The working group Communicative University of the Global Young Faculty IV ( just published a book with interviews of university teachers from sixteen countries, who tell about their experiences in class room. Glaucia Peres da Silva was one of the interviewed teachers. The book “I love to share knowledge: A personal perspective on academic teaching” (2017) was edited by Albrecht, Brenner, Gökce, Malkemper, Niemeyer and Zeumer. Exemplars are available with Dr. Jochen Niemeyer.
Talk „World Music /Weltmusik: Discourses and Positions at a glance” in 19th April at 6 p.m. in Cologne
Glaucia Peres da Silva will open the lecture series “World Music / Weltmusik: Artists – Conceptions – Perspectives”, organized by Prof. Dr. Hans Neuhoff at the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln on 19th April. The talk in German has the title “World Music / Weltmusik: Discourses and Positions at a glance” and begins at 6 p.m. Entrance free.
New release: „Weltmusik: Ein politisch umstrittener Begriff“ in book Global Pop
The book Global Pop. Das Buch zur Weltmusik, edited by Claus Leggewie and Erik Meyer was just published by J.B. Metzler. Glaucia Peres da Silva wrote the chapter „Weltmusik: Ein politisch umstrittener Begriff“.
Glaucia Peres da Silva is Research Associate in the DFG-Researcher Group “Organized Creativity – Practices for Inducing and Coping with Uncertainty”
The DFG- Researcher Group Organized Creativity is coordinated by Prof. Dr. Jörg Sydow (Free University Berlin). Drawing on empirical comparisons of an arts-based and a science-based field, the group investigates the conditions under which creativity can be socially organized. Since February 2017, Glaucia Peres da Silva is Research Associate in this group.
Moderation in the conference of the Paltform Transcultural New Music in Bochum
The Platform Transcultural New Music realizes its first conference on 24th-26th Nov 2016 in in Bochum. The theme “Establishing Transcultural New Music – Bridging a Gap or Re-inventing Exoticism?” will be discussed theoretically in the talks and experimented musically in the concerts.
Participation in the conference Falling Walls 2016 in Berlin
Glaucia Peres da Silva is member of the DFG-Network „Artistic and creative employment. Network for the investigation of work and organizational practices in the cultural and creative economy“
Birgit Apitzsch and Glaucia Peres da Silva coordinate an Ad-hoc-Group in the DGS conference 2016
The Ad-hoch-Group “Dealing with problems and regulation in context of cross border labor – beyond closed societies?” is part of the program if the DGS Conference 2016 with talks of Ursula Mense-Petermann (Universität Bielefeld), Tao Liu (Universität Duisburg-Essen), Stefan Rüb (SOFI Göttingen), Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer (TU Berlin), Matthias Bottel (TU Berlin), Christoph Seidel (Universität Bielefeld), Andre Meyer (Universität Bielefeld) and Markus Pohlmann (Universität Heidelberg).
„Sociological Analyses of Globalization and Transnationalization“ class is on the Werktstattbericht of the CIVES! School of Education
Dr. Glaucia Peres da Silva receives the Teaching Award 2016
Students of the social sciences student union nominated Dr. Glaucia Peres da Silva „for her outstanding commitment in teaching sociology “ for the Teaching Award 2016 of the University Duisburg-Essen. After a shortlist by a committee headed by the Prorector for Study and Teaching Prof. Dr. Isabel van Ackeren, Dr. Glaucia Peres da Silva and Prof. Dr. Andreas Büchter’s team in the Didactics for Mathematics were awarded for their achievements in teaching with the Teaching Award 2016. The award ceremony was on Dies academicus.
Presentation of the book „Wie klingt die globale Ordnung – Die Entstehung eines Marktes für World Music“ in Vienna
Moderation of the panel „Pop und Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensgeschichte“
On April 15th 2016, Glaucia Peres da Silva will moderate the panel „Pop und Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensgeschichte“ in the workshop Räume, Märkte, Szenen – neue Arbeiten zur Popgeschichteorganized by the Center for Contemporary History (ZZF Potsdam) in cooperation with the excellence cluster Image Knowlegde Gestaltung (HU Berlin). In this event, we will discuss recent research on pop history after the publication of the books Popgeschichte – Band 1: Konzepte und Methodenand Band 2: Zeithistorische Fallstudien 1958-1988.
New release: What’s the sound of the global order – The emergence of a market for World Music
This book, written by Glaucia Peres da Silva (Institute of Sociology), analyses World Music in the tensions between culture and market. Using a cultural approach to sociology of markets, the author reveals that the construction of music genres is a constitutive condition for the emergence and establishment of music markets. In particular, she investigates the interlocking of aesthetics and market. This analysis allows her to demonstrate how the local production of World Music makes its globality possible.
More Information can be found in the publisher’s Website.
Talk „World Music /Weltmusik: Discourses and Positions at a glance” in 19th April at 6 p.m. in Cologne
Glaucia Peres da Silva will open the lecture series “World Music / Weltmusik: Artists – Conceptions – Perspectives”, organized by Prof. Dr. Hans Neuhoff at the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln on 19th April. The talk in German has the title “World Music / Weltmusik: Discourses and Positions at a glance” and begins at 6 p.m. Entrance free.
New release: „Weltmusik: Ein politisch umstrittener Begriff“ in book Global Pop
The book Global Pop. Das Buch zur Weltmusik, edited by Claus Leggewie and Erik Meyer was just published by J.B. Metzler. Glaucia Peres da Silva wrote the chapter „Weltmusik: Ein politisch umstrittener Begriff“.
Glaucia Peres da Silva is Research Associate in the DFG-Researcher Group “Organized Creativity – Practices for Inducing and Coping with Uncertainty”
The DFG- Researcher Group Organized Creativity is coordinated by Prof. Dr. Jörg Sydow (Free University Berlin). Drawing on empirical comparisons of an arts-based and a science-based field, the group investigates the conditions under which creativity can be socially organized. Since February 2017, Glaucia Peres da Silva is Research Associate in this group.
Moderation in the conference of the Paltform Transcultural New Music in Bochum
The Platform Transcultural New Music realizes its first conference on 24th-26th Nov 2016 in in Bochum. The theme “Establishing Transcultural New Music – Bridging a Gap or Re-inventing Exoticism?” will be discussed theoretically in the talks and experimented musically in the concerts.
Participation in the conference Falling Walls 2016 in Berlin
Glaucia Peres da Silva is member of the DFG-Network „Artistic and creative employment. Network for the investigation of work and organizational practices in the cultural and creative economy“
Birgit Apitzsch and Glaucia Peres da Silva coordinate an Ad-hoc-Group in the DGS conference 2016
The Ad-hoch-Group “Dealing with problems and regulation in context of cross border labor – beyond closed societies?” is part of the program if the DGS Conference 2016 with talks of Ursula Mense-Petermann (Universität Bielefeld), Tao Liu (Universität Duisburg-Essen), Stefan Rüb (SOFI Göttingen), Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer (TU Berlin), Matthias Bottel (TU Berlin), Christoph Seidel (Universität Bielefeld), Andre Meyer (Universität Bielefeld) and Markus Pohlmann (Universität Heidelberg).
„Sociological Analyses of Globalization and Transnationalization“ class is on the Werktstattbericht of the CIVES! School of Education
Dr. Glaucia Peres da Silva receives the Teaching Award 2016
Students of the social sciences student union nominated Dr. Glaucia Peres da Silva „for her outstanding commitment in teaching sociology “ for the Teaching Award 2016 of the University Duisburg-Essen. After a shortlist by a committee headed by the Prorector for Study and Teaching Prof. Dr. Isabel van Ackeren, Dr. Glaucia Peres da Silva and Prof. Dr. Andreas Büchter’s team in the Didactics for Mathematics were awarded for their achievements in teaching with the Teaching Award 2016. The award ceremony was on Dies academicus.
Presentation of the book „Wie klingt die globale Ordnung – Die Entstehung eines Marktes für World Music“ in Vienna
Moderation of the panel „Pop und Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensgeschichte“
On April 15th 2016, Glaucia Peres da Silva will moderate the panel „Pop und Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensgeschichte“ in the workshop Räume, Märkte, Szenen – neue Arbeiten zur Popgeschichteorganized by the Center for Contemporary History (ZZF Potsdam) in cooperation with the excellence cluster Image Knowlegde Gestaltung (HU Berlin). In this event, we will discuss recent research on pop history after the publication of the books Popgeschichte – Band 1: Konzepte und Methodenand Band 2: Zeithistorische Fallstudien 1958-1988.
New release: What’s the sound of the global order – The emergence of a market for World Music
This book, written by Glaucia Peres da Silva (Institute of Sociology), analyses World Music in the tensions between culture and market. Using a cultural approach to sociology of markets, the author reveals that the construction of music genres is a constitutive condition for the emergence and establishment of music markets. In particular, she investigates the interlocking of aesthetics and market. This analysis allows her to demonstrate how the local production of World Music makes its globality possible.
More Information can be found in the publisher’s Website.
Global Young Faculty IV
Glaucia Peres da Silva was accepted to be part of the fourth year of the program Global Young Faculty an initiative of the Stiftung Mercator in cooperation with the UA Ruhr. The program allows distinguished junior scientists in the Ruhr metropole to engage in interdisciplinary working groups in order to work on topics of common interest and to exchange ideas across institutions and disciplines.
Talk on the 6th Vienna Music Business Research Days
On September 30th 2015, Glaucia Peres da Silva and Prof. Dr. Sigrid Quack gave a talk on the paper “Receipe of Success? Factors that Matter on the Stabilisation of Music Genres and Markets” on the 6th Vienna Music Business Research Days in the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. The paper and the talk are online in the website of the conference.
Glaucia Peres da Silva is member of the consulting committee of the project “Interkultur Ruhr”
The project „Interkultur Ruhr“ is a common initiative of the Ruhr Regional Association, the Department for Family, Children, Youth, Culture and Sport of the government in North Rhine-Westphalia and the municipalities in order to support the urbane diversity of the Ruhr metropole. The members of the consulting committee give advice regarding the content and the program.
„Neue Heimat Duisburg“ – Duisburger Akzente 2015
Glaucia Peres da Silva, Prof. Karen Shire and Prof. Dr. Marcel Erlinghagen conceived and organized the participation of the University Duisburg-Essen at the Festival Duisburger Akzente 2015. On Monday, the March 6th 2015, the exhibition “Neue Heimat Duisburg” was opened with a presentation of Prof. Dr. Ute Klammer, Prorector for Diversity Management and International Affairs and a talk on “Kein schöner Land? Wer verlässt Deutschland – wer kommt zurück?” by Prof. Dr. Marcel Erlinghagen, Institute of Sociology.
Information about the event and news coverage are in these links:
Global sounds. World Music as a market category in the 1980’s
In the volume „Popgeschichte: Band 2 – Zeithistorische Fallstudien 1958-1988“, organized by Bodo Mrozek, Alexa Geisthövel and Jürgen Danyel was just published by transcript Verlag, Glaucia Peres da Silva’s article “Globale Klänge. ‘World Music’ als Marktkategorie in den 1980er Jahren” was published.