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ICAN Notes
ICAN Notes is a format with which we want to provide you with helpful and interesting information about the methods and techniques in the ICAN portfolio. The spectrum of the Notes will range from basic articles on specific methods, technical tips and tricks for the use of individual devices, to applications that demonstrate the special possibilities and limits of the respective techniques.
All ICAN Notes are archived by the UDE-library, provided with a DOI and are therefore citable as (unreferenced) publications.
Or you can download the following ICAN Notes directly and free of charge here:
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The matrix effect - A challenge for quantitative secondary ion mass spectrometry, N. Hartmann, ICAN Notes H. 1 (2020), DOI |
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High-Angle Annular Dark-Field (HAADF) Contrast, M. Heidelmann, ICAN Notes H. 2 (2020), DOI |
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Angle Resolved XPS - ARXPS, U. Hagemann, ICAN Notes H. 3 (2021), DOI |
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The ultramicrotome as a tool for the preparation of ultra- thin samples for TEM investigations, T.B. Nguyen, M. Heidelmann, ICAN Notes H. 4 (2021), DOI |
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Focus Track – How to minimize and compensate z-Axis drift using the Renishaw InVia Raman microscope, U. Hagemann, ICAN Notes H. 5 (2021), DOI |
Reference measurements & instructions (password protected)
VersaProbe II (XPS, UPS) |
Anleitung (deutsch), manual (english) for using SmartSoft (pdf)
Effect of the peak to noise parameter, examples Effect of reducing the pass energy for Cu 3p Example for thickness determination by angle-resolved XPS: Mg on H:Si Files for CasaXPS: Casa XPS manuals, external link FeO, Fe2O3, FeOOH - Fit Parameter on ironoxide particles MnO, Mn2O3, MnO2, MnOOH - Fit Parameters for Manganese Oxides Clean graphene with determination of d-parameter Copper double sided tape - conductive Broad double Sided scotch tape - insulating Narrow double Sided scotch tape - insulating Sputter-cleaned gold film - Fit parameter for assymetric peak shape of Au4f Sputter-cleaned copper film - Fit parameter for assymetric peak shapes of Cu2p and Cu3p Partially oxidized gold-platinum Nanoparticles on glass PET as an example for an insultaing polymer |