Formalities before you leave (Erasmus)
Transcript of Records
At the end of your stay at the University of Duisburg-Essen you need to contact your Erasmus departmental coordinator in order to get a confirmation of your Learning Agreement. The confirmation of your Learning Agreement is called Transcript of Records. The Transcript of Records lists all the courses mentioned in your Learning Agreement. It also details whether you passed the courses and which local grades you received. Based on the Transcript of Records your home university recognises the results you achieved at the University of Duisburg-Essen.
Partial recovery of the semester contribution
You can apply for a partial recovery of the semester contribution in case you were enrolled substantially less than 6 months in the running semester. That may in particular apply to exchange students who come for a shorter period, but also for those who arrive late at the beginning of their studies or those who finish their studies and exmatriculate before the end of a semester.
Application procedure for partial recovery of the semester contribution:
Documents and information to include in your application:
- Address, phone no., email address
- Bank account details
- Copy of the certificate that evidences that date of your late enrolment or deregistration (Exmatrikulation)
- Confirmation of enrolment (Studienbescheinigung) of the semester for which you apply for partial recovery of the semester contribution
- Mark your application with the header “Mobilitätsbeitragserstattungen”
Submission of the application to the AStA (general student representation):
A template for the application can be found here:
Applications are proceed at the end of each semester.
See also: