Management and Technology of Water and Wastewater (ISE)(M.Sc.) (english description)

Place of study

Campus Duisburg

Start of study

winter semester and summer semester

Period of study

2 years of study


By studying a Master's degree as part of the ISE study program, students can build on their Bachelor's degree by dealing with increasingly complex issues, enhancing their specialist knowledge in their chosen area, and learning to apply specialist procedures. As part of the integrated program, a Master's qualification will provide the students with an additional qualification that will significantly enhance their career prospects. A Master's will show that the students have gained the enhanced specialist knowledge, skills and methods that are required in a professional environment. It will demonstrate that the students have an overview of specialist disciplines and their contexts, that they have the ability to analyze engineering problems in their chosen area, and that they have the knowledge and practical ability to describe and solve problems independently. A Master's will also allow going on to complete a doctorate and pursue an academic career.

The need to provide water resources of defined quality and quantity while protecting the aquatic environment for future generations is an essential global task. In the increasingly complex environment of water management, engineers must therefore be equipped with extensive interdisciplinary expertise. During their studies, students first acquire basic knowledge of water chemistry, water management and process engineering in the various modules of the MTW3 course of studies, which they must then later combine in highly comprehensive and practice-oriented advanced courses. The main focus is on the transfer of engineering knowledge and networked thinking.

The courses are held in roughly equal parts in German and English. We promote and encourage ethnic diversity and social interaction. So far, we have had students from more than 30 different nations.

The teaching of the MTW³ course is partly digitalized, i.e. lecture and exercise materials are offered as audio presentations and pdf files in special course rooms on an internet platform (Moodle). Students have access to extensive tests in the form of multiple choice as well as short videos on special questions for self-study. In addition, face-to-face lectures are still being held, but are also offered in digital form as videos.

After completion of the course of studies, possible jobs are available in the fields of planning and consulting for water technology, operational environmental protection, environmental management, water management, research and development and monitoring and approval. Previous graduates work, for example, for water suppliers and sewage disposal companies, water associations, plant constructors as well as engineering offices and authorities.

Due to the international orientation of the programme, a wide range of employment opportunities in other countries and international organisations are also available.

Further information about the course and the subjects of the MTW³ study programme can be found in German and English at

Specialisation / Focus / Profile

Compulsory optional modules:

Angewandte numerische Strömungsmechanik
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Energie und Umwelt
Management Project Management
Management Quality Management
Mechanical and Biological Waste Treatment
Numerische Berechnungsmethoden für inkompressible Strömungen
Siedlungswasserwirtschaft 4 ‐ Stadtentwässerung und Regenwasserbehandlung
Siedlungswasserwirtschaft 5 ‐ Biologie und Chemie in der Siedlungswasserwirtschaft
Turbulent Flows

Course of study (+)

Dies ist eine Schematische Darstellung des Studienverlaufes. Die Inhalte können Sie auch dem Punkt Studienverlauf und Modul-Inhalte entnehmen



You can find the curriculum here:


The master's degree comprises 120 credits. Of these, 90 credits are for the subjects in the compulsory and elective area and 30 for the master's thesis. All exams must be taken during the course. Finally, a master's thesis (processing time: 6 months) must be completed. The examinations during the course can be repeated twice. The master's thesis can only be repeated once.

Information material:

Further information can be found on the course website: or at the examination regulations:


Admission to study programme (+)

Admission requirements

Requirements for the Master Program

    Bachelor's degree in an appropriate subject area
    with adequate length of studies and
    with an average mark of at least 2.5 issued in Germany or a foreign equivalent.



Applicants who would like to apply for a Master course as a part of the study program International Studies in Engineering (ISE) must use the application portal of UDE.

Further information is provided on the websites of the International Office.

Language requirements

When enrolling, applicants must prove that they have knowledge of the German and English language according to the completed level B2 of the European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

English language certificates must be submitted with the application documents. The German language certificates can be submitted later.

General course guidance for prospective and current students (+)

We offer a variety of consulting formats. Please see our contact page for how and when you can get in touch with us.

Contact to the faculty and advisory service (+)


Faculty of Engineering (Campus Duisburg)


Degree Program International Students in Engineering (ISE)

Advisory service of the faculty

Support Center for (International) Engineering Students (SCIES):

SCIES Duisburg:

SG 119
Geibelstrasse 41
47057 Duisburg
Tel.: +49 (0)203 379 3776
Fax: +49 (0)203 379 4370
check for consultation hours

SCIES Essen:

V15 R04 H40, Universitätsstr. 15, 45141 Essen
Tel.: +49 (0)201/183-6500
check for consultation hours

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Weitere allgemeine Informationen


Die aktuellen NC-Verfahrensergebnisse sowie die Ergebnisse der vergangenen Jahre finden Sie auf den Seiten des Einschreibungswesens.

Zum Einschreibungswesen

Sprach-Assessment SkaLa

Dieser Online-Self-Assessment ist für ALLE Lehramts-Studienanfänger*innen verpflichtend. Die Teilnahme erfolgt nach der Bewerbung, aber vor dem Einschreibungstermin. Bei der Einschreibung ist die Teilnahmebescheinigung vorzulegen. Die Registrierung und weitere Informationen finden Sie auf den Seiten des Zentrums für Lehrkräftebildung (ZLB).

Mehr zu SkaLa

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