Schart, Aaron: Bibliography on the Book of the Twelve Prophets

This site provided a bibliography on all questions related to the Book of the Twelve Prophets as a whole from 2010 on. However, since 2014-08-01 I have found an even better way to present the bibliography to the public: The online database "twelveprophets" at

The advantages over a simple web page are numerous, but the two most important ones are: a) The database is fully searchable, and b) different people can collaborate easily in adding new titles and other items to the database. With the great help of Sung Ho Moon from Baylor University/USA I built up the zotero-database and updated it. As a consequence, the web pages here will no longer be updated. This page will only serve as a transition to the zotero database.


Just for historical reasons I still give here the links to the old web pages (no longer updated!):

Book of the Twelve - What's new?

Works on the Twelve - listed chronologically

Works on the Twelve - listed alphabetically

Works on the text of the Twelve

Link to the even older website:
A Bibliography on the Formation of the Book of the Twelve Prophets