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High reaction rates even without precious metals

  • 19.06.2019

Non-precious metal nanoparticles could one day replace expensive catalysts for hydrogen production. However, it is often difficult to determine what reaction rates they can achieve, especially when it comes to oxide particles. This is because the particles must be attached to the electrode using a binder and conductive additives, which distort the results.

With the aid of electrochemical analyses of individual particles, researchers have now succeeded in determining the activity and substance conversion of nanocatalysts made from cobalt iron oxide – without any binders. The team led by Professor Kristina Tschulik from Ruhr-Universität Bochum reports together with Prof. Dr. Stephan Schulz from Universität Duisburg-Essen and colleagues from Dresden in the Journal of the American Chemical Society.


Photo: In this shielded cell, the researchers are testing the nanoparticles in electrochemical experiments. Photo: RUB/Kramer

Further Information:
Link to RUB's press release
Prof. Dr. Kristina Tschulik, Analytische Chemie II, RUB, Tel. +49 234 32 29433,nanoec@rub.de
Prof. Dr. Stephan Schulz, Anorganische Chemie, UDE, Tel. +49 201/183-4635,stephan.schulz@uni-due.de
