Water Science (M.Sc.)

Place of study

Campus Essen

Start of study

winter term and summer term  (Wintersemester und Sommersemester)

Period of study

2 years fulltime

Accreditation period

The University of Duisburg-Essen has been system-accredited since September 2016.


Water is one of the most precious resources on earth. The growing demands for safe, clean and affordable potable water can only be met by increased interdisciplinary knowledge of water quality and the advanced, effective and sustainable treatment of water. The master course Water Science shall impart in-depth knowledge and practical experience in natural science aspects of aquatic systems with focus in chemistry, microbiology and analytics. The course comprises compulsory modules in analytical chemistry, applied microbiology, biofouling/biocorrosion, chemometrics, environmental microbiology and water chemistry. Within these areas, three practical courses are required. 32 out of 90 CPs are allocated to optional courses that can be chosen from a variety of water-related topics to set a more individual study focus.

Specialisation / Focus / Profile

Optional Modules:
Advanced Gas Chromatography
Advanced Mass Spectrometry
Environmental Chemistry : Pollutants
Environmental Chemistry : Soil/Waste
Membrane Technologies
Metrology in Chemistry
Nanoparticle and Colloids
Oxidative Processes
Polymers as Biomaterials
Stable Isotope Analysis
Technical Engineering Water
Waste Water Treatment
Microbial Biotechnology
Microbial Physiology and Biotechnology
Ecology and Bioinformatics

Course of study (+)

Admission to study programme (+)

Admission requirements

Students can enroll from a variety of backgrounds. Formal requirements are:

  • a university bachelor degree in natural sciences or engineering with chemical AND biological or microbiological contents, including a bachelor thesis (final grade at least 66 grade points or 3,0 German grade)
  • a letter of recommendation by their home institution (non-EU/EEA)
  • a letter of motivation explaining why you want to study Water Science (1 page)
  • good command of English (a copy of a English language proficiency certificate is required with at least TOEFL 100 (internet based) or IELTS 6.5
  • CHINESE students please note: You have to provide an APS certificate along with your application documents.


Germans, foreign students with a German Abitur and EU/ EWR citizens should apply at: 

University Duisburg-Essen
Department of Chemistry
Examination Committee
Dr. Jolanta Polkowska
Universitaetsstr. 5
45141 Essen

Interested students from outside EU/EWR should apply at: 

University of Duisburg-Essen
International Office
Universitaetsstraße 2
45141 Essen

The deadline for Application via international office is June 15 for the course starting in October.

Please find the application form for download here.

Examination board


Prof. Dr. Oliver Schmitz
S05 T01 B35
Tel. 0201/183-3950

Office hours: on appointment

Language requirements


Good command of English required: At least level B.2 according to Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). A copy of an internationally recognized English language proficiency certificate is required, e.g. TOEFL internet based 100 or IELTS Band 6.5

Gem. Prüfungsordnung §1 Abs. 4:

Es handelt sich um einen englischsprachigen Studiengang. Studierende müssen vor Aufnahme des Studiums englische Sprachkenntnisse entsprechend der abgeschlossenen Niveau-Stufe B2 des Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmens für Sprachen (GER) nachweisen. Der Nachweis erfolgt in der Regel durch ein international anerkanntes Sprachzertifikat (z.B. TOEFL Internet-based Test 100, IELTS Band 6.5) oder ein vergleichbares Zeugnis.

Professional work experiences (+)


Non obligatory

Network and Careers (+) (+)

Everywhere, where water is in the focus of a job. This could be in laboratories, industry, administration or consulting. Examples include: 

  • Drinking water supply 

  • Waste water treatment 

  • Desalination 

  • Water reuse

  • Analytical and microbiological laboratories 

  • International aid and health organizations

Furthermore, successful students may also continue their academic education aiming at a PhD.

General course guidance for prospective and current students (+)

We offer a variety of consulting formats. Please see our contact page for how and when you can get in touch with us.

Contact to the faculty and advisory service (+)


Faculty of Chemistry, Campus Essen

Programme-specific advisors (teaching staff)

Departmental Advisory Office:

PD Dr. Ursula Telgheder
S05 V02 E11, Tel. 0201/183-6768
e-Mail: ursula.telgheder@uni-due.de
Sprechstunde nach Vereinbarung
(Hours: on appointment)

Coordination study programme:

Dr. rer. nat. Jolanta Polkowska
S05 V02 E43, Tel. 0201/183-6215
(Hours: on appointment)

Departmental student representatives

S03 V00 F36
Telefon: 0201/183-3592
(Advice on appointment via E-Mail)

Similar Study Programmes (+)

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Weitere allgemeine Informationen


Die aktuellen NC-Verfahrensergebnisse sowie die Ergebnisse der vergangenen Jahre finden Sie auf den Seiten des Einschreibungswesens.

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Sprach-Assessment SkaLa

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