Natural Water to H2

This project aims to investigate the influence of various water constituents on the efficiency and long-term stability of the electrolysis process is investigated with focus on low-temperature anion exchange membrane (AEM) electrolysis.  

The project joint several research groups from Universität Duisburg-Essen, other research institutes and industry partners.

Project implementation: 01.11.2023 – 31.10.2026

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„Nachwuchswettbewerb NanoMatFutur“ – BMBF Programm „Vom Material zur Innovation“

Project title: „MatGasDif – NanoMATerialen als Basis für GASDIFfusionselektroden für die hochselektive CO2 Reduktion“

Budget: 1.437.832,80 Euro

Submitted: September 2019

Project implementation: 01.03.2020 – 31.02.2025

Status: In implementation



Forschungsgruppe: UNusual anODE reactions in electrochemical energy conversion: Value creation rather than oxygen evolution in hydrogen production (UNODE) (FOR 2982)

Project title TP9: Stable immobilization of electrocatalysts and design of modified electrodes towards selective glycerol electrooxidation (AN 1570/1-1) - 433304702

Budget: 196.000 Euro (+ 43.100 Euro overhead)

Project implementation: 01.01.2020 – 31.12.2022

Status: In implementation

„Exploring high-entropy alloys for the hydrogen evolution reaction in alkaline electrocatalysis: from compositional screening to strain effects” -AN 1570/2-1

Project submitted in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Alfred Ludwig (RUB)

Budget: 206.500 Euro (+20% overhead)

Status: Funded