1,
  • Beitz, E.; Güttler, C.; Blum, J.; Meisner, T.; Teiser, Jens; Wurm, Gerhard
    Low-velocity collisions of centimeter-sized dust aggregates
    In: The Astrophysical Journal Jg. 736 (2011) Nr. 1, 34
  • Hesse, Alexander; Teiser, Jens; Wurm, Gerhard
    Photophoretic forces on chondrules in drop tower experiments
    In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCONF) Jg. 327 (2011) Nr. 1,
  • Moudens, A.; Charnoz, S.; Cordier, D.; Wurm, Gerhard; Petit, J.M.; Mousis, O.
    Photophoretic transport of hot minerals in the solar nebula
    In: Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A) Jg. 531 (2011) S. A106
  • Teiser, Jens; Wurm, Gerhard; Engelhardt, I.
    Porosities of Protoplanetary Dust Agglomerates from Collisions Experiments
    In: The Astrophysical Journal Jg. 742 (2011) Nr. 1, 5
  • Kocifaj, Miroslav; Wurm, Gerhard; Kelling, Thorben
    Radiative cooling within illuminated layers of dust on (pre)-planetary surfaces and its effect on dust ejection
    In: Icarus: International Journal of Solar System Studies Jg. 211 (2011) Nr. 1, S. 832 - 838
  • Kocifaj, Miroslav; Kohut, I.; Kelling, Thorben; Wurm, Gerhard
    Dust ejection from (pre-)planetary bodies by temperature gradients : radiative and heat transfer
    In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Jg. 404 (2010) Nr. 3, S. 1512 - 1518
  • Wurm, Gerhard; Bischoff, Addi; Teiser, Jens; Haack, Henning
    Experiments on the photophoretic motion of chondrules and dust aggregates—Indications for the transport of matter in protoplanetary disks
    In: Icarus: International Journal of Solar System Studies Jg. 208 (2010) Nr. 1, S. 482 - 491
  • Klacka, J.; Teiser, Jens; Wehry, P.; Wurm, Gerhard; Kocifaj, Miroslav
    Nonspherical zodiacal dust particles driven by radiation pressure
    In: Planetary and Space Science Jg. 58 (2010) Nr. 7-8, S. 1050 - 1054
  • Kelling, Thorben; Wurm, Gerhard
    Self-Sustained Levitation of Dust Aggregate Ensembles by Temperature-Gradient-Induced Overpressures
    In: Physical Review Letters Jg. 103 (2009) Nr. 21, S. 215502
  • Beiträge in Sammelwerken und Tagungsbänden

  • Musiolik, Grzegorz; Steinpilz, Tobias; Kruß, Maximilian; Jungmann, Felix; Demirci, Tunahan; Aderholz, Manfred; Teiser, Jens; Wurm, Gerhard
    ArisE: Building planetary seedlings on the ISS
    In: Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC / International Astronautical Congress, IAC, 1-5 October 2018, Bremen, Germany 2018
  • Jongmanns, Malte; Kumm, M.; Wurm, Gerhard; Wolf, Dietrich; Teiser, Jens
    Sticking properties of ice grains
    In: Powders and Grains 2017 – 8th International Conference on Micromechanics on Granular Media / 8th International Conference on Micromechanics on Granular Media : Montpellier, France, July 3-7, 2017 2017, S. 05007
  • Weppler, Johannes; Lemack, Carie; Steinpilz, Tobias; Musiolik, Gregor; Kruß, Maximilian; Demirci, Tunahan; Jungmann, Felix; Krämer, Anna; Tappe, Jonas; Aderholz, Manfred; Teiser, Jens; Wurm, Gerhard; Koch, Tamara E.; Schaper, Yannik; Nowok, Robin; Beck, Anna; Christ, Oliver; Genzel, Philomena-Theresa; Lindner, Miles; Matschey, Yvonne; Leber, Diego Mederos; Rempt, Susanne; Schmuck, Felix; Spahr, Dominik; Winkler, Björn; Brenker, Frank E.; Hild, Franziska; Grunwald, Kira; Ehresmann, Manfred; Sütterlin, Saskia; Heinz, Nicolas; Aslan, Sinan Alp; Grabi, Florian; Sauer, Moritz; Schweigert, Robin; Herdrich, Georg
    Überflieger - A student competition for ISS experiments
    In: Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2017 / 68th International Astronautical Congress: Unlocking Imagination, Fostering Innovation and Strengthening Security, IAC 2017; Adelaide; Australia; 25 - 29 September 2017 Jg. 17 2017, S. 11157 - 11168
  • Teiser, Jens; Engelhardt, I.; Küpper, M.; Wurm, Gerhard
    Evolution of macroscopic dust agglomerates – Implications for planetesimal growth
    In: ECLA / European Conference on Laboratory Astrophysics, Paris, France, September 26 - 30, 2011 / Stehlé, Chantal; Joblin, C.; d'Hendecourt, L. (Hrsg.) 2012, S. 213 - 217
  • Hagenacker, S.; Wurm, Gerhard; Joblin, C.; Stehlé, C.; Kelling, T.; van Eymeren, J.; d’Hendecourt, L.
    Photophoresis on water-ice particles induced by thermal radiation in protoplanetary discs
    In: ECLA / European Conference on Laboratory Astrophysics, Paris, France, September 26 - 30, 2011 2012, S. 209 - 212
  • Vorträge

  • Wurm, Gerhard;
    Planetenentstehung im Labor
    Die kleine Form, 18. April 2012, Essen,
    In: Die kleine Form 2012 (2012)