Curriculum Water Science - Organisational
Studying in special situations (Contact dates at the University)
2. Registration period for the 2nd exam date:
one day after the first exam date (PT)
up to one week before the exam date, max until the end of the semester (march 31st)
Note: There is only a 2nd registration period if a 2nd PT was scheduled in the Summer Semester.
For more information, please visit:
1. Non-Attendence on Exams Caused by Illness
2. Examination Regulation 2023
3. Examination Regulation (PO 2011)
4. Exam Dates
5. Exam Results
1. Financial support for Master-Thesis in Abroad
2. Scholarships
3. Application for Admission to Master-Thesis
Please fill out this form with your computer. Please print out this form! This form (one Copy) must be signed by you and your Home Supervisor! Please bring application (one Copy) personally or via e-mail to Dr. Polkowska, Faculty of Chemistry, Campus Essen (S05 V02 E43).
Important: Application must be accompanied by one (1) copy of an up- to-date "Notenspiegel" (Transcript of Records)!
4. Application to change the Title of the Thesis
5. Application for Extension of the Time of the Master Thesis
6. Cover for Master-Thesis (German)
Current information on the submission of theses
The submission of the final theses is subject to the provisions of your examination regulations. You must submit three bound copies of your thesis in due time. At the same time, an electronic copy of your work is required (USB stick or CD). In addition, you can send your thesis as a PDF file by e-mail to your reviewers.
Please note:
Please sign the Declaration in lieu of an oath (Eidesstattliche Versicherung) in the original only after printing.
You can submit theses by post or drop them in a labelled envelope (Examination Office, attn. Ms. Ide) in the night mailbox (entrance T02).
Informations Material for Students, valid for Students starting before WiSe 2011/12
2. Application for Admission to Master-Thesis