Homepage of the Faculty of Biology
AutumnCCAC Networking Workshop
On the 15th November 2022 the networking workshop of the "Central Collection of Algal Cultures (CCAC)" took place at the Essen campus. The CCAC at the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) is one of the largest collections of algal cultures worldwide. The CCAC maintains approximately 7500 strains from around the world in four modern walk-in growth chambers operated at different temperatures.
Autumn 2022Algae Calendar 2023
The new algae calendar 2023 of „Central Collection of Algal Cultures (CCAC)" is now available for 12 €.
If you are interested, please contact us: ccac@uni-due.de.
Autumn 2022Annual CRC RESIST meeting
The DFG-funded Collaborative Research Center 1439 RESIST deals with the effect of multiple stressors on stream ecosystems. From October 24-26, the annual plenary meeting took place in the conference house Oer-Erkenschwick. The more than 50 project partners discussed the current project status and worked out first possible syntheses in teams. The main focus, however, was on the RESIST early career researcher, who impressively presented the results achieved so far in 21 short presentations as well as on short research posters. As part of the meeting also the first synthesis projects integrating across the individual projects started.
![Image caption: Principle of action: The target protein (pink) binds the orange BacPROTAC, is then unfolded by the green enzyme and degraded by the blue enzyme. Image caption: Principle of action: The target protein (pink) binds the orange BacPROTAC, is then unfolded by the green enzyme and degraded by the blue enzyme.](/imperia/md/content/biologie/fittosize__1200_0_cbdfe661502d219df95f384bfb0d76f8_antibiotika.jpg)
2022Development of novel antibiotic class in cooperation with the group of Prof. Markus Kaiser
In a publication in the highly respected journal Cell, scientists from the Research Institute of Molecular Pathology in Vienna together with the group of Professor Dr. Markus Kaiser (Faculty of Biology) present novel drugs, so-called BacPROTACs. Since these BacPROTACs can specifically degrade exclusively bacterial proteins, they thus represent a completely novel class of antibiotics. Due to their special properties, they are effective against infections with various classes of bacteria, including, for example, the mycobacteria that cause tuberculosis.
"Since this is a novel approach to fighting bacterial infections to which resistance does not yet exist, BacPROTACs could be used especially when conventional antibiotics are no longer effective," Kaiser said.
For more on this exciting topic, see the original publication, "BacPROTACs mediate targeted protein degradation in bacteria": https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2022.05.009
The Biology Department congratulates Prof. M. Kaiser on his research and publication in Cell.
Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) 1439Multilevel response to stressor increase and release in stream ecosystems (RESIST)
Rivers and streams are centres of biodiversity and vital to humans. Human activities impair water bodies and their communities in many ways, and a wide range of measures are in place to reverse these stressors. However, the effects of degradation and recovery are only partially understood, especially when many stressors act simultaneously. RESIST investigates the underlying mechanisms by combining field studies and mesocosm experiments with statistical and mechanistic modelling and synthesis. This broad range of methods is used to investigate the effects of multiple stressors on all components of the stream food web (from viruses to fish) and on four ecosystem functions. The focus of the studies is on the effects of three globally relevant stressors: temperature increase, salinization, and hydromorphological degradation, and the combination of these forms of stress. The goal is to understand and predict the effects of degradation and recovery on stream biodiversity and functions.
In addition to 15 researchers from the UDE, teams from the universities of Bochum, Cologne, Kiel and Koblenz-Landau as well as the Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (Berlin) and the Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research Halle-Leipzig are involved in the CRC RESIST.
Click here for the website SFB-RESIST
Information for students of the Faculty of BiologyChanges in lectures and exams due to the Covid-19 crisis
Last updated, April, 30th
Current information on courses:
Please sign in to the moodle course:
- Information on examinations and courses in the summer semester 2020 for single Bachelor and Master programmes (https://moodle.uni-due.de/course/view.php?id=19476)
Furthermore, you will find all current decisions on examinations and final theses in the courses. If you are signed in, you will get all information via Email. The courses are constantly updated.
The faculty will keep students further informed via the faculty's homepage and the RSS news feed udebionews.
You can find the feed on this page or in the MyUDE app under "My university", "News", "Faculties", "Biology". Or in German „Meine Universität“, „Aktuelles“, „Fakultäten“, „Biologie“.
If you click on the star and the bell here, you will receive the news directly as a push message on your mobile phone.
As always our study program coordinator Nadine Ruchter will help you with your questions and concerns. Her consultation hours have changed and will be taken via telephone or online meeting.