The Voskuhl group

The Voskuhl group, established in autumn 2015 at the University of Duisburg-Essen, is interested in luminescence phenomena. The research focus, in this regards, lays on the investigation of novel emitters for materials science as well as biomedical imaging. Here the influence of aggregation phenomena on the photophysical properties plays a crucial role and is investigated in detail. To this end, the research of the Voskuhl group can be regarded as interdisciplinary, working between different disciplines such as organic chemistry, physics, medicine, biology as well as materials science.

Potential topics for bachelor (BA) and master (MA) theses

If you are interested in one of the following topics, please contact Jens Voskuhl.

1.  Novel luminophores based on rigidified rotors (BA)

2.  Phosphorescent materials obtained by photocyclisations (BA)

Topics for PhD theses

Currently there are no open PhD positions available. If you qualify for external funding via a scholarship, please contact Jens Voskuhl.

Postdoctoral positions

Currently there are no open PostDoc positions available. If you qualify for external funding via a scholarship (e.g. Humboldt, Marie Curie…), please contact Jens Voskuhl.


25th March 2024 Elisabeth's Anniversary

This year marks Elisabeth's 25th service anniversary at our university, so we invited current and former group members to celebrate with her. We are deeply grateful for the work Elisabeth does in our group!

25th-27th February 2024 SupraChem 2024

We attended the 7th biannual SupraChem, which took place in Ulm this time. It was a nice opportunity to present some of our research, connect with other groups and visit the beautiful historic city! 

13th December 2023 Christmas Celebration

For our annual Voskuhl Christmas celebration, we ate at a nice Italian restaurant and had some drinks later on. In addition to Christmas, we celebrated Jens' recent appointment as a full professor. Here's to some exciting upcoming years!

29th November 2023 Graduation Ceremony

At this year's graduation ceremony, three of our (former) group members were honored: Rick and Lea for completing their Master of Science and Jan for finishing his PhD. Many reasons to celebrate! 

14th November 2023 Marco's First Paper

© 2023 The Authors. ChemPhotoChem published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

We recently published an article on the influence of regioisomerism on phosphorescence emitters. The article in ChemPhotoChem is Marco's first paper as first author. Nice!

Regioisomers with Aggregation-Induced Phosphorescence

30th October 2023 Matthias' Defense

At long last, Matthias absolved his defense to join the club of successful Voskuhl doctors. We are proud of him!

29th September 2023 Master's Theses submitted

Rick and Lea submitted their master's theses, which gives them some spare time before they return as research interns in November. Congrats!

25th-27th August 2023 Group Retreat

For this year's Voskuhl retreat, we boarded a ship in Leeuwarden (Netherlands). Thankfully, we had the best of weather and nobody got sea sick. It was a nice time off!

24th July 2023 New Trainee

After Finn completed his second year of training and left our group, Katrin joined in as our new laboratory assistant trainee. Welcome aboard!

July 2023 Compound Challenge

© 2017 – 2024 Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany

Together with members of other groups (Giese, Haberhauer and Niemeyer), Kevin and Alex participated in the 4th Merck Compound Challenge. Although not on the winner´s podium, a great 4th place was achieved!

Merck Compound Challenge