Academic Curriculum Vitae

Academic Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Dr. Alexander Probst

Mar 2024

Key Data

Current position: Full professor (W3) in Environmental Metagenomics
Appointed full professor: 31 Oct 2022
Date of PhD certificate: 28 May 2014
Date of birth: 02 May 1983
Academic age: 10 years (since graduation)
Publications: 111
Citations: 17,000+ | Hirsch-index: 42 | m-index: 4.2 | i10-index: 83
Extra-mural funds: ~6.5 Mio Euro
ORCID | ResearcherID| Google Scholar

Current research (key words)

Microbial ecology, environmental microbiology, ecophysiology of archaea, archeal viruses, freshwater ecosystems, One Health concept, high CO2 environments.


2011-2014 Dr. rer. nat. (summa cum laude), University of Regensburg, DE
2004-2010 Study of Biology, Diploma in Biology (M.Sc. equivalent) University of Regensburg, (grade: A+), with distinction
2003-2004 Study of Chemistry, University of Regensburg

Work experience

since 2024 Affiliate Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
since 2022 Full Professor / Research Professor for Environmental Metagenomics, Research Center One Health Ruhr of the Research Alliance Ruhr, University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE), DE
2018-2022 Associate Professor for Aquatic Microbial Ecology, UDE, DE
2017-2018 Substitute Professor for Aquatic Microbial Ecology, UDE, DE
2014-2017 PostDoc with Prof. Dr. Jill Banfield, UC Berkeley, USA
2010-2014 Bioinformatics scientist at Second Genome Inc., USA
2010 Research Associate Graduate Fellow, Caltech, JPL, NASA, USA
2010 Research Associate Graduate Fellow, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
2009 Graduand, EADS Astrium Space Transportation, DE
2007 Independent Advisor (internship), Caltech, JPL, NASA, USA

Current positions and activities in academia

since 2023 Speaker of the Water Graduate School, UDE
since 2022 Founding co-director of the research building Active Sites, UDE
since 2022 Member of the faculty council, Department of Chemistry, UDE
since 2021 Representative for Research Data Management, Department of Chemistry, UDE
since 2021 Member of the scientific advisory board of the German Society for General and Applied Microbiology (VAAM)
since 2021 Speaker of the section Environmental Microbiology of the VAAM
since 2020 Laison Lecturer of the German National Academic Foundation
since 2020 Member of the Diversity Commission, UDE

Honors and awards

2023 Highly Cited Researcher, Clarivate, Web of Science
2023 ERC Synergy Award, European Research Council (11.5 Mio Euro)
2021 Teaching award by the Faculty of Chemistry, UDE
2020 Science Award by the VAAM (German Society for Microbiology)
2017 NRW Return award (1.25 Mio Euro)
2016 Hirzebruch PhD award (2nd best PhD thesis in the German Academic Scholarship Foundation across math, engineering and natural sciences)
2016 University award by the city of Regensburg
2015 PhD award by the VAAM (German Society for Microbiology)
2014 PhD award, University of Regensburg
2007-2014 Scholar of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation
2006 Public award „Patrona Bavariae“ for saving two people’s lives

Ad hoc reviewer

Funding agencies DFG, German Science Foundation | European Research Council (ERC) | FWF, Der Wissenschaftsfonds, Austria | ANR, Agence Nationale de la Recherche, France | NSF, National Science Foundation, USA | NWO, Dutch Research Council, The Netherlands | and others
Journals Nature | Science | Cell | Nature Microbiology | Science Advances | Nature Communications | The ISME Journal | Environmental Microbiology | mSphere | mBio | and others