Group seminar
Ultraschnelle Dynamik in Festkörpern und an Grenzflächen
Wintersemester 2024, Stand 04.10.2024
mittwochs, 10:15 Uhr, MG 148 und online bei Bedarf
Fakultät für Physik, Universität Duisburg-Essen
09.10.2024 |
Alle Gruppenmitglieder |
Gruppenbesprechung |
16.10.2024 |
D. Diesing, N. Hille |
Preparation and characterization of laterally patterned Au/Fe/MgO(001) heterostructures |
23.10.2024 |
J. Tasto |
Laser induced changes in EXAFS of BTO |
30.10.2024 14 Uhr |
M. Lorke |
Carrier-phonon scattering in TMDCs |
06.11.2024 |
A. Eschenlohr |
Femtosecond XMCD and XMLD using free electron lasers and slicing sources |
13.11.2024 |
J. Jayabalan |
Controlling electron-lattice or electron-electron interactions in 1T-TaS2 through doping |
20.11.2024 |
W. Kuch (FU Berlin) |
Ultrafast demagnetization of antiferromagnetic CoO measured by time-resolved x-ray magnetic linear dichroism |
27.11.2024 | P. Zhou | Spin-resolved 2PPE in Au/Fe/MgO(001): First steps |
04.12.2024 |
A. Tarasevitch |
Physics and design of the booster amplifier |
11.12.2024 |
A. Melnikov (HZ Berlin) | Ultrafast spin transport in metallic multilayers: excitation and damping of spin waves |
18.12.2024 |
T. Albert |
Structural dynamics in supercooled liquids |
08.01.2025 |
F. Kühne |
Abschluss Doktorarbeit |
15.01.2025 |
T. Saha / H. Abbasi |
THz-ARPES: Observations and insights |
22.01.2025 |
D. Kaczmarek |
Formation of laser-induced periodic surface structures (LIPSS) studied by t.r.SAXS |
29.01.2025 |
M. Kabbinahithlu | NiO fs RAS: final words |