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Plans for mid-June

Internal vaccination service

  • von Arne Rensing
  • 28.05.2021

The Federal Health Minister has announced that medical officers at companies and public-sector institutions can administer vaccinations starting in June. However, vaccines are not yet available for this purpose. UDE has made use of the available options for ordering vaccines. Plans have already been drawn up for providing an internal vaccination service for University staff from mid-June, with the University Hospital Essen’s vaccination unit serving as a conduit. We will provide further information in due time once it is clear that this service can be realised.

UDE will conduct an anonymous survey among staff in order to derive a rough estimate of the demand in advance.

It is already clear that

  • the internal vaccination service will exclusively be available to UDE staff. You will have to present the confirmation of employment that you have been sent or your staff ID card at your vaccination appointment to prove you are eligible. UDE cannot offer this service to other groups or family members of staff.
  • it will not be possible to select a particular vaccine.
  • the amount of vaccine doses provided to medical officers will be very limited.

It continues to be the case that the number of delivered vaccine doses is the bottleneck in this process and not the number of vaccination centres/medical staff administering the vaccine.

Therefore, the prospects for getting a vaccination appointment faster are probably better if you continue to try to get your vaccination appointment with a general practitioner or specialist doctor and vaccination centres.

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