Jonas Nothhelfer

Jonas Nothhelfer

Jonas Nothhelfer

Positions IT Coordinator

+49 203 379 4736

Office MG 383
Address Twist Group, Faculty of Physics
University of Duisburg-Essen
Campus Duisburg
Lotharstraße 1
D 47057 Duisburg

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Fakultät für Physik

Lotharstraße 1
47057 Duisburg
MG 383


  • IT-Koordinator/in, Dekanat Fakultät für Physik

The following publications are listed in the online university bibliography of the University of Duisburg-Essen. Further information may also be found on the person's personal web pages.

    Journal articles

  • Díaz Álvarez, Aníbal; Nothhelfer, Jonas; Hals, Kjetil M. D.; Everschor-Sitte, Karin
    Manipulating vortices with domain walls in superconductor-ferromagnet heterostructures
    In: Physical Review B Vol. 109 (2024) Nr. 20, L201110
  • Nothhelfer, Jonas; Diaz, Sebastian; Kessler, Stephan; Meng, Tobias; Rizzi, Matteo; Hals, Kjetil Magne Dørheim; Everschor-Sitte, Karin
    Steering Majorana braiding via skyrmion-vortex pairs : A scalable platform
    In: Physical Review B Vol. 105 (2022) Nr. 22, 224509
  • Rodrigues, Davi R.; Nothhelfer, Jonas; Mohseni, Morteza; Knapman, Ross; Pirro, Philipp; Everschor-Sitte, Karin
    Nonlinear Dynamics of Topological Ferromagnetic Textures for Frequency Multiplication
    In: Physical Review Applied Vol. 16 (2021) Nr. 1, 014020
  • Kim, Kyoung-Whan; Moon, Kyoung-Woong; Kerber, Nico; Nothhelfer, Jonas; Everschor-Sitte, Karin
    Asymmetric skyrmion Hall effect in systems with a hybrid Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction
    In: Physical Review B Vol. 97 (2018) Nr. 22, pp. 224427

Quantum computers operate by storing and processing information on the basis of quantum bits so-called
qubits, instead of classical bits. They rely on the coherence of quantum states, which unfortunately might
get destroyed by small perturbations of the system, making quantum error correction methods necessary.
Topological quantum computation circumvents this problem by encoding the logical information in terms
of topological excitations, i.e. anyons, of a material. The computational operations are performed by their
controlled exchange, so-called braiding. One example of anyons is Majorana modes which are expected
to arise in different condensed matter systems.

In my PhD project, I consider ferromagnet-superconductor heterostructures which have been shown to
allow for novel topological composite excitations - skyrmion-vortex pairs - which support the occurrence
of Majorana bound states. Our goal is to study the braiding of Majorana zero modes via the controlled
motion of skyrmions. Thereby we plan to study their non-abelian exchange statistics towards potentially
using them for topological quantum computation.

This project is in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Matteo Rizzi and Prof. Dr. Kjetil Hals.