Current projects

  • PARC - Partnership for the assessment of risks from chemicals (funded by EU)

  • RESIST - Collaborative Research Centre: Multilevel response to stressor increase and release in stream ecosystems (funded by DFG)

  • SYSTEMLINK - Research Training Group: Crossing boundaries - Propagation of in-stream environmental alterations to adjacent terrestrial ecosystems (funded by DFG)



Finished projects

  • Disconnected: Integrating spatial complexity in multiple stressor research (funded by DFG)

  • Response of freshwater invertebrates to natural and anthropogenic stress gradients across continents (funded by DFG)

  • Implementation of the National Action Plan for the Sustainable Use of Plant Protection Products (NAP) - Pilot study to determine the contamination of small streams in the agricultural landscape by pesticide residues - Kleingewässermonitoring (funded by the UFZ and the German Environmental Agency - UBA)

  • Quantification of effects from multiple agricultural stressors using genomic methods (funded by DFG)

  • Pesticide-driven biodiversity loss in a region with traditional land use (funded by DFG)

  • Edge effects of pesticides? Landscape-level perspective on adaptation to pesticide effects (funded by DFG)

  • Qualitative and quantitative analysis of aquatic-terrestrial predator-prey relationships (funded by the German Academic Scholarship Foundation)

  • Effects of fungicides on microbial communities and leaf decomposition (funded by DFG)

  • GETREAL - Incorporating spatial and seasonal variability in community sensitivity into chemical risk assessment (funded by CEFIC)
    -> Download summary

  • Modelling the spatial distribution of aquatic invertebrates constrained by environmental stressors (funded by the Graduate Academy BMU)

  • Geostatistical analysis of chemical exposure and ecological quality of river networks (associated with Graduate Academy SERIOR)

  • Statistical analysis of pesticide monitoring data (funded by the German Environmental Agency - UBA)

  • Statistical analysis of pesticide monitoring data (funded by the German Environmental Agency - UBA)

  • Forecasting ion concentrations in surface waters considering global environmental change (funded by the Ministry of Education and Training, Vietnam)

  • Influence of land-use related stressors on aquatic-terrestrial linkages (Aufland-AQUATER - funded by MBBWK Rheinland Pfalz)

  • Effects of land use on the coupling of terrestrial and aquatic food webs (Aufland-AQUATER - funded by MBBWK Rheinland Pfalz)

  • SALIDRAA جوج: Ecological and socio-economic impacts of river salinization in the Maroccan Draa valley (funded by BMBF)

  • Influence of neonicotinoids on trophic relations and ecosystem processes (funded by DFG)

  • Evaluation of dilution factors for effluents from WWTPs used in chemical risk assessment (funded by the German Environment Agency)

  • Quantification of large scale effects of pesticides on freshwater ecosystems (funded by the German Environmental Agency)

  • Greenhouse gas emissions from streams and rivers along a steep biogeochemical gradient (funded by DFG)

  • Cumulative risk assessment of pesticides and salinity in freshwater ecosystems using species traits (funded by DFG) More information on the project (in german)
    More information on the SPEAR indicator system including SPEAR

  • QUANTification of the influence of current use fungicides and climate change on allochthonous Organic MATter decomposition in streams (QUANTOMAT) (funded by DFG)

  • Organic matter processing and greenhouse gas emissions from freshwater ecosystems (funded by DAAD)

  • Influence of land use on invertebrate biodiversity and ecosystem functioning on a regional scale (funded by Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung)