Mikroskopisches Bild humanes Melanomgewebe. Bunt eingefärbt sind Immunzellen, die durch blaues Tumorgewebe fließen.
© UK Essen/Sarah Scharfenberg

Second UDE research magazine published

Focus: Health

  • von Birte Vierjahn
  • 07.07.2023

Good killer cells, migraines and the power of our own expectations: health, man's greatest asset, is the central topic of the new UDE research magazine. Look through the microscope of microbiology, learn about one of the longest studies in the world and dive into the depths of the earth.

Why women are medically not simply smaller editions of men, how we can influence the course of a therapy with our attitude and how antibiotic resistance spreads: These are just some of the exciting insights into research offered by our scientists in the new issue.

'Human health and a healthy environment can only be considered as a whole,' says Prof. Dr. Astrid Westendorf, Vice-Rector for Research and Early-Career Researchers and editor of the magazine. "We have long taken this into account with our profile focus on biomedical sciences and have also been researching the topic together with our colleagues at the UA Ruhr in the Research Center One Health Ruhr - from Molecules to Systems since 2021. With the new issue of the research magazine, we would like to introduce you to some of the projects and people in more detail."

The issue is rounded off with further highlights from the laboratories, institutes and workshops: delve into the photographic panorama from high-frequency technology, and learn something new about artificial intelligence on waterways, cement recycling and about our changed communication through new technologies.

The research magazine is also available online. Print copies are available from the Press Department: presse@uni-due.de.

We hope you enjoy reading it!

In the picture: Human melanoma tissue (skin cancer). Coloured: infiltrating immune cells, blue: tumour cells. Taken at the IMCES - Imaging Center Essen by Sarah Scharfenberg (UK Essen).

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