Anne-Marie Mölders
I did my bachelor’s degree in English and Business Studies (Kulturwirt) and then changed to English and German for my master’s. During my studies I focused on sociolinguistics, and I’m particularly interested in the way linguistic and social factors influence the way we speak.
I am currently working on my PhD thesis in which I aim to analyze the malleability of quotatives and the phonetic realization of the first-person possessive in a comprehensive and dynamic panel sample that covers the lifespan as a whole. This production research will be combined with reception research to explore the indexicalities of the variables.
Research Interests:
- Language Change across the Lifespan
- Morphosyntactic Change
- Panel Research
Conference Contributions and Talks:
Moelders, A.-M. (accepted). A panel approach to linguistic perception: Exploring age and gender-related effects on real time reactions to speech. DACH_LVC, University of Munich, Germany
Moelders, A.-M. (2024). Age, Gender, and 'Be Like': A study on real-time speech reactions across the life-span. New Ways of Analyzing Variation 52, Florida International University and the University of Miami, USA.
Moelders, A.-M. (2024). Exploring the perception of quotation and the phonetic realization of the first person possessive on Tyneside. Invited talk at the Variation and Change Speaker Series, University of Newcastle, United Kingdom.
Moelders, A.-M. (2024). Heteronormative gender-lect patterns in quotative choices across the life-span. Invited Talk given at the Queering Linguistics seminar (Summer term 2024), University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany.
Moelders, A.-M. (2024). The Influence of Age on Language Perception: Findings from Tyneside. invited talk given at the research colloquium, Technische Universität Dortmund, Germany
Moelders, A.-M., & Ahrens, C. (2024). An acoustic study of the first-person possessive in the Northeast of England. Sociolinguistics Symposium 25, Curtin University, Perth, Australia.
Moelders, A.-M., & Buchstaller, I. (2024). A life-span perspective on longitudinal changes in the quotative system – findings from a dynamic panel corpus. International Conference on Language Variation in Europe 12, University of Vienna, Austria.
Moelders, A.-M., & Buchstaller, I. (2024). Drawing surrogate information from panel research: Exploring the principles underlying change in the quotative system in the Northeast of England. Northern Englishes Workshop 10, University of Chester, Untied Kingdom.
Moelders, A.-M., & Buchstaller, I. (2024). Quotative variation across the lifespan: Findings from a longitudinal panel study. International Conference on Corpora for Language and Aging 6, University of Tübingen, Germany.
Ahrens, C., & Moelders, A.-M. (2024). Exploring acoustic realisations of Tyneside English: Homophonous realisation of the First-Person Possessive and Object ‘me’?. Methods in Dialectology XVIII, La Trobe University Melbourne, Australia.
Ahrens, C., & Moelders, A.-M. (2024). How does [mi] brain make [mi] talk?: An acoustic analysis of First-Person Possessive and First-Person Object. Poster presented at New Ways of Analyzing Variation 52, Florida International University and the University of Miami, USA.
Ahrens, C., & Moelders, A.-M. (2024). Me and my Accent—Analyzing Acoustic Patterns of the First-Person Possessive and Object ‘me’: Evidence from Tyneside English. International Conference on Language Variation in Europe 12, University of Vienna, Austria.
Bauernfeind, A. L., Moelders, A.-M., Grama, J., & Buchstaller, I. (2024). The stylistic correlates of ageing: Evidence from a dynamic panel corpus that covers the adult life-span. International Conference on Corpora for Language and Aging 6, University of Tübingen, Germany.
Grama, J., Bauernfeind, A. L., Moelders, A.-M., & Buchstaller, I. (2024). Honing in on the intersection of stylistic shift and life-span change: Results from a dynamic panel corpus that covers the adult life-span. International Conference on Language Variation in Europe 12, University of Vienna, Austria.
Grama, J., Moelders, A.-M., Bauernfeind, A. L., & Buchstaller, I. (2024). Disentangling style-shifting and life-span change: A panel study of FACE and 1st person possessive me in the North-East of England. Methods in Dialectology XVIII, La Trobe University Melbourne, Australia.
Moelders, A.-M. (2023). A panel investigation of quotative be like across the lifespan. Poster presented at United Kingdom Variation and Change, University of Edinburgh.
Moelders, A.-M. (2023). Exploring gendered reactions to quotative be like across the adult lifespan. Poster presented at Linguistics PhDs in NRW 1, Germany, University of Duisburg-Essen.
Moelders, A.-M., & Buchstaller, I. (2023). Learning to be (un)hip in panel data—Exploring quotative be like across the adult lifespan. New Ways of Analyzing Variation 51, New York.
Grama, J., Moelders, A.-M., Buchstaller, I., & Bauernfeind, L. (2023). Ageing in style: Towards disentangling style shifting and lifespan change. New Ways of Analyzing Variation 51, New York.
Moelders, A.-M. (2022). A real-time investigation of intra-speaker malleability in the phonetic realization of the first-person possessive. New Ways of Analyzing Variation 50, Stanford University.
Moelders, A.-M. (2022). Professionals of the language? Intra-speaker malleability in the Phonetic Realization of the First Person Possessive. Linguisttweets.
Moelders, A.-M. (2021). Investigating language change across the lifespan: A real-time panel study of hyper -s and first-person singular possessive in North-eastern English. United Kingdom Variation & Change 13, University of Glasgow.
Moelders, A.-M. (in prep). “an annoying 'yoof'ism” or “very Geordie”? A panel approach to linguistic perceptions across the life-span.
Moelders, A.-M., & Buchstaller, I. (to appear). Learning to be (un)hip in panel data: Exploring quotative be like across the adult life-span. To appear in Diachronica.
Moelders, A.-M. (to appear). Navigating the vernacular across the lifespan: A panel study of the phonetic realization of the first person possessive. English Language & Linguistics.
Grama, J., Buchstaller, I., Moelders, A.-M., Bauernfeind, A. L., & Eiswirth, M. E. (to appear). Ageing in style: Towards disentangling style-shifting and lifespan change. In In K. Beaman & I. Buchstaller (Eds.), Connecting the individual and the community: Contributions from sociolinguistic panel research. Routledge.
Bergan, P., Moelders, A.-M., Rehring, K., Ahlemann, F., Decker, S., & Reining, S. (2020). Towards designing effective governance regimes for smart city initiatives: the case of the city of Duisburg. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.