Proof Of Financing
When you apply for your visa you must also declare that you are able to finance your studies yourself. This declaration refers to the whole period of your studies. When you apply for your visa, you usually have to prove financial means to finance your stay in Germany for one year. Please enquire about the details at the German Embassy.
The evidence of financial means is also prerequisite to register with the Foreigners Registration Office (Ausländerbehörde) after arrival as well as for the (usually) yearly renewal of the registration.
The German authorities assume a certain minimum amount which you must have at your disposal each month. At the moment this lies at 934 Euro per month which comes to a total of 11,208 Euro for the first year of studies. However it is possible that proof of a higher amount is requested.
Proof of financing can be shown in different ways. It is essantial that you enquire at the German Embassy in your home country in what form such a proof should be shown!
The main possibilities are:
- the requested amount is deposited as security onto a blocked account
- your parents submit appropriate statements of income and assets (proof of financial circumstances by a declaration of commitment in line with Article 66-68 Aufenthaltsgesetz (German Residence Law) made by a person with sufficient assets or income, by paying a security into a blocked account in Germany, or by depositing an annually renewable bank guarantee at a bank in Germany
- someone living in Germany guarantees the Foreigner's Office that he/she will bear the costs for you
- you provide a bank guarantee
- you receive a scholarship from a recognised grantor (proof of sufficient funds if your stay is being financed by a scholarship from public funds or a scholarship from an organisation recognised in Germany or a scholarship financed by public funds in your home country
- you receive a scholarship from a recognised grantor (proof of sufficient funds if the Federal Foreigner's Office, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) or another German organisation granting scholarships has been responsible for providing the relation to a German higher education institution)
- you receive financial support according to the German student's financial aid program (BAföG).
Do not underestimate the proof of financing. It is more than just a bureaucratic hurdle; you should make sure that even after the first year of your studies you have a certain amount of financial support to fall back on.
DAAD / Academic Exchange Service information here:
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