Cover Research magazin Water

New research magazine

Focus Water

  • 26.09.2022

Whether it's a river doctor, AI on demand or a measuring tool for the gender pay gap: every day, new knowledge is created at our university. But how does that work and what happens with the knowledge we gain? In our new research magazine, we show how scientists from the UDE find and implement solutions for the pressing questions of our time. We start with the focus topic of water.

Inside the lab, out in the field or a deep dive into a study: the research magazine offers exciting insights across science - in English and German. Each issue is planned around a focal topic. The first is water. It is the basis of all life and an increasingly scarce resource. Extensive research is therefore being conducted into it at the UDE, and it forms one of our five main research areas. Discover how the health of bodies of water is measured, why a once-dead river is now considered a global role model, and how time travel through flora and fauna is possible.

Apart from water, there are further highlights from our university to discover. Learn more about a concrete mixer that could enable construction on the moon, Duisburg as a hotspot for hydrogen energy supply or 6G in the operating theatre.

The research magazine can be accessed online now. Print copies are available from the Press Department:

We hope you enjoy reading it!

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