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Program for Educational Upward Mobility Receives European Award

"Chance hoch 2" on Course to Success

  • von Beate Kostka
  • 16.11.2017

The concept behind "Chance hoch 2," the UDE program for educational upward mobility, has now achieved recognition Europe-wide as well as nationally. The program is the recipient of the Diversity Award conferred by Aurora, an international network of nine universities located in Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Scandinavia.

Presented for the first time this year, the award went to the UDE program in recognition of its sustainable concept for supporting individual students from non-academic families. The program accompanies and encourages talented young people from their final years in secondary school up to the time they receive their college degrees.

Two Chances

The program participants have two chances to get the best possible higher school certificate and then to study their course successfully. During the years in school the participants receive an ideal support through mentoring, seminars appropriate to the school runway and personal development, coaching, participation in university and teaching events, remedial teaching, as well as individual counseling talks for the study and career selection orientation.

The Aurora Diversity Award singles out exemplary and effective projects aimed at achieving more equality of opportunity for students and university staff alike. The aim is to create a learning environment which fosters creativity by allowing for different perspectives and values. A total of 18 projects conducted at European partner universities had been submitted, apart from the UDE the University of Antwerp and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam were nominated for the first round of the competition.

More information:
Gabriele Spengler, Chance hoch 2, Phone: +49 (0)201/183-6281, gabriele.spengler@uni-due.de


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