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ZMB, Fakultät Biologie, Entwicklungsbiologie

Universitätsstr. 1-5
45141 Essen
S03 S01 A63


  • Wiss. Mitarbeiterinnen/Mitarbeiter, Entwicklungsbiologie

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Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.

    Artikel in Zeitschriften

  • Severmann, Ann-Christine; Jochmann, Katja; Feller, K.; Bachvarova, Velina; Piombo, Virginia; Stange, Richard; Holzer, Tatjana; Brachvogel, Bent; Esko, Jeffrey D.; Pap, Thomas; Hoffmann, Daniel; Vortkamp, Andrea
    An altered heparan sulfate structure in the articular cartilage protects against osteoarthritis
    In: Osteoarthritis and Cartilage Jg. 28 (2020) Nr. 7, S. 977 - 987
  • Bachvarova, Velina; Dierker, Tabea; Esko, Jeffrey; Hoffmann, Daniel; Kjellen, Lena; Vortkamp, Andrea
    Chondrocytes respond to an altered heparan sulfate composition with distinct changes of heparan sulfate structure and increased levels of chondroitin sulfate
    In: Matrix Biology Jg. 39 (2020) S. 43 - 59
  • Dierker, Tabea; Bachvarova, Velina; Krause, Yvonne Stefanie; Li, Jin-Ping; Kjellén, Lena; Seidler, Daniela G.; Vortkamp, Andrea
    Altered heparan sulfate structure in Glce-/- mice leads to increased Hedgehog signaling in endochondral bones
    In: Matrix Biology Jg. 49 (2016) S. 82 - 92
  • Bandari, Shyam; Exner, Sebastian; Ortmann, Corinna; Bachvarova, Velina; Vortkamp, Andrea; Grobe, Kay
    Sweet on hedgehogs : Regulatory roles of heparan sulfate proteoglycans in hedgehog-dependent cell proliferation and differentiation
    In: Current Protein and Peptide Science Jg. 16 (2015) Nr. 1, S. 66 - 76
  • Jochmann, Katja; Bachvarova, Velina; Vortkamp, Andrea
    Heparan sulfate as a regulator of endochondral ossification and osteochondroma development
    In: Matrix Biology Jg. 34 (2014) S. 55 - 63
  • Moll, Henry; Lütke, Laura; Bachvarova, Velina; Cherkouk, Andrea; Selenska-Pobell, Sonja; Bernhard, Gert
    Interactions of the Mont Terri Opalinus Clay Isolate Sporomusa sp. MT-2.99 with Curium(III) and Europium(III)
    In: Geomicrobiology Journal Jg. 31 (2014) Nr. 8, S. 682 - 696
  • Jochmann, Katja; Bachvarova, Velina; Vortkamp, Andrea
    Reprint of: Heparan sulfate as a regulator of endochondral ossification and osteochondroma development
    In: Matrix Biology Jg. 35 (2014) S. 239 - 247
  • Lütke, Laura; Moll, Henry; Bachvarova, Velina; Selenska-Pobell, Sonja; Bernhard, Gert
    The U(vi) speciation influenced by a novel Paenibacillus isolate from Mont Terri Opalinus clay
    In: Dalton Transactions Jg. 42 (2013) Nr. 19, S. 6979 - 6988
  • Dissertation

  • Bachvarova, Velina;
    Role of Heparan sulfate in Indian Hedgehog signaling and Glycosaminoglycan composition
    Duisburg, Essen (2018) XI, 134 Seiten