Fakultät für Biologie

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  • Wiss. Assistent/in, Allgemeine Zoologie

    Fakultät für Biologie

    S05 R04 H88
  • Gruppe der Professorinnen und Professoren, Fakultätsrat Biologie

Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.

    Artikel in Zeitschriften

  • Avaroth Bhaskaran, Rahul; Vondráčková, Zuzana; Koladiya, Abhishek; Čapek, Martin; Dionigi, Francesco; Begall, Sabine; Burda, Hynek; Peichl, Leo; Němec, Pavel
    Distinct retinal ganglion cell types in strictly subterranean, naturally microphthalmic mammals
    In: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences Jg. 292 (2025) Nr. 2038, 20242586
  • Caspar, Kai R.; Hüttner, Lisa; Begall, Sabine
    Correction: Scleral appearance is not a correlate of domestication in mammals
    In: Zoological Letters Jg. 10 (2024) Nr. 1, 19
  • Henning, Yoshiyuki; Adam, Kamilla; Gerhardt, Patricia; Begall, Sabine
    Hypoxic and hypercapnic burrow conditions lead to downregulation of free triiodothyronine and hematocrit in Ansell’s mole-rats (Fukomys anselli)
    In: Journal of Comparative Physiology B: Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology Jg. 194 (2024) Nr. 1, S. 33 - 40
  • Gerhardt, Patricia; Begall, Sabine; Frädrich, Caroline; Renko, Kostja; Heinrich, Alexandra; Köhrle, Josef; Henning, Yoshiyuki
    Low thyroxine serves as an upstream regulator of ecophysiological adaptations in Ansell’s mole-rats
    In: Frontiers in Endocrinology Jg. 15 (2024) 1329083
  • Manley, Geoffrey A.; Maat, Bert; Begall, Sabine; Malkemper, Pascal; Caspar, Kai R.; Moritz, Leif; van Dijk, Pim
    Otoacoustic emissions in African mole-rats
    In: Hearing Research Jg. 445 (2024) 108994
  • Storsberg, Jana; Schmitt, Marcus; Hilken, Gero; Dammann, Philip; Begall, Sabine; Caspar, Kai R.; Epple, Matthias
    Auf den Zahn gefühlt : Einblick in die Zahnschmelzstruktur von Nagern und Insektenfressern
    In: Biologie in unserer Zeit Jg. 53 (2023) Nr. 1, S. 58 - 66
  • Gerhardt, Patricia; Begall, Sabine; Frädrich, Caroline; Renko, Kostja; Hildebrandt, Thomas B.; Holtze, Susanne; Heinrich, Alexandra; Sahm, Arne; Meci, Xheni; Köhrle, Josef; Rijntjes, Eddy; Henning, Yoshiyuki
    Comparative analysis of thyroid hormone systems in rodents with subterranean lifestyle
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 13 (2023) Nr. 1, 3122
  • Caspar, Kai R.; Hüttner, Lisa; Begall, Sabine
    Scleral appearance is not a correlate of domestication in mammals
    In: Zoological Letters Jg. 9 (2023) Nr. 1, 12
  • Šumbera, R.; Uhrová, M.; Begall, Sabine; Caspar, Kai R.; Jerkovičová, D.; Van Daele, P.; Chitaukali, W.N.; Faulkes, C.G.; Bennett, N.C.; Johannes, Christian; Burda, H.; Mikula, O.
    The biology of an isolated Mashona mole-rat population from southern Malawi, with implications for the diversity and biogeography of the genus Fukomys
    In: Organisms Diversity and Evolution Jg. 23 (2023) Nr. 3, S. 603 - 620
  • Caspar, Kai R.; Stopka, Pavel; Issel, Daniel; Katschak, Kristin H.; Zöllner, Till; Zupanc, Sina; Žáček, Petr; Begall, Sabine
    Perioral secretions enable complex social signaling in African mole-rats (genus Fukomys)
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 12 (2022) Nr. 1, 22366
  • Begall, Sabine; Bottermann, Lea; Caspar, Kai Robert
    Self-Domestication Underground? : Testing for Social and Morphological Correlates of Animal Personality in Cooperatively-Breeding Ansell’s Mole-Rats (Fukomys anselli)
    In: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution Jg. 10 (2022) 862082
  • Caspar, Kai R.; Begall, Sabine
    Sexual dimorphism in toothed whales (Odontoceti) follows Rensch’s rule
    In: Mammalian Biology: Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde Jg. 102 (2022) Nr. 2, S. 523 - 529
  • Caspar, Kai R.; Pallasdie, Fabian; Mader, Larissa; Sartorelli, Heitor; Begall, Sabine
    The evolution and biological correlates of hand preferences in anthropoid primates
    In: eLife Jg. 2022 (2022) Nr. 11, e77875
  • Caspar, Kai R.; Müller, Jacqueline; Begall, Sabine
    Effects of Sex and Breeding Status on Skull Morphology in Cooperatively Breeding Ansell’s Mole-Rats and an Appraisal of Sexual Dimorphism in the Bathyergidae
    In: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution Jg. 9 (2021) 638754
  • Caspar, Kai R.; Heinrich, Alexandra; Mellinghaus, Lea; Gerhardt, Patricia; Begall, Sabine
    Evoked auditory potentials from African mole-rats and coruros reveal disparity in subterranean rodent hearing
    In: The Journal of Experimental Biology Jg. 224 (2021) Nr. 22, jeb243371
  • Begall, Sabine; Burda, Hynek; Caspar, Kai R.
    Fukomys anselli : (Rodentia: Bathyergidae)
    In: Mammalian Species Jg. 53 (2021) Nr. 1012, S. 160 - 173
  • Caspar, Kai R.; Burda, Hynek; Begall, Sabine
    Fukomys mechowii : (Rodentia: Bathyergidae)
    In: Mammalian Species Jg. 53 (2021) Nr. 1011, S. 145 - 159
  • Sahm, Arne; Platzer, Matthias; Koch, Philipp; Henning, Yoshiyuki; Bens, Martin; Groth, Marco; Burda, Hynek; Begall, Sabine; Ting, Saskia; Goetz, Moritz; Van Daele, Paul; Staniszewska, Magdalena; Klose, Jasmin Mona; Costa, Pedro Fragoso; Hoffmann, Steve; Szafranski, Karol; Dammann, Philip
    Increased longevity due to sexual activity in mole-rats is associated with transcriptional changes in the hpa stress axis
    In: eLife Jg. 10 (2021) e57843
  • Begall, Sabine; Nappe, R.; Hohrenk, Lotta; Schmidt, Torsten Claus; Burda, Hynek; Sahm, Arne; Szafranski, Karol; Dammann, Philip; Henning, Yoshiyuki
    Life expectancy, family constellation and stress in giant mole-rats (Fukomys mechowii)
    In: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences Jg. 376 (2021) Nr. 1823, 20200207
  • Caspar, Kai R.; Biggemann, Marco; Geissmann, Thomas; Begall, Sabine
    Ocular pigmentation in humans, great apes, and gibbons is not suggestive of communicative functions
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 11 (2021) Nr. 1, 12994
  • Braude, Stan; Holtze, Susanne; Begall, Sabine; Brenmoehl, Julia; Burda, Hynek; Dammann, Philip; del Marmol, Delphine; Gorshkova, Ekaterina; Henning, Yoshiyuki; Hoeflich, Andreas; Höhn, Annika; Jung, Tobias; Hamo, Dania; Sahm, Arne; Shebzukhov, Yury; Šumbera, Radim; Miwa, Satomi; Vyssokikh, Mikhail Y.; von Zglinicki, Thomas; Averina, Olga; Hildebrandt, Thomas B.
    Surprisingly long survival of premature conclusions about naked mole-rat biology
    In: Biological Reviews Jg. 96 (2021) Nr. 2, S. 376 - 393
  • Kořanová, Diana; Němcová, Lucie; Policht, Richard; Hart, Vlastimil; Begall, Sabine; Burda, Hynek
    Wolf Howling and Emergency Sirens : A Hypothesis of Natural and Technical Convergence of Aposematic Signals
    In: Acta Biotheoretica Jg. 69 (2021) Nr. 1, S. 53 - 65
  • Caspar, Kai R.; Moldenhauer, Katrin; Moritz, Regina; Němec, Pavel; Malkemper, E. Pascal; Begall, Sabine
    Eyes are essential for magnetoreception in a mammal
    In: Interface: Journal of the Royal Society Jg. 17 (2020) Nr. 170, S. 20200513
  • Dollas, Alexa; Oelschläger, Helmut H. A.; Begall, Sabine; Burda, Hynek; Malkemper, E. Pascal
    Brain atlas of the African mole-rat Fukomys anselli
    In: Journal of Comparative Neurology Jg. 527 (2019) Nr. 11, S. 1885 - 1900
  • Dammann, Philip; Scherag, Andre; Zak, Nikolay; Szafranski, Karol; Holtze, Susanne; Begall, Sabine; Burda, Hynek; Kestler, Hans A.; Hildebrandt, Thomas; Platzer, Matthias
    Comment on 'Naked mole-rat mortality rates defy Gompertzian laws by not increasing with age'
    In: eLife Jg. 8 (2019) e45415
  • Malewski, Sandra; Malkemper, E. Pascal; Sedláček, František; Šumbera, Radim; Caspar, Kai R.; Burda, Hynek; Begall, Sabine
    Attracted by a magnet : Exploration behaviour of rodents in the presence of magnetic objects
    In: Behavioural Processes Jg. 151 (2018) S. 11 - 15
  • Caspar, Kai R.; Mader, Larissa; Pallasdies, Fabian; Lindenmeier, Miriam; Begall, Sabine
    Captive gibbons (Hylobatidae) use different referential cues in an object-choice task : insights into lesser ape cognition and manual laterality
    In: PeerJ Jg. 6 (2018) e5348
  • Malewski, Sandra; Begall, Sabine; Schleich, Cristian E.; Antenucci, C. Daniel; Burda, Hynek
    Do subterranean mammals use the Earth’s magnetic field as a heading indicator to dig straight tunnels?
    In: PeerJ Jg. 6 (2018) e5819
  • Martini, Sabine; Begall, Sabine; Findeklee, Tanja; Schmitt, Marcus; Malkemper, E. Pascal; Burda, Hynek
    Dogs can be trained to find a bar magnet
    In: PeerJ Jg. 6 (2018) e6117
  • Malewski, Sandra; Begall, Sabine; Burda, Hynek
    Learned and spontaneous magnetosensitive behaviour in the Roborovski hamster (Phodopus roborovskii)
    In: Ethology Jg. 124 (2018) Nr. 6, S. 423 - 431
  • Malewski, Sandra; Begall, Sabine; Burda, Hynek
    Light-independent magnetosensitive behaviour in the Djungarian hamster (Phodopus sungorus)
    In: Mammalian Biology: Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde Jg. 91 (2018) S. 91 - 94
  • Henning, Yoshiyuki; Mladěnková, Nella; Burda, Hynek; Szafranski, Karol; Begall, Sabine
    Retinal S-opsin dominance in Ansell’s mole-rats (Fukomys anselli) is a consequence of naturally low serum thyroxine
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 8 (2018) Nr. 1, S. 4337
  • Gerhardt, Patricia; Henning, Yoshiyuki; Begall, Sabine; Malkemper, E. Pascal
    Audiograms of three subterranean rodent species (genus Fukomys) determined by auditory brainstem responses reveal extremely poor high-frequency cut-offs
    In: The Journal of Experimental Biology Jg. 220 (2017) Nr. 23, S. 4377 - 4382
  • Nováková, Petra; Kořanová, Diana; Begall, Sabine; Malkemper, E. Pascal; Pleskač, Lukáš; Čapek, František; Červený, Jaroslav; Hart, Vlastimil; Hartová, Veronika; Husinec, Václav; Burda, Hynek
    Direction indicator and magnetic compass-aided tracking of the sun by flamingos?
    In: Folia Zoologica Jg. 66 (2017) Nr. 2, S. 79 - 86
  • Adámková, Jana; Svoboda, Jan; Benediktová, Kateřina; Martini, Sabine; Nováková, Petra; Tůma, David; Kučerová, Michaela; Divišová, Michaela; Begall, Sabine; Hart, Vlastimil; Burda, Hynek
    Directional preference in dogs : laterality and "pull of the north"
    In: PLoS ONE Jg. 12 (2017) Nr. 9, art. no. e0185243
  • Schielke, Charlotte; Burda, Hynek; Henning, Yoshiyuki; Okrouhlík, Jan; Begall, Sabine
    Higher resting metabolic rate in long-lived breeding Ansell's mole-rats (Fukomys anselli)
    In: Frontiers in Zoology Jg. 14 (2017) Nr. 1, 45
  • Červený, Jaroslav; Burda, Hynek; Ježek, Miloš; Kušta, Tomáš; Husinec, Václav; Nováková, Petra; Hart, Vlastimil; Hartová, Veronika; Begall, Sabine; Malkemper, E. Pascal
    Magnetic alignment in warthogs Phacochoerus africanus and wild boars Sus scrofa
    In: Mammal Review Jg. 47 (2017) Nr. 1, S. 1 - 5
  • Obleser, Petr; Hart, Vlastimil; Malkemper, E. Pascal; Begall, Sabine; Holá, Michaela; Painter, Michael S.; Červený, Jaroslav; Burda, Hynek
    Compass-controlled escape behavior in roe deer
    In: Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology Jg. 70 (2016) Nr. 8, S. 1345 - 1355
  • Begall, Sabine; Karnik, Thomas; Burda, Hynek
    Do breeders and non-breeders in eusocial Ansell's mole-rats (Fukomys anselli) represent different personalities?
    In: Mammalian Biology: Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde Jg. 81 (2016) Nr. Supplement, S. 3
  • Martini, Sabine; Begall, Sabine; Burda, Hynek
    Magnetoreception in dogs : new insights
    In: Mammalian Biology: Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde Jg. 81 (2016) Nr. Supplement, S. 13 - 14
  • Malewski, Sandra; Begall, Sabine; Malkemper, E. Pascal; Burda, Hynek
    Magnetoreception in rodents : new species, new methods
    In: Mammalian Biology: Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde Jg. 81 (2016) Nr. Supplement, S. 13
  • Garcia-Montero, Angelica; Vole, Christiane; Burda, Hynek; Malkemper, E. Pascal; Holtze, Susanne; Morhart, Michaela; Saragusty, Joseph; Hildebrandt, Thomas Bernd; Begall, Sabine
    Non-breeding eusocial mole-rats produce viable sperm : spermiogram and functional testicular morphology of Fukomys anselli
    In: PLoS ONE Jg. 11 (2016) Nr. 3, art. no. e0150112
  • Caspar, Kai R.; Winking, Saskia; Grün, Volker; Begall, Sabine
    Through the looking glass, and what gibbons found there : new observations on the behaviour of lesser apes when confronted with their own reflection and a novel modification of the mirror-test
    In: Mammalian Biology: Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde Jg. 81 (2016) Nr. Supplement, S. 4
  • Garcia-Montero, Angelica; Burda, Hynek; Begall, Sabine
    Chemical restraint of African mole-rats (Fukomys sp.) with a combination of ketamine and xylazine
    In: Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia Jg. 42 (2015) Nr. 2, S. 187 - 191
  • Malkemper, E. Pascal; Eder, Stephan H. K.; Begall, Sabine; Phillips, John B.; Winklhofer, Michael; Hart, Vlastimil; Burda, Hynek
    Magnetoreception in the wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) : influence of weak frequency-modulated radio frequency fields
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 5 (2015) S. 9917
  • Begall, Sabine; Berendes, Meike; Schielke, Charlotte; Henning, Yoshiyuki; Laghanke, Marzena; Scharff, Andreas; Van Daele, Paul; Burda, Hynek
    Temperature preferences of African mole-rats (family Bathyergidae)
    In: Journal of Thermal Biology Jg. 53 (2015) S. 15 - 22
  • Begall, Sabine; Burda, Hynek; Malkemper, E. Pascal
    Magnetoreception in mammals
    In: Advances in the Study of Behavior Jg. 46 (2014) S. 45 - 88
  • Burda, Hynek; Begall, Sabine; Hart, Vlastimil; Malkemper, E. Pascal; Novakova, Petra
    Magnetosensitive dogs
    In: The Winnower (2014)
  • Prochel, Jan; Begall, Sabine; Burda, Hynek
    Morphology of the carpal region in some rodents with special emphasis on hystricognaths
    In: Acta Zoologica Jg. 95 (2014) Nr. 2, S. 220 - 238
  • Henning, Yoshiyuki; Vole, Christiane; Begall, Sabine; Bens, Martin; Bröcker-Preuß, Martina; Sahm, Arne; Szafranski, Karol; Burda, Hynek; Dammann, Philip
    Unusual ratio between free thyroxine and free triiodothyronine in a long-lived mole-rat species with bimodal ageing
    In: PLoS ONE Jg. 9 (2014) Nr. 11, e113698
  • Hart, Vlastimil; Malkemper, E. Pascal; Kušta, Tomáš; Begall, Sabine; Nováková, Petra; Hanzal, Vladimír; Pleskač, Lukáš; Ježek, Miloš; Policht, Richard; Husinec, Václav; Červený, Jaroslav; Burda, Hynek
    Directional compass preference for landing in water birds
    In: Frontiers in Zoology Jg. 10 (2013) 38
  • Hart, Vlastimil; Nováková, Petra; Malkemper, E. Pascal; Begall, Sabine; Hanzal, Vladimír; Ježek, Miloš; Kušta, Tomáš; Němcová, Veronika; Adámková, Jana; Benediktová, Kateřina; Červený, Jaroslav; Burda, Hynek
    Dogs are sensitive to small variations of the Earth's magnetic field
    In: Frontiers in Zoology Jg. 10 (2013) Nr. 1, 80
  • Begall, Sabine; Malkemper, Pascal; Červený, Jaroslav; Němec, Pavel; Burda, Hynek
    Magnetic alignment in mammals and other animals
    In: Mammalian Biology: Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde Jg. 78 (2013) Nr. 1, S. 10 - 20
  • Dammann, Philip; Sell, David R.; Begall, Sabine; Strauch, Christopher; Monnier, Vincent M.
    Advanced glycation end-products as markers of aging and longevity in the long-lived Ansell's mole-rat (Fukomys anselli)
    In: Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences Jg. 67 (2012) Nr. 6, S. 573 - 583
  • Hart, Vlastimil; Kušta, Tomas; Němec, Pavel; Bláhová, Veronika; Ježek, Miloš; Nováková, Petra; Begall, Sabine; Červený, Jaroslav; Hanzal, Vladimír; Malkemper, E. Pascal; Štípek, Kamil; Vole, Christiane; Burda, Hynek
    Magnetic alignment in carps : evidence from the Czech christmas fish market
    In: PLoS ONE Jg. 7 (2012) Nr. 12, art. no. e51100
  • Schielke, Charlotte; Begall, Sabine; Burda, Hynek
    Reproductive state does not influence activity budgets of eusocial Ansell's mole-rats, Fukomys anselli (Rodentia, Bathyergidae) : a study of locomotor activity by means of RFID
    In: Mammalian Biology: Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde Jg. 77 (2012) Nr. 1, S. 1 - 5
  • Bappert, Marie-Therese; Burda, Hynek; Begall, Sabine
    To mate or not to mate? : Mate preference and fidelity in monogamous Ansell’s mole-rats, Fukomys anselli, Bathyergidae
    In: Folia Zoologica Jg. 61 (2012) Nr. 1, S. 71 - 83
  • Begall, Sabine; Burda, Hynek
    Der Ansell-Graumull – ein Überlebenskünstler unter Tage.
    In: Zeitschrift des Kölner Zoos Jg. 54 (2011) Nr. 2, S. 89 - 103
  • Červený, Jaroslav; Begall, Sabine; Koubek, Petr; Nováková, Petra; Burda, Hynek
    Directional preference may enhance hunting accuracy in foraging foxes
    In: Biology Letters Jg. 7 (2011) Nr. 3, S. 355 - 357
  • Begall, Sabine; Burda, Hynek; Cerveny, Jaroslav; Gerter, Olga; Neef-Weisse, Julia; Nemec, Pavel
    Further support for the alignment of cattle along magnetic field lines : reply to Hert et al.
    In: Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology Jg. (Vol.) 197 (2011) Nr. 12, S. 1127 - 1133
  • Hagemeyer, Petra; Begall, Sabine; Janotova, Katerina; Todrank, Josephine; Heth, Giora; Jedelsky, P.L.; Burda, Hynek; Stopka, Pavel
    Searching for major urinary proteins (MUPs) as chemosignals in urine of subterranean rodents
    In: Journal of Chemical Ecology Jg. 37 (2011) Nr. 7, S. 687 - 694
  • Burda, Hynek; Begall, Sabine; Červený, Jaroslav; Neef, Julia; Nemec, Pavel
    Extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields disrupt magnetic alignment of ruminants
    In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) Jg. 106 (2009) Nr. 14, S. 5708 - 5713
  • Begall, Sabine; Burda, Hynek
    Wiederkäuer unter Strom
    In: Biospektrum Jg. 15 (2009) Nr. 4, S. 470
  • Begall, Sabine; Červený, Jaroslav; Neef, Julia; Vojtěch, Oldrich; Burda, Hynek
    Magnetic alignment in grazing and resting cattle and deer
    In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) Jg. 105 (2008) Nr. 36, S. 13451 - 13455
  • Lange, Simone; Burda, Hynek; Wegner, Regina; Dammann, Philip; Begall, Sabine; Kawalika, Mathias
    Living in a "stethoscope" : burrow-acoustics promote auditory specializations in subterranean rodents
    In: The Science of Nature = Naturwissenschaften Jg. 94 (2007) Nr. 2, S. 134 - 138
  • Begall, Sabine; Burda, Hynek
    Acoustic communication and burrow acoustics are reflected in the ear morphology of the coruro (Spalacopus cyanus, Octodontidae) : a social fossorial rodent
    In: Journal of Morphology Jg. 267 (2006) Nr. 3, S. 382 - 390
  • Hagemeyer, Petra; Begall, Sabine
    Individual odour similarity and discrimination in the coruro (Spalacopus cyanus, Octodontidae)
    In: Ethology Jg. 112 (2006) Nr. 6, S. 529 - 536
  • Wegner, Regina E.; Begall, Sabine; Burda, Hynek
    Light perception in 'blind' subterranean Zambian mole-rats
    In: Animal Behaviour Jg. 72 (2006) Nr. 5, S. 1021 - 1024
  • Wegner, Regina; Begall, Sabine; Burda, Hynek
    Magnetic compass in the cornea : local anaesthesia impairs orientation in a mammal
    In: The Journal of Experimental Biology Jg. 209 (2006) Nr. 23, S. 4747 - 4750
  • Schleich, Christian E.; Begall, Sabine; Burda, Hynek
    Morpho-functional parameters of the inner ear in 'Ctenomys talarum'; Rodentia, Ctenomyidae
    In: Folia Zoologica Jg. 55 (2006) Nr. 3, S. 264 - 272
  • Begall, Sabine
    The relationship of foraging habitat to the diet of barn owls (Tyto alba) from central Chile
    In: The Journal of Raptor Research Jg. 39 (2005) Nr. 1, S. 97 - 101
  • Heth, Giora; Todrank, Josephine; Begall, Sabine; Moritz, Regina; Burda, Hynek
    Genetic relatedness discrimination in eusocial Cryptomys anselli mole-rats, Bathyergidae, Rodentia
    In: Folia Zoologica Jg. 53 (2004) Nr. 3, S. 269 - 278
  • Begall, Sabine; Burda, Hynek; Schneider, Bianca
    Hearing in coruros (Spalacopus cyanus) : special audiogram features of a subterranean rodent
    In: Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology Jg. 190 (2004) Nr. 11, S. 963 - 969
  • Begall, Sabine; Daan, S.; Burda, Hynek; Overkamp, G.J.F.
    Activity Patterns in a Subterranean Social Rodent, Spalacopus Cyanus (Octodontidae)
    In: Journal of Mammalogy Jg. 83 (2002) Nr. 1, S. 153 - 158
  • Heth, Giora; Todrank, Josephine; Begall, Sabine; Koch, Rosie; Zilbiger, Yosi; Nevo, Eviatar; Braude, Stanton H.; Burda, Hynek
    Odours underground : subterranean rodents may not forage "blindly"
    In: Behavioral ecology and sociobiology Jg. 52 (2002) Nr. 1, S. 53 - 58
  • Burda, Hynek; Begall, Sabine
    Sinnesökologie subterraner Säugetiere
    In: Praxis der Naturwissenschaften - Biologie in der Schule: PdN Jg. 51 (2002) Nr. 1, S. 16 - 20
  • Burda, Hynek; Honeycutt, Rodney; Begall, Sabine; Scharff, Andreas; Locker-Grütjen, Oliver
    Are naked and common mole-rats eusocial and if so, why?
    In: Behavioral ecology and sociobiology Jg. 47 (2000) Nr. 5, S. 293 - 303
  • Veitl, Silke; Begall, Sabine; Burda, Hynek
    Ecological determinants of vocalisation parameters : the case of the coruro 'Spalacopus cyanus' (Octodontidae), a fossorial social rodent
    In: Bioacoustics Jg. 11 (2000) Nr. 2, S. 129 - 148
  • Schroeder, James W.; Honeycutt, Rodney L.; Rooney, Alejandro P.; Han, George; Begall, Sabine; Gallardo, Milton H.
    Microsatellites from the South American Coruro, 'Spalacopus cyanus'
    In: Molecular ecology Jg. 9 (2000) Nr. 9, S. 1447 - 1449
  • Begall, Sabine; Gallardo, M.H.
    Spalacopus cyanus (Rodentia: Octodontidae) : an extremist in tunnel constructing and food storing among subterranean mammals
    In: Journal of Zoology Jg. 251 (2000) Nr. 1, S. 53 - 60
  • Burda, Hynek; Begall, Sabine; Locker-Grütjen, Oliver; Scharff, Andreas; Nevo, Eviatar; Beiles, Avigdor; Červený, Jaroslav; Průcha, Karel
    How to eat a carrot? : Convergence in the feeding behavior of subterranean rodents
    In: The Science of Nature = Naturwissenschaften Jg. 86 (1999) Nr. 7, S. 325 - 327
  • Begall, Sabine; Burda, Hynek; Gallardo, Milton H.
    Reproduction, Postnatal Development, and Growth of Social Coruros, Spalacopus cyanus (Rodentia: Octodontidae), from Chile
    In: Journal of Mammalogy Jg. 80 (1999) Nr. 1, S. 210 - 217
  • Scharff, Andreas; Begall, Sabine; Locker-Grütjen, Oliver; Burda, Hynek
    Reproductive characteristics and growth of Zambian giant mole-rats, 'Cryptomys mechowi' (Rodentia: Bathyergidae)
    In: Mammalia: international journal of the systematics, biology and ecology of mammals Jg. 63 (1999) Nr. 2, S. 217 - 230
  • Begall, Sabine; Burda, Hynek
    Reproductive characteristics and growth in the eusocial Zambian common mole-rat (Cryptomys sp., Bathyergidae)
    In: Zeitschrift fur Säugetierkunde: Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Säugetierkunde Jg. 63 (1998) Nr. 5, S. 297 - 306
  • Begall, Sabine
    The application of the Gompertz model to describe body growth
    In: Growth, development and aging: a biological journal Jg. 61 (1997) Nr. 2, S. 61 - 67
  • Vorworte / Nachworte

  • Braude, Stan; Holtze, Susanne; Bennett, Nigel C.; Begall, Sabine
    Editorial: Recent advances in the ecology and evolution of the Bathyergidae
    In: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution Jg. 10 (2022) 1017185
  • Beiträge in Sammelwerken und Tagungsbänden

  • Burda, Hynek; Begall, Sabine
    Darwin und die Biologie
    In: Darwin, die Evolution und die Wissenschaften / Ingensiep, Hans Werner; Dittrich, Sabine (Hrsg.) 2011, S. 15 - 28
  • Begall, Sabine; Lange, Simone; Schleich, Cristian E.; Burda, Hynek
    Acoustics, audition and auditory system
    In: Subterranean rodents: news from underground / Begall, Sabine; Burda, Hynek; Schleich, Cristian E. (Hrsg.) 2007, S. 97 - 111
  • Moritz, Regina; Burda, Hynek; Begall, Sabine; Nemec, Pavel
    Magnetic compass : a useful tool underground
    In: Subterranean rodents: news from underground / Begall, Sabine; Burda, Hynek; Schleich, Christian E. (Hrsg.) 2007, S. 161 - 174
  • Burda, Hynek; Šumbera, Radim; Begall, Sabine
    Microclimate in burrows of subterranean rodents : revisited
    In: Subterranean rodents: news from underground / Begall, Sabine; Burda, Hynek; Schleich, Cristian E. (Hrsg.) 2007, S. 21 - 33
  • Schleich, Cristian E.; Veitl, Silke; Knotková, Ema; Begall, Sabine
    Vocal communication in subterranean rodents
    In: Subterranean rodents: news from underground / Begall, Sabine; Burda, Hynek; Schleich, Cristian E. (Hrsg.) 2007, S. 113 - 127
  • Begall, Sabine
    In: Faszination Natur: Band 1: Säugetiere 2006, S. 402 - 403
  • Begall, Sabine
    In: Faszination Natur: Band 1: Säugetiere 2006, S. 360
  • Bücher/Sammelwerke/Tagungsbände

  • Burda, Hynek; Begall, Sabine; Šumbera, Radim
    Graumulle : Cryptomys und Fukomys
    In: Die neue Brehm-Bücherei Magdeburg Jg. 679 (2018) 460 Seiten
  • Zrzavý, Jan; Burda, Hynek; Storch, David; Begall, Sabine; Mihulka, Stanislav
    Jak se dela evoluce : Labyrintem evolucní biologie
    Praha (2017) 479 Seiten
  • Zrzavý, Jan; Burda, Hynek; Storch, David; Begall, Sabine; Mihulka, Stanislav
    Evolution : ein Lese-Lehrbuch
    Heidelberg [u.a.] (2013) XV, 511 S.
  • Zrzavý, Jan; Storch, David; Mihulka, Stanislav;
    Burda, Hynek; Begall, Sabine (Hrsg.)
    Evolution : ein Lese-Lehrbuch
    Heildelberg (2009) XIII, 493 S.
  • Begall, Sabine; Burda, Hynek; Schleich, Cristian E. (Hrsg.)
    Subterranean rodents : news from underground
    Berlin [u.a.] (2007) XVIII, 398 S.

Wissenschaftliche Assistentin (C1), Professorin in der Abteilung für Aquatische Ökologie
Raumbeauftragte der Fakultät



subterraner Säugetiere, hauptsächlich folgende Themenkomplexe:

  • Fukomys anselli als Modellart für Alterung in Säugetieren
  • olfaktorische und akustische Kommunikation
  • Hörschwellenbestimmung
  • Magnetorientierung
  • (Farb-)Sehen
  • Morphologische Studien des Mittel- und Innenohrs (Spalacopus und Ctenomys)
  • Proteomik (MUPs major urinary proteins von Cryptomys, Spalax, Spalacopus)
  • Analysen des Körperwachstums subterraner Säugetiere (z. B. Wachstumskurven mittels Gompertz)

Curriculum Vitae

Geboren Dez. 1968

1985-1991 Beamtin in der Finanzverwaltung (Finanzamt Duisburg-Süd/-West)

1987-1990 Abendgymnasium der Stadt Duisburg

1991-1996 Biologie- und Mathematikstudium an der Universität-GH Essen; Lehramt Sekundarstufe I/II (Juni 1996: 1. Staatsexamen in Biologie und Mathematik)

1996-1999 Förderung nach dem Graduiertenförderungsgesetz; Promotionsstudium an der Universität-GH Essen; Titel der Dissertation: „Verhaltensökologische und genetische Analysen der Sozial- und Populationsstruktur von Coruros (Spalacopus cyanus, Octodontidae, Rodentia) aus Chile“. Abschluss mit Auszeichnung (summa cum laude)

09/97-03/98 Forschungsaufenthalt in Chile (Förderung durch den DAAD): Freilandarbeit zur Erforschung der Verhaltensökologie von Spalacopus cyanus

08/98-10/98 Forschungsaufenthalt in Texas (USA): Genetische Analyse der Populations- und Sozialstruktur von Coruros mithilfe von Mikrosatelliten

Seit 04/2000 Wissenschaftliche Assistentin (C1) in der Abteilung Allgemeine Zoologie der Universität Duisburg-Essen (08/01 bis 08/06 Beurlaubung wegen Elternzeit und Stipendium)

08/01-08/03 Elternzeit (Geburt des zweiten Kindes)

seit 09/2003 Lise-Meitner-Habilitationsstipendium (Arbeitstitel der Habilitationsschrift: „Morphologische und sinnesökologische Aspekte subterran lebender Nagetiere“)

seit 2001 Einmal jährlich: Karlsuniversität Prag (Tschechische Republik) ; SOKRATES- Teaching-Programm, Vorlesung: Behavioural ecology of mammals

2004/2005 Forschungsaufenthalte in Tschechien im Rahmen des PPP

Juli 2004 Chairman der Session “Morphology, Physiology and Sensory Biology” auf dem Internationalen Nagetierkongress Rodens et Spatium in Lublin (Polen)

Aug. 2005 Convener des Symposiums „Light from underground: Challenges and insights in the third decade of research on subterranean rodents” im Rahmen des 9th International Mammalogical Congress (IMC-9)

Sept. 2005 Hauptorganisatorin der 79. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Säugetierkunde

Gutachterin für die Zeitschriften:
Journal of Morphology, Journal of Mammalogy, Journal of Zoology (London), Journal of Comparative Physiology A, Ethology, Animal Behaviour, Growth, Development & Aging, Naturwissenschaften, Mastozoologica Neotropical, Acta Theriologica, Journal of Ethology

Preise und Ehrungen
- Mai 2001 Ehrung für eine herausragende Dissertation durch die Universität Essen im Rahmen des Dies academicus
- Sept. 2001 Fritz-Frank-Förderpreis 2001 der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Säugetierkunde