Laura Sollgan, MSc
Important note:
I am leaving the Department after the winter term 2015/16.
Please consult Prof Dr Raymond Hickey regarding any questions on courses you have completed with me.
Kind regards
Laura Sollgan
Curriculum Vitae
Laura studied English and Theology at the University of Duisburg-Essen. After obtaining her B.A. in 2011 she taught both subjects at a primary school while organising her postgraduate studies abroad. In 2013 she obtained her degree in English linguistics (MSc) from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland.
Laura was teaching English linguistics and workshops on term paper writing in Essen between October 2013 and March 2016. She is interested in Scottish culture, photography and loves planning trips to exciting places.
Research interests
- Variation in Scots and Scottish English
- Sociophonetics
- Varieties of English across the Anglophone world
- Social dialectology
- Language attitutes
- Language change
- Forensic linguistics
Courses taught
Previous seminars:
- Pragmatics (WS 2015/16)
- "I'd say it, but I wouldn't write it!" - Spoken versus written English (SoSe 2015)
- Scots and Scottish English (WS 2014/15)
- Of trees and garden paths - English Syntax (SoSe 2014)
- Varieties of present-day English (WS 2013/14)
Additional teaching:
- Lecture on "Language variation and change" as part of the Going Abroad lecture series (WS 2013/14 - WS 2015/16)
- Workshop "How to write a term paper - Academic writing in the Anglophone Studies" with Dr. Saskia Hertlein (SoSe 2015 and WS 2015/16)