Campus maps
Maps can be found on the right side: "Lagepläne"
Map of Campus Duisburg (overview)
The Campus Duisburg of the University of Duisburg-Essen is split in several areas:
L = Lotharstraße 55-65
M = Lotharstraße 1-21, Mülheimer Straße
B = Bismarkstraße 69-90
SG = Geibelstraße 41
ST = Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 12
Public transports (from main station):
L/M-area, SG: Tram 901 (“Duisburg Zoo/ Uni”), Bus 933 (“Duisburg Universität”)
M-area: Bus 926 ("Duisburg Uni Nord-Lotharstr.")
ST-area: Tram 901 (“Thyssen Tor 30”) – go trough the Thyssen entry door & follow the signposts
B-area: walking distance from main station
Connection between B-area and L/M-area: Busses 924 and 926 from “Oststraße” to “Duisburg Schweizer Straße” or “Duisburg Universität”
City map of Duisburg
Map of Campus Duisburg, L- and M-area
Map of Campus Duisburg, B-area
Map of Campus Essen
T = University administration, university restaurant
S =Natural sciences, lecture halls
R = University library, media centre, Cultural studies, Economics
V = Engineering sciences
Public transport:
Underground U11, U17 and U18 to “Berliner Platz” or “Universität Essen”
Underground net
City map of Essen