Current Research Projects
Continuing Vocational Education and Training - Costs and Benefits from the Individual's Perspective
- Duration: Jan 2015 - Dec 2017
- Head of Project: Dr. Marcel Walter
- Partners: German Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training
- Further Information:
CETE - Center of Excellence in Technology Education
The Department is a member and initiator of the DAAD-supported research network CETE - Center of Excellence in Technology Education
- Contact: Prof. Dr. Dieter Münk, Dr. Marcel Walter
- Further Information:
Completed Research Projects
Fostering transitions through interlocking educational programmes towards concepts of integrated vocational careers from school to higher education.
- Duration: November 2013 – October 2014
- Project offerers: Prof. Dr. Dieter Münk (Head of Project), Prof. Dr. Rolf Dobischat, Prof. Dr. Manfred Wahle
Blended Learning: Dual-Mode-Sessions and Blended Assessment in Teachers Training
- Duration: January 2014 – July 2014
E-Learning in teaching
- Duration: April 2012- February 2013
- More information:
Project “Frankfurter Allgemeine news to use”
- Duration: February 2012 - Februray 2013
- More information:
Congress-organization “Hochschultage berufliche Bildung 2013”
- Duration: Oktober 2011- August 2013
- More information:
Evaluation of the measure “EIBE” (program concerning integration in vocational and working environment)
- Duration: July 2007 – May 2011
Problems and perspectives school to work transitions within the region of Hesse/Germany - follow-up project to the evaluation of the "Berufsgrundbildungsjahr" (program concerning integration in vocational and working environment) within the region of Hesse/Germany.
- Duration: January 2008 - June 2008
Evaluation of the "Berufsgrundbildungsjahr" (program concerning integration in vocational and working environment) within the region Hesse/Germany.
- Duration: April 2006 - December 2007
Evaluation of WeGebAU (initative for qualifing low-qualified elderly employees) in the region of South-Hesse/Germany
- September 2006 - June 2007
Modernising vocational education and training: The impact of European education and training strategies and priorities Contribution to CEDEFOP's 4th research report on modernising vocational education and training
- Duration: October 2005 - October 2006
- Final report: Bohlinger, S./ Münk, D.: The impact of European Strategies and Priorities. In: Descy, P.; Tessaring M. (eds.) Modernising vocational education and training. Fourth report on vocational training research in Europe: background report. Luxembourg: EUR-OP. (Cedefop reference series)
Continual vocational eduation and training
- Duration: February 2004 - October 2004
Aim: this study mainly aimed at identifying the main research fields in CVET and was based on a theoretical approach. The main aims were:
- to identify sub-themes of CVET which is one of the themes used to structure CEDEFOP's KMS (Knowledge Management Systems)
- to identify research material related to CVET and
- to address the question of what are reliable and validated research findings and recommendations for policy, practice and research and
- to identify blind spots within this field of research