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Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.

    Artikel in Zeitschriften

  • Büchter, Matthias; Günther, Arne Maria; Manka, Paul; Gerken, Guido; Kahraman, Alisan
    Factors Positively Correlated with Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Seroconversion in Chronic Hepatitis B
    In: Journal of Personalized Medicine Jg. 14 (2024) Nr. 4, 390
  • Leyh, Catherine; Coombes, Jason D.; Schmidt, Hartmut H.; Canbay, Ali; Manka, Paul P.; Best, Jan
    MASLD-Related HCC : Update on Pathogenesis and Current Treatment Options
    In: Journal of Personalized Medicine Jg. 14 (2024) Nr. 4, 370
  • Sydor, Svenja; Engin, Ender; Wittek, Samantha; Lemmer, Peter; Best, Jan; Steinmetz, Martin; Figge, Anja; Jähnert, Andreas; Özcürümez, Mustafa; Bröcker-Preuß, Martina; Syn, Wing-Kin; Canbay, Aliekber; Manka, Paul
    Religious intermittent fasting : Effects on liver health, metabolic markers, and gut microbiota in type 2 diabetes patients
    In: Clinical Nutrition Open Science Jg. 58 (2024) S. 370 - 383
  • Schwertheim, Suzan; Alhardan, Malek; Manka, Paul P.; Sowa, Jan-Peter; Canbay, Ali; Schmidt, Hartmut H.-J.; Baba, Hideo A.; Kälsch, Julia
    Higher pNRF2, SOCS3, IRF3, and RIG1 Tissue Protein Expression in NASH Patients versus NAFL Patients : pNRF2 Expression Is Concomitantly Associated with Elevated Fasting Glucose Levels
    In: Journal of Personalized Medicine Jg. 13 (2023) Nr. 7, 1152
  • Kreimeyer, Henriette; Vogt, Katharina; Götze, Tobias; Best, Jan; Götze, Oliver; Weigt, Jochen; Kahraman, Alisan; Özçürümez, Mustafa; Kälsch, Julia; Syn, Wing-Kin; Sydor, Svenja; Canbay, Aliekber; Manka, Paul
    Influence of the Bile Acid Transporter Genes ABCB4, ABCB8, and ABCB11 and the Farnesoid X Receptor on the Response to Ursodeoxycholic Acid in Patients with Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis
    In: Journal of Personalized Medicine Jg. 13 (2023) Nr. 7, 1180
  • Bedreli, Sotiria; Manka, Paul; Büchter, Matthias; Jahn, Michael; Theysohn, Jens; Canbay, Aliekber; Katsounas, Antonios
    No Differences in Rotational Thromboelastometry Measurements between Portal and Peripheral Circulation in Cirrhotic Patients Undergoing TIPS
    In: Journal of Personalized Medicine Jg. 13 (2023) Nr. 3, 424
  • Kreimeyer, Henriette; Büchter, Matthias; Best, Jan; Gieseler, Robert; Katsounas, Antonios; Sowa, Jan-Peter; Gerken, Guido; Canbay, Aliekber; Manka, Paul; Bechmann, Lars P.
    Performance of the Liver Maximum Function Capacity Test, Fibrinogen, and Transient Elastography in Patients with Acute Liver Injury
    In: Digestive Diseases Jg. 41 (2023) Nr. 2, S. 259 - 267
  • Manka, Paul; Coombes, Jason D.; Sydor, Svenja; Swiderska-Syn, Marzena K.; Best, Jan; Gauthier, Karine; van Grunsven, Leo A.; Oo, Ye H.; Wang, Cindy; Diehl, Anna M.; Hönes, Georg S.; Möller, Lars; Figge, Anja; Boosman, René J.; Faber, Klaas N.; Tannapfel, Andrea; Goetze, Oliver; Aspichueta, Patricia; Lange, Christian M.; Canbay, Aliekber; Syn, Wing-Kin
    Thyroid hormone receptor alpha modulates fibrogenesis in hepatic stellate cells
    In: Liver International (2023) in press
  • Manka, Paul; Sydor, Svenja; Schänzer-Ocklenburg, Julia M.; Brandenburg, Malte; Best, Jan; Vilchez-Vargas, Ramiro; Link, Alexander; Heider, Dominik; Brodesser, Susanne; Figge, Anja; Jähnert, Andreas; Coombes, Jason D.; Cubero, Francisco Javier; Kahraman, Alisan; Kim, Moon-Sung; Kälsch, Julia; Kinner, Sonja; Faber, Klaas Nico; Moshage, Han; Gerken, Guido; Syn, Wing-Kin; Canbay, Aliekber; Bechmann, Lars Peter
    A Potential Role for Bile Acid Signaling in Celiac Disease-Associated Fatty Liver
    In: Metabolites Jg. 12 (2022) Nr. 2, 130
  • Lemmer, Peter; Manka, Paul; Best, Jan; Kahraman, Alisan; Kälsch, Julia; Vilchez-vargas, Ramiro; Link, Alexander; Chiang, Hsin; Gerken, Guido; Canbay, Aliekber; Bechmann, Lars Peter; Sydor, Svenja
    Effects of Moderate Alcohol Consumption in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
    In: Journal of Clinical Medicine (JCM) Jg. 11 (2022) Nr. 3, 890
  • Leyh, Catherine; Heucke, Niklas; Schotten, Clemens; Büchter, Matthias; Bechmann, Lars P.; Wichert, Marc; Dechene, Alexander; Herrmann, Ken; Heider, Dominik; Sydor, Svenja; Lemmer, Peter; Ludwig, Johannes M.; Pospiech, Josef; Theysohn, Jens; Damm, Robert; March, Christine; Powerski, Maciej; Pech, Maciej; Özcürümez, Mustafa; Weigt, Jochen; Keitel, Verena; Lange, Christian M.; Schmidt, Hartmut; Canbay, Aliekber; Best, Jan; Gerken, Guido; Manka, Paul
    LiMAx Prior to Radioembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma as an Additional Tool for Patient Selection in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis
    In: Cancers Jg. 14 (2022) Nr. 19, 4584
  • Manka, Paul; Sydor, Svenja; Wase, Nishikant; Best, Jan; Brandenburg, Malte; Hellbeck, Annika; Schänzer, Julia; Vilchez-Vargas, Ramiro; Link, Alexander; Figge, Anja; Jähnert, Andreas; von Arnim, Ulrike; Coombes, Jason D.; Cubero, Francisco-Javier; Kahraman, Alisan; Kim, Jung Sung; Kälsch, Julia; Kinner, Sonja; Faber, Klaas-Nico; Moshage, Han; Gerken, Guido; Syn, Wing-Kin; Friedman, Scott L.; Canbay, Aliekber; Bechmann, Lars Peter
    Anti-TNFα treatment in Crohn’s disease : Impact on hepatic steatosis, gut-derived hormones and metabolic status
    In: Liver International Jg. 41 (2021) Nr. 11, S. 2646 - 2658
  • Manka, Paul; Baba, Hideo Andreas; Wedemeyer, Heiner; Kahraman, Alisan
    Diet-refractory NASH in an elderly woman
    In: Gut Jg. 70 (2021) Nr. 10, S. 1924 - 1945
  • Schotten, Clemens; Ostertag, Bastian; Sowa, Jan-Peter; Manka, Paul; Bechmann, Lars Peter; Hilgard, Gudrun; Marquardt, Claudio; Wichert, Marc; Toyoda, Hidenori; Lange, Christian M.; Canbay, Ali; Johnson, Philip; Wedemeyer, Heiner; Best, Jan
    GALAD score detects early-stage hepatocellular carcinoma in a european cohort of chronic hepatitis b and c patients
    In: Pharmaceuticals Jg. 14 (2021) Nr. 8, 735
  • Figge, Anja; Sydor, Svenja; Wenning, Chiara; Manka, Paul; Aßmuth, Sophia; Vilchez-Vargas, Ramiro; Link, Alexander; Jähnert, Andreas; Brodesser, Susanne; Lucas, Christina; Nevzorova, Yulia A.; Faber, Klaas Nico; Moshage, Han J.; Porsch-Özçürümez, Mustafa; Gerken, Guido; Cubero, Francisco Javier; Canbay, Ali E.; Bechmann, Lars Peter
    Gender and gut microbiota composition determine hepatic bile acid, metabolic and inflammatory response to a single fast-food meal in healthy adults
    In: Clinical Nutrition Jg. 40 (2021) Nr. 5, S. 2609 - 2619
  • Sydor, Svenja; Best, Jan; Messerschmidt, Insa; Manka, Paul; Vilchez-Vargas, Ramiro; Brodesser, Susanne; Lucas, Christina; Wegehaupt, Annemarie; Wenning, Chiara; Aßmuth, Sophia; Hohenester, Simon; Link, Alexander; Faber, Klaas Nico; Moshage, Han; Cubero, Francisco Javier; Friedman, Scott L.; Gerken, Guido; Trauner, Michael; Canbay, Aliekber; Bechmann, Lars Peter
    Altered Microbiota Diversity and Bile Acid Signaling in Cirrhotic and Noncirrhotic NASH-HCC
    In: Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology Jg. 11 (2020) Nr. 3, e00131
  • Sydor, Svenja; Manka, Paul; van Buren, Lea; Theurer, Sarah; Schwertheim, Suzan; Best, Jan; Heegsma, Janette; Saeed, Ali; Vetter, Diana; Schlattjan, Martin; Dittrich, Anna; Fiel, Maria I.; Baba, Hideo Andreas; Dechêne, Alexander; Cubero, Francisco J.; Gerken, Guido; Canbay, Aliekber; Moshage, Han; Friedman, Scott L.; Faber, Klaas Nico; Bechmann, Lars Peter
    Hepatocyte KLF6 expression affects FXR signalling and the clinical course of primary sclerosing cholangitis
    In: Liver International Jg. 40 (2020) Nr. 9, S. 2172 - 2181
  • Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Benkö, Tamas; Manka, Paul; Von Horn, Charlotte; Treckmann, Jürgen-Walter; Paul, Andreas; Minor, Thomas
    Long-term Outcomes after Controlled Oxygenated Rewarming of Human Livers before Transplantation
    In: Transplantation Direct Jg. 6 (2020) Nr. 4, S. e542
  • Manka, Paul; Canbay, Aliekber; Bechmann, Lars Peter
    Model for end-stage liver disease-sodium in acute-on-chronic liver failure
    In: Journal of Hepatology Jg. 73 (2020) Nr. 6, S. 1578 - 1579
  • Manka, Paul; Zeller, Amos; Syn, Wing-Kin
    Fibrosis in Chronic Liver Disease : an Update on Diagnostic and Treatment Modalities
    In: Drugs Jg. 79 (2019) Nr. 9, S. 903 - 927
  • Gottlieb, Aline; Kottmann, Maren; Manka, Paul; Bedreli, Sotiria; Hadem, Johannes; Bechmann, Lars Peter; Sowa, Jan-Peter; Gerken, Guido; Canbay, Aliekber
    How to Define Acute Liver Failure Patients with Pre-Existing Liver Disease without Signs of Cirrhosis
    In: Digestive Diseases Jg. 37 (2019) Nr. 2, S. 147 - 154
  • Manka, Paul; Bechmann, Lars Peter; Best, Jan; Sydor, Svenja; Claridge, Lee C.; Coombes, Jason D.; Canbay, Aliekber; Möller, Lars; Gerken, Guido; Wedemeyer, Heiner; Syn, Wing-Kin
    Low Free Triiodothyronine Is Associated with Advanced Fibrosis in Patients at High Risk for Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis
    In: Digestive Diseases and Sciences Jg. 64 (2019) Nr. 8, S. 2351 - 2358
  • Schotten, Clemens; Bechmann, Lars Peter; Manka, Paul; Theysohn, Jens; Dechene, Alexander; El Fouly, Amr; Barbato, Francesco; Neumann, Ursula; Radünz, Sonia; Sydor, Svenja; Heider, Dominik; Venerito, Marino; Canbay, Aliekber; Gerken, Guido; Herrmann, Ken; Wedemeyer, Heiner; Best, Jan; Bechmann, Lars P.; El Fouly, Amr
    NAFLD-Associated Comorbidities in Advanced Stage HCC Do Not Alter the Safety and Efficacy of Yttrium-90 Radioembolization
    In: Liver Cancer Jg. 8 (2019) Nr. 6, S. 491 - 504
  • Schotten, C.; Bechmann, Lars Peter; Manka, Paul; Theysohn, Jens; Dechene, Alexander; El Fouly, A.; Muller, S.; Schulze, Maren; Neumann, U.; Radunz, S.; Heider, Dominik; Canbay, Aliekber; Gerken, Guido; Herrmann, Ken; Wedemeyer, Heiner; Best, Jan
    Extrahepatic Comorbidities Do Not Alter the Safety and Efficacy of Radioembolization of NAFLD-Associated HCC
    In: Hepatology Jg. 68 (2018) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 852A - 853A
  • Mehta, Kosha J.; Coombes, Jason D.; Briones-Orta, Marco; Manka, Paul P.; Williams, Roger; Patel, Vinood B.; Syn, Wing-Kin
    Iron Enhances Hepatic Fibrogenesis and Activates Transforming Growth Factor-β Signaling in Murine Hepatic Stellate Cells
    In: The American Journal of the Medical Sciences Jg. 355 (2018) Nr. 2, S. 183 - 190
  • Büchter, Matthias; Manka, Paul; Heinemann, Falko Markus; Lindemann, Monika; Baba, Hideo Andreas; Schlattjan, Martin; Canbay, Ali; Gerken, Guido; Kahraman, Alisan
    Potential triggering factors of acute liver failure as a frst manifestation of autoimmune hepatitis : a single center experience of 52 adult patients
    In: World Journal of Gastroenterology Jg. 24 (2018) Nr. 13, S. 1410 - 1418
  • Shetty, Akshay; Hsu, Jennifer W.; Manka, Paul; Syn, Wing-Kin
    Role of the Circadian Clock in the Metabolic Syndrome and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
    In: Digestive Diseases and Sciences Jg. 63 (2018) Nr. 12, S. 3187 - 3206
  • Büchter, Matthias; Manka, Paul; Theysohn, Jens; Reinboldt, Marcus; Canbay, Aliekber; Kahraman, Alisan
    Spleen stiffness is positively correlated with HVPG and decreases significantly after TIPS implantation
    In: Digestive and Liver Disease Jg. 50 (2018) Nr. 1, S. 54 - 60
  • Manka, Paul; Coombes, J.D.; Boosman, R.; Gauthier, K.; Papa, S.; Syn, W.K.
    Thyroid hormone in the regulation of hepatocellular carcinoma and its microenvironment
    In: Cancer Letters Jg. 419 (2018) S. 175 - 186
  • Buechter, Matthias; Manka, Paul; Gerken, Guido; Canbay, Aliekber; Blomeyer, Sandra; Wetter, Axel; Altenbernd, Jens; Kahraman, Alisan; Theysohn, Jens
    Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt in Patients with Portal Hypertension: Patency Depends on Coverage and Interventionalist's Experience
    In: Digestive Diseases Jg. 36 (2018) Nr. 3, S. 218 - 227
  • Thodou, Victoria; Büchter, Matthias; Manka, Paul; Gerken, Guido; Kahraman, Alisan
    Course of hepatitis e infection in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis and autoimmune hepatitis : A case report
    In: Medicine Jg. 96 (2017) Nr. 51, e9407
  • Sydor, Svenja; Manka, Paul; Best, Jan; Jafoui, Sami; Sowa, Jan-Peter; Zoubek, Miguel Eugenio; Hernandez-Gea, Virginia; Cubero, Francisco Javier; Kälsch, Julia; Vetter, DIana; Fiel, Maria Isabel; Hoshida, Yujin; Bian, C. Billie; Nelson, Leonard J.; Moshage, Han; Faber, Klaas Nico; Paul, Andreas; Baba, Hideo Andreas; Gerken, Guido; Friedman, Scott L.; Canbay, Aliekber; Bechmann, Lars Peter
    Krüppel-like factor 6 is a transcriptional activator of autophagy in acute liver injury
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 7 (2017) S. 8119
  • Anastasiou, Olympia E.; Kälsch, Julia; Hakmouni, Mahdi; Kucukoglu, Ozlem; Heider, Dominik; Korth, Johannes; Manka, Paul; Sowa, Jan-Peter; Bechmann, Lars Peter; Saner, Fuat; Paul, Andreas; Gerken, Guido; Baba, Hideo Andreas; Canbay, Aliekber
    Low transferrin and high ferritin concentrations are associated with worse outcome in acute liver failure
    In: Liver International Jg. 37 (2017) Nr. 7, S. 1032 - 1041
  • Buechter, Matthias; Manka, Paul; Heinemann, Falko M.; Lindemann, Monika; Juntermanns, Benjamin; Canbay, Aliekber; Gerken, Guido; Kahraman, Alisan
    Outcome and Genetic Factors in IgG4-Associated Autoimmune Pancreatitis and Cholangitis: A Single Center Experience
    In: Gastroenterology Research and Practice Jg. 2017 (2017) S. 6126707
  • Büchter, Matthias; Theysohn, Jens; Kahraman, Alisan; Manka, Paul; Gerken, Guido; Canbay, Aliekber; Dechene, Alexander
    Rescue therapy of a refractory rectal variceal bleeding in a cirrhotic patient by Linton-Nachlas tube and TIPS implantation in combination with variceal embolization
    In: Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie Jg. 55 (2017) Nr. 1, S. 50 - 55
  • Briones-Orta, M.A.; Williams, R.; Canbay, Aliekber; Swiderska-Syn, M.; Syn, W.-K.; Flamant, F.; Gauthier, K.; Coombes, J.D.; Manka, Paul; van Grunsven, L.; Bechmann, Lars Peter; Dollé, L.
    Thyroid Hormone receptor regulates hepatic stellate cell activation
    In: Journal of Hepatology Jg. 66 (2017) Nr. 1, S. S582
  • Manka, Paul; Coombes, J. D.; Wang, C.; Swiderska-Syn, M.; Briones, M. A.; Sydor, S.; Williams, R.; Gerken, Guido; Canbay, Aliekber; Gauthier, K.; Bechmann, Lars Peter; Syn, W. K.
    Thyroid hormone (T3) regulates liver progenitor cell response
    In: Hepatology Jg. 66 (2017) Nr. S1, S. 225A
  • Büchter, Matthias; Manka, Paul; Gerken, Guido; Canbay, Aliekber; Kahraman, Alisan
    Triggering factors for acute liver failure in patients with first manifestation of autoimmune hepatitis : a single center experience of 501 patients
    In: Hepatology Jg. 66 (2017) Nr. S1, Special Issue: The 68th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases: The Liver Meeting 2017, S. 679A
  • Best, Jan; Manka, Paul; Syn, Wing-Kin; Dollé, Laurent; van Grunsven, Leo A; Canbay, Aliekber
    Role of liver progenitors in liver regeneration
    In: Hepatobiliary Surgery and Nutrition Jg. 4 (2015) Nr. 1, S. 48 - 58
  • Best, Jan; Dollé, Laurent; Manka, Paul; Coombes, Jason; van Grunsven, Leo A; Syn, Wing-Kin
    Role of liver progenitors in acute liver injury
    In: Frontiers in Physiology Jg. 4 (2013) S. 258
  • Manka, Paul; Bechmann, Lars P.; Tacke, Frank; Sowa, Jan-Peter; Schlattjan, Martin; Kälsch, Julia; Jochum, Christoph; Paul, Andreas; Saner, Fuat; Trautwein, Christian; Gerken, Guido; Canbay, Aliekber
    Serum sodium based modification of the MELD does not improve prediction of outcome in acute liver failure
    In: BMC Gastroenterology Jg. 13 (2013) Nr. 1, S. 58
  • Vorworte / Nachworte

  • Manka, Paul; Syn, Wing-Kin
    NASH, Metabolic Syndrome, and Diabetes : How Sugar and Fat Increase the Risk of Developing Advanced Liver Disease
    In: Digestive Diseases and Sciences Jg. 66 (2021) Nr. 7, S. 2147 - 2148
  • Abstracts

  • Schotten, Clemens; Bechmann, Lars Peter; Manka, Paul; Theysohn, Jens; Dechene, Alexander; El Fouly, Amr; Müller, Stefan; Schulze, Maren; Neumann, Ursula; Raduenz, Sonia; Heider, Dominik; Canbay, Aliekber; Gerken, Guido; Herrmann, Ken; Wedemeyer, Heiner; Best, Jan
    Extrahepatic Comorbidities Do Not Alter the Safety and Efficacy of Radioembolization of NAFLD-Associated HCC
    In: Hepatology Jg. 68 (2018) Nr. S1, S. 852A - 853A
  • Sydor, Svenja; Manka, Paul; Schänzer, Jonathan; Messerschmidt, Insa; Kinner, Sonja; Link, Alexander; Moshage, Han; Faber, Klaas Nico; Gerken, Guido; Canbay, Aliekber; Bechmann, Lars Peter
    Gut-liver interactions in celiac disease : FGF-19 and GLP-1 link disease activity to hepatic steatosis and liver injury
    In: Journal of Hepatology Jg. 68 (2018) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 561
  • Mehta, K.; Briones, M. A.; Manka, Paul; Coombes, J. D.; Williams, R.; Patel, V. B.; Syn, W. K.
    Iron enhances hepatic fibrogenesis through TGF-beta activation
    In: Hepatology Jg. 64 (2016) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 360A
  • Briones, M. A.; Coombes, J. D.; Mellone, M.; Rispoli, R.; Tolosa, E.; Manka, Paul; Kitamura, N.; Quaglia, A.; Canbay, Aliekber; Alpini, G.; Glaser, S. S.; Williams, R.; Papa, S.; Fernandez-Zapico, M. E.; Syn, W. K.
    The role of osteopontin isoforms in cholangiocarcinoma
    In: Hepatology Jg. 64 (2016) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 235A
  • Sydor, S.; Best, Jan; Manka, Paul; Schlattjan, M.; Schreiter, T.; Vetter, D.; Paul, Andreas; Friedman, S. L.; Gerken, Guido; Canbay, Aliekber; Bechmann, Lars Peter
    Hepatocyte Krüppel-Like-Factor 6 expression is upregulated in acute liver injury and represses hepatocyte proliferation
    In: Hepatology Jg. 60 (2014) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 557A - 558A
  • Anastasiou, O.; Sowa, Jan-Peter; Manka, Paul; Fingas, Christian; Syn, W. K.; Katsounas, Antonios; Führer, Dagmar; Gieseler, Robert; Bechmann, Lars Peter; Gerken, Guido; Möller, Lars; Canbay, Aliekber
    Higher thyroid-stimulating hormone, triiodothyronine and thyroxine values are associated with better outcome in acute liver failure
    In: Hepatology Jg. 60 (2014) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 556A - 557A
  • Briones-Orta, M. A.; Coombes, J. D.; Kitamura, N.; Manka, Paul; Williams, R.; Canbay, Aliekber; Papa, S.; Syn, W. K.
    Osteopontin isoforms are upregulated in human cholangiocarcinoma cells and modulate levels of the TGF-beta repressor, SnoN
    In: Hepatology Jg. 60 (2014) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 818A
  • Manka, Paul; Bechmann, Lars Peter; Schlattjan, Martin; Sowa, Jan-Peter; Mathe, Zoltan; Saner, Fuat; Gerken, Guido; Canbay, Aliekber;
    Serum Sodium based Modification of the Meld score does not improve Prediction of Non-Spontaneous survival in acute liver failure
    The 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases: The Liver Meeting 2011,
    In: Hepatology Jg. 54 (2011) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 367A
  • Poster / Posterbeiträge

  • Leyh, Catherine; Heucke, Niklas; Schotten, Clemens; Büchter, Matthias; Bechmann, Lars; Wichert, Marc; Dechene, Alexander; Herrmann, Ken; Katsounas, Antonios; Özcürümez, Mustafa; Heider, Dominik; Sydor, Svenja; Ludwig, Johannes M.; Theysohn, Jens; Damm, Robert; Powerski, Maciej; Pech, Maciej; Canbay, Ali; Weigt, Jochen; Keitel-Anselmino, Verena; Lange, Christian; Best, Jan; Manka, Paul;
    LiMAx faciliates patient selection prior radioembolization for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma in liver cirrhosis
    The International Liver Congress 2022 ; 22-26 June 2022, London, UK,
    In: Journal of Hepatology Jg. 77 (2022) Nr. Supplement 1: Abstracts of The International Liver CongressTM 2022, S. S378 - S379