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Theoretical Physics and Center for Nanointegration, CENIDE

Lotharstraße 1
47057 Duisburg
ME 130


  • Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in, Arbeitsgruppe Prof. Pentcheva

Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.

    Artikel in Zeitschriften

  • Friák, Martin; Schneeweiss, Oldřich; Kamarád, Jiří; Kaštil, Jiří; Miroshkina, Olga; Gruner, Markus
    Impact of swaps on Mössbauer characteristics of Ni₂MnSn : an experimental and quantum-mechanical study
    In: Journal of Materials Science Jg. 59 (2024) Nr. 13, S. 5595 - 5606
  • Josten, Nicolas; Miroshkina, Olga; Acet, Mehmet; Gruner, Markus; Farle, Michael
    Annealing time, temperature, and field dependence of pinned magnetic moments in the collinear antiferromagnet PdMn
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 108 (2023) Nr. 6, 064417
  • Sokolovskiy, V.V.; Miroshkina, Olga; Buchelnikov, V.D.; Gruner, Markus
    Atomic Ordering in Fe₂NiZ (Z = Al, Ga, In, Sn) Alloys : Effects on the Anisotropy and Properties of the Ground State
    In: The Physics of Metals and Metallography Jg. 124 (2023) Nr. 2, S. 138 - 145
  • Beckmann, Benedikt; Koch, David; Pfeuffer, Lukas; Gottschall, Tino; Taubel, Andreas; Adabifiroozjaei, Esmaeil; Miroshkina, Olga; Riegg, Stefan; Niehoff, Timo; Kani, Nagaarjhuna A.; Gruner, Markus; Molina-Luna, Leopoldo; Skokov, Konstantin P.; Gutfleisch, Oliver
    Dissipation losses limiting first-order phase transition materials in cryogenic caloric cooling : A case study on all-d-metal Ni(-Co)-Mn-Ti Heusler alloys
    In: Acta Materialia Jg. 246 (2023) 118695
  • Sokolovskiy, V. V.; Miroshkina, Olga; Buchelnikov, V. D.; Gruner, Markus
    Effect of Layered Atomic Ordering on the Magnetic Properties of Fe2Ni-Based Heusler Alloys : Insights from Ab Initio Simulations
    In: Shape Memory and Superelasticity Jg. 9 (2023) Nr. 3, S. 420 - 426
  • Josten, Nicolas; Noorzayee, Sakia; Miroshkina, Olga; Zingsem, Benjamin; Acet, Mehmet; Wiedwald, Ulf; Çaklr, Asll; Gruner, Markus; Farle, Michael
    Emergence of net magnetization by magnetic field biased diffusion in antiferromagnetic L10 NiMn
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 107 (2023) Nr. 17, 174417
  • Sokolovskiy, Vladimir; Baigutlin, Danil; Miroshkina, Olga; Buchelnikov, Vasiliy
    Meta-GGA SCAN Functional in the Prediction of Ground State Properties of Magnetic Materials : Review of the Current State
    In: Metals Jg. 13 (2023) Nr. 4, 728
  • Buchelnikov, V.D.; Baigutlin, D.R.; Sokolovskiy, V.V.; Miroshkina, Olga
    The Influence of Exchange Correlation Effects on the Stabilization of the Half-Metallic Properties of Mn₂VAl and Mn₂VSi Alloys
    In: The Physics of Metals and Metallography Jg. 124 (2023) Nr. 2, S. 118 - 125
  • Sanosyan, Artur A.; Sokolovskiy, Vladimir V.; Miroshkina, Olga; Buchelnikov, Vasiliy D.; Cong, Daoyong
    Ab Initio Study of the Structural Properties of the Co–Ni–Sn Heusler Alloys
    In: Physics of the Solid State Jg. 64 (2022) Nr. 3, S. 129 - 134
  • Koch, David; Beckmann, Benedikt; Fortunato, Nuno M.; Miroshkina, Olga; Gruner, Markus; Zhang, Hongbin; Gutfleisch, Oliver; Donner, Wolfgang
    Chemical long range ordering in all-d-metal Heusler alloys
    In: Journal of Applied Physics Jg. 131 (2022) Nr. 7, 073903
  • Cugini, F.; Chicco, S.; Orlandi, F.; Allodi, G.; Bonfá, P.; Vezzoni, V.; Miroshkina, Olga N.; Gruner, Markus; Righi, L.; Fabbrici, S.; Albertini, F.; De Renzi, R.; Solzi, M.
    Effective decoupling of ferromagnetic sublattices by frustration in Heusler alloys
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 105 (2022) Nr. 17, 174434
  • Miroshkina, Olga; Sokolovskiy, Vladimir V.; Buchelnikov, Vasiliy D.; Gruner, Markus
    Electronic and Vibrational Properties of Fe2NiAl and Co2NiAl Full Heusler Alloys : A First-Principles Comparison
    In: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics (T-MAG) Jg. 58 (2022) Nr. 8, 2700105
  • Wilfong, Brandon; Fedorko, Adrian; Baigutlin, Danil R.; Miroshkina, Olga N.; Zhou, Xiuquan; Stephen, Gregory M.; Friedman, Adam L.; Sharma, Vaibhav; Bishop, Omar; Barua, Radhika; Bennett, Steven P.; Chung, Duck Young; Kanatzidis, Mercouri G.; Buchelnikov, Vasiliy D.; Sokolovskiy, Vladimir V.; Barbiellini, Bernardo; Bansil, Arun; Heiman, Don; Jamer, Michelle E.
    Helical spin ordering in room-temperature metallic antiferromagnet Fe3Ga4
    In: Journal of Alloys and Compounds Jg. 917 (2022) 165532
  • Sokolovskiy, Vladimir V.; Miroshkina, Olga; Buchelnikov, Vasiliy D.; Gruner, Markus
    Impact of local arrangement of Fe and Ni on the phase stability and magnetocrystalline anisotropy in Fe-Ni-Al Heusler alloys
    In: Physical Review Materials Jg. 6 (2022) Nr. 2, 025402
  • Miroshkina, Olga; Eggert, Benedikt; Lill, Johanna; Beckmann, Benedikt; Koch, David; Hu, Michael Y.; Lojewski, Tobias; Rauls, Simon; Scheibel, Franziska; Taubel, Andreas; Šob, Mojmir; Ollefs, Katharina; Gutfleisch, Oliver; Wende, Heiko; Gruner, Markus; Friák, Martin
    Impact of magnetic and antisite disorder on the vibrational densities of states in Ni2MnSn Heusler alloys
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 106 (2022) Nr. 21, 214302
  • Sokolovskiy, Vladimir; Miroshkina, Olga; Sanosyan, Artur; Baigutlin, Danil; Buchelnikov, Vasiliy; Gruner, Markus
    Magnetic and structural properties of Co-Ni-Z (Z= Al, Ga, In, Sn) Heusler alloys : Effect of structural motives and chemical disorder
    In: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Jg. 546 (2022) 168728
  • Sokolovskiy, V.V.; Miroshkina, Olga; Buchelnikov, V.D.; Marchenkov, V.V.
    Magnetocaloric Effect in Metals and Alloys
    In: The Physics of Metals and Metallography Jg. 123 (2022) Nr. 4, S. 315 - 318
  • Sokolovskiy, V.V.; Miroshkina, Olga; Buchelnikov, V.D.
    Review of Modern Theoretical Approaches for Study of Magnetocaloric Materials
    In: The Physics of Metals and Metallography Jg. 123 (2022) Nr. 4, S. 319 - 374
  • Sokolovskaya, Yulia; Miroshkina, Olga; Baigutlin, Danil; Sokolovskiy, Vladimir; Zagrebin, Mikhail; Buchelnikov, Vasilly; Zayak, Alexey T.
    A ternary map of ni–mn–ga heusler alloys from ab initio calculations
    In: Metals Jg. 11 (2021) Nr. 6, 973
  • Buchelnikov, Vasiliy D.; Sokolovskiy, Vladimir V.; Miroshkina, Olga; Baigutlin, Danil R.; Zagrebin, Mikhail A.; Barbiellini, Bernardo; Singh, Bahadur; Bansil, Arun; Lähderanta, Erkki
    Design of a Stable Heusler Alloy with Switchable Metal-to-Half-Metal Transition at Finite Temperature
    In: Advanced Theory and Simulations Jg. 4 (2021) Nr. 11, 2100311
  • Pavlukhina, Oksana O.; Sokolovskiy, Vladimir V.; Matyunina, Mariya V.; Zagrebin, Mikhail A.; Miroshkina, Olga; Baigutlin, Danil R.; Buchelnikov, Vasiliy D.; Mohamed, Abdelkariem K.; Palacheva, Valeria V.; Palachev, Valery A.; Balagurov, Anatoly M.; Golovin, Igor S.
    Phase transitions in Fe-(23−24)Ga alloys : Experimental results and modeling
    In: Journal of Alloys and Compounds Jg. 885 (2021) 160917
  • Buchelnikov, Vasiliy D.; Sokolovskiy, Vladimir V.; Miroshkina, Olga; Baigutlin, Danil R.; Zagrebin, Mikhail A.; Barbiellini, Bernardo; Lähderanta, Erkki
    Prediction of a Heusler alloy with switchable metal-to-half-metal behavior
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 103 (2021) Nr. 5, S. 054414