Welcome to CENIDE
CENIDE is a research center representing the main research area "Nanoscience" of the University of Duisburg-Essen. The experience of more than 85 working groups spreads across our six research areas.
The Center for Nanointegration Duisburg-Essen (CENIDE) is a central research center that focuses on the main research area "Nanoscience" of the University of Duisburg-Essen. Learn more about our mission and vision.
The NanoEnergyTechnologyCenter (NETZ) is part of CENIDE. Physicists, chemists and engineers research new materials for energy applications and develop scalable processes for their production and processing. Find out more on the NETZ website.
The Interdisciplinary Center for Analytics on the Nanoscale (ICAN) is the microscopy center at NETZ. Specially equipped laboratories and state-of-the-art equipment enable sensitive measurements with the highest resolution down to the atomic range. Find out more on the ICAN website.
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Find out about our research infrastructure, from facilities and equipment to programs and research centers
Nanoparticles from the Gas-Phase for Solid State Batteries
CENIDE Elevator Pitch: Varatharaja Nallathambi
16:15 Uhr
GDCh Kolloquium
Evonik Lecture
Dr. Sebastian Beil - MPI CEC
"Electroogranic Synthesis - A Tool for Oxidation Reactions"
Laura Lennartz - Evonik Operations GmbH
"Exploring the Potential of Electrifying the Chemical Industry: Insights from latest Projects of Evonik"
Die Veranstaltung ist verbunden mit einer außerordentlichen Sitzung des Senats der UDE zur Verleihung der Würde einer Ehrenbürgerschaft an Dr. Felix Müller (Evonik), der bis zu seinem Ruhestand im Frühjahr diesen Jahres lange Zeit bei Evonik Kontaktperson für die UDE war.
45141 Essen | Universitätsstr. 5 | S07 S00 D07 | Campus Essen