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Updated internal action plan

Taking responsibility for one another

  • von Arne Rensing
  • 01.07.2020

Take responsibility for one another, observe basic rules – these are the principles that everyone should apply during the coronavirus pandemic. UDE’s internal action plan, which has now been adjusted to reflect the current state of developments, is also based on these principles.

The new guidelines include extensive changes regarding issues relating to employment law, in praticular: essential work-related travel to selected countries may now be approved under certain conditions. Moreover, the regulations on mobile working from home have been extended to 31 October 2020.

The application of protective measures, in particular regarding face masks, is now described in more detail. There is still no general obligation to wear face masks at UDE since teaching does not take place and numerous staff are not present on campus at present. However, the university does request that, out of consideration to others, anyone moving through UDE buildings carry a face mask and put it on if necessary. In work situations where the required protective distance cannot be kept, the obligation to wear protective masks (of the relevant safety level) remains in place.

If meetings or contact with visitors involving physical presence are to be conducted, the action plan explicitly stipulates procedures that are currently also a matter of course outside the campus: the names and contact details of all attendees must be recorded to ensure tracing is possible.

The currently applicable version of the ‘Internal action plan – Protective measures and workplace design for working during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic’ is now available to download at:

Translation: Carmela Welge, carmela.welge@uni-due.de

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