The future rector of the UDE, Prof. Barbara Albert, after the unanimous election with the current UDE rector, Prof. Ulrich Radtke.
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UDE elects new leadership

Prof. Barbara Albert becomes rector

  • von Ulrike Bohnsack
  • 15.04.2021

The future rector of the UDE is Prof. Dr. Barbara Albert. She was unanimously elected on April 14 by the University Election Assembly. The 54-year-old chemist and Vice President of the Technical University of Darmstadt takes office on April 1, 2022.

"Leading and accompanying the University of Duisburg-Essen is a wonderful prospect for me. The UDE stands for important values, it is an excellent research and educational institution and a beacon in the region," says Prof. Barbara Albert, looking ahead to her upcoming task. "I see the UDE as excellently positioned for the future in its exchange with society and with the Ruhr University Alliance. We want to expand its reputation for credible and relevant top results in teaching and research and make it more visible worldwide."

On behalf of the electorate, Senate Chair Prof. Dr. Anja Steinbach and Chair of the UDE University Council Prof. Dr. Klaus Trützschler declare: "With Professor Albert, the University of Duisburg-Essen is gaining a rector who will continue to advance the university with diverse experience, a clear view and great commitment. We are convinced: the UDE is in very good hands with her, and we look forward to a successful collaboration."

Since its founding in 2003, UDE has become an established force in the German higher education landscape, distinguished by research strength and equal opportunity. Prof. Ulrich Radtke, who has been UDE Rector since 2008, sees this remarkable development as a joint achievement of all university members: "For me, it was and is both a pleasure and a privilege to have been able to accompany and help shape the path of our university over the past years. I am convinced that Professor Albert, as the future rector, will continue the successful course of the UDE and shape it with her own accents. I wish her every success in her office and very much look forward to our collaboration in the coming months."

Personal details:
Barbara Albert is a renowned and award-winning professor of inorganic chemistry. She brings a great deal of experience in top positions, research funding and the transfer of science to industry and society. For example, she has been Vice President for Research and Young Scientists at the Technical University of Darmstadt since 2019, she is a supervisory board member at Evonik Industries and the Schunk Group, and she was president of the German Chemical Society, the first woman in the association's history. She also belongs to numerous associations, including the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, and is a reviewer for the German Research Foundation.

Barbara Albert completed her chemistry studies at the University of Bonn (1985-1990), where she also received her doctorate (1995) and habilitated (2000). From 2001 to 2005 she was Professor of Solid State Chemistry/Material Sciences at the University of Hamburg; since 2005 she has been Professor of Inorganic Solid State and Structural Chemistry at the Technical University of Darmstadt.

The future rector of the UDE, Prof. Barbara Albert, after the unanimous election with the current UDE rector, Prof. Ulrich Radtke.


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