Seçkin Söylemez

"Demokrasilerde çareler tükenmez" (meaning: democracies always offer a solution) was once said by former Turkish president Süleyman Demirel. At least in Demirel's career as a political watchdog, this saying has been true more than once.  But what does democracy actually mean? From a post-structuralist-constructivist perspective, democracy is considered to be fundamentally only a linguistic object, the content of which is determined by discursive processes within specific temporal and spatial contexts. What does this imply for the democratic understanding of people who exist within several spatial, i.e. national or even transnational, contexts? This is a question that seems more relevant today than ever before, especially if one considers recent cross-border debates between Germany and Turkey.

As a political scientist, I therefore ask the question - following the self-conception of my discipline as democracy studies - which substantive understanding of democracy do people of Turkish origin in the Federal Republic of Germany have? Due to the urban context of the research institute within the Ruhr region, I have the opportunity to take a specific look at Duisburg as a well-known case study of Turkish life in Germany.

Important stages in the CV
Research focus
Research Projects at the Graduate Programme

Important stages in the CV

04.2020 –

Research Associate at the Chair for Public Policy and Regional Politics Department of the Institute for Political Science , University of Duisburg-Essen

11.2019 – 04.2020

Government Employee, Public service of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia
04.2019 – 09.2019 Research assistant at the Chair for Political Theory of the Institute for Political Science, University of Duisburg-Essen
05.2018 – 12.2018 Consultant, German-Turkish Youth Bridge in Düsseldorf
10.2014 - 01.2017 Master of Arts in “Theory and Comparison of Political Systems in Transition” / scholarship holder of the Hans Böckler Foundation, University of Duisburg-Essen
10.2016 – 03.2018 Working Student, German-Turkish Youth Bridge in Düsseldorf
05.2016 – 09.2016 Research assistant in the BMBF project "Multiple Risks - Contingency Management in Stem Cell Research and Its Applications", University of Duisburg-Essen
06.2016 – 08.2016 Research internship, Foundation for Turkish Studies and Integration Research in Essen
04.2014 – 09.2014 Student assistant at the Chair for Political Theory of the Institute for Political Science, University of Duisburg-Essen
10.2010 - 07.2014 Bachelor of Arts in "Political Science", University of Duisburg-Essen
10.2012 – 01.2013 Semester abroad, Middle East Technical University (Ankara)
03.2013 – 05.2013 Research internship, German Federation of Trade Unions – Region Mülheim-Essen-Oberhausen


Research focus

  • Conflict Studies
  • Migration and integration Studies
  • Political culture and political attitudes Studies
  • Post-structuralist and constructivist theories (e.g. Foucault, Laclau, Mouffe)
  • Qualitative and discourse-analytical research methods (e.g. Jäger, Mayring, Nonhoff)
  • Religious fundamentalism and ideologies of violence
  • Theories of democracy and the history of democratic ideas
  • Transnational communication (focus on diaspora communication)
  • Turkish Studies

Fak. f. Ges. Wi./Inst. f. Pol. Wiss.

Keetmanstr. 3 - 9
47058 Duisburg
SK 111


  • Wiss. Mitarbeiterinnen/Mitarbeiter, Institut für Politikwissenschaft

Current lectures

No current lectures.

Past lectures (max. 10)

The following publications are listed in the online university bibliography of the University of Duisburg-Essen. Further information may also be found on the person's personal web pages.

    Journal articles

  • Söylemez, Seckin
    The Understanding of Democracy as a Measure of Integration : An Examination of the Change in Integration Discourse Around the Democracy Debate Based on the Case of the Turkish Diaspora in Germany
    In: Turkish Journal of Diaspora Studies Vol. 3 (2023) Nr. 1, pp. 1 - 23
  • Söylemez, Seckin
    The Sound of Protest : The Development of Political Music in Turkey between Hybridization and Cultural Heritage
    In: Etkileşim Vol. 5 (2022) Nr. 9, pp. 170 - 192
  • Söylemez, Seckin
    Afganistan : Sonu gelmeyen bir savaş ve tarihin tekerrürü
    In: Diken (2021)
  • Söylemez, Seckin
    Bir Ludwig Van Beethoven Portresi : Fısıltılar ve Çığlıklar
    In: Arka Plan Sanat Dergisi Vol. 2 (2021) Nr. 12, pp. 26 - 27
  • Söylemez, Seckin
    Emek Göçü'nün 60. Yıllında Bir Sergi
    In: Arka Plan Sanat Dergisi Vol. 5 (2021) Nr. 15, pp. 28
  • Rauch, Andreas; Söylemez, Seckin
    Totalitarismus als Bedrohung : Neue sicherheitspolitische Herausforderungen
    In: Europäische Sicherheit & Technik Vol. 70 (2021) Nr. 3, pp. 30 - 32
  • Söylemez, Seckin
    ‘Emek Göçü’nün 60’ıncı yılı: Biz buralı mıyız?
    In: Diken (2021)
  • Rauch, Andreas; Söylemez, Seckin
    Der Status der Hagia Sophia
    In: Der Auftrag Vol. 60 (2020) Nr. 307, pp. 40 - 42
  • Rauch, Andreas; Söylemez, Seckin
    Israel auf Abwegen? : Versuch einer politikwissenschaftlichen Bestandsaufnahme
    In: Europäische Sicherheit & Technik Vol. 69 (2020) Nr. 8, pp. 10 - 12
  • Rauch, Andreas; Söylemez, Seckin
    Putins Neonationalismus : Russisches Großmachtstreben als Kontinuität Moskauer Außenpolitik
    In: Europäische Sicherheit & Technik Vol. 68 (2019) Nr. 9,
  • Rauch, Andreas; Söylemez, Seckin
    Ankara: Neo-osmanische Perzeptionen
    In: Europäische Sicherheit & Technik Vol. 67 (2018) Nr. 10, pp. 19 - 22
  • Rauch, Andreas; Söylemez, Seckin
    Der Islamische Staats auf dem Rückzug : Die Rekrutierungsmechanismen des IS bleiben ein sicherheitspolitisches Problem
    In: Europäische Sicherheit & Technik Vol. 67 (2018) Nr. 1, pp. 25 - 27
  • Rauch, Andreas; Söylemez, Seckin
    Problemfall Türkei : Ankaras Desinteresse am Westen und an der NATO
    In: Europäische Sicherheit & Technik Vol. 67 (2018) Nr. 4, pp. 60 - 63
  • Halm, Dirk; Söylemez, Seckin
    Positionen von Migrantenorganisationen in grenzüberschreitenden politischen Debatten : Das Beispiel der „Armenien-Resolution“ des Deutschen Bundestags
    In: Leviathan: Berliner Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaft Vol. 45 (2017) Nr. 2, pp. 221 - 254
  • Rauch, Andreas; Söylemez, Seckin
    Sicherheitsrisiko Türkei
    In: Europäische Sicherheit & Technik Vol. 66 (2017) Nr. 1, pp. 28 - 30
  • Rauch, Andreas; Söylemez, Seckin
    Das Versagen des Westens im Nahen und Mittleren Osten : IS-Terroristen aus Tschetschenien im Einsatz
    In: Europäische Sicherheit & Technik Vol. 65 (2016) Nr. 4, pp. 89 - 91
  • Rauch, Andreas; Söylemez, Seckin
    Der "Islamische Staat" und sein Erbe : Eine sicherheitspolitische Herausforderung
    In: Europäische Sicherheit & Technik Vol. 64 (2015) Nr. 6, pp. 90 - 92
  • Rauch, Andreas; Söylemez, Seckin
    Die Rolle der Taliban in Afghanistan : Gewaltmotivation im Kontext der neuen Kriege am Fallbeispiel der Taliban während des Afghanischen Bürgerkrieges
    In: Der Auftrag Vol. 55 (2015) Nr. 297/298 //1/2, pp. 18 - 22
  • Rauch, Andreas; Söylemez, Seckin
    Sicherheitspolitik in der Anfechtung : Zur Rolle der Sicherheitspolitik an deutschen Universitäten
    In: Europäische Sicherheit & Technik Vol. 64 (2015) Nr. 12, pp. 115 - 117
  • Articles

  • Söylemez, Seckin
    Die neue türkische Diasporapolitik und die Wiederentdeckung der türkeistämmigen „Diaspora“ in Deutschland
  • Blog entries

  • Söylemez, Seckin
    Ahmet Kaya und die Geschichte der Özgün Müzik : Das Gegenteil von Popmusik
    In: Maviblau (2020)
  • Söylemez, Seckin
    Eine Reise in die Welt des Anadolu Rock : Marx, die Beatles und der türkische Elvis
    In: Maviblau (2019)
  • Book articles / Proceedings papers

  • Uslucan, Haci-Halil; Kaya, Fatih; Söylemez, Seckin
    Diskriminiert-desintegriert-radikalisiert? : Über einige Fallstricken der Opfer-Täter-Konstruktionen am Fallbeispiel junger türkeistämmiger Muslime
    In: Gesellschaftliche Ausgangsbedingungen für Radikalisierung und Co-Radikalisierung / Pickel, Susanne; Pickel, Gert; Decker, Oliver; Fritsche, Immo; Kiefer, Michael; Lütze, Frank M.; Spielhaus, Riem; Uslucan, Haci-Halil (Eds.) 2023, pp. 293 - 320
  • Söylemez, Seckin
    Methodische Zugänge zur diskursiven Einbettung im transnationalen Raum : Eine Analyse der diskursiven Reaktionen türkeistämmiger Verbände auf den Anschlag von Hanau
    In: Migrationsforschung (inter)disziplinär: Eine anwendungsorientierte Einführung / Schmitz-Vardar, Merve; Rumpel, Andrea; Graevskaia, Alexandra; Dinnebier, Laura (Eds.) 2022, pp. 51 - 78
  • Books, Collections, Proceedings

  • Gampe, Anja; Söylemez, Seckin (Eds.)
    Weltoffenheit, Toleranz und Gemeinsinn : Chancen und Herausforderungen in der Gegenwartsgesellschaft
    In: Gesellschaft der Unterschiede Bielefeld Vol. 86 (2024) 230 Seiten
  • Söylemez, Seckin; Halm, Dirk
    Verbandliche Interessenvertretung und Kooperationspotenziale auf dem migrantischen Organisationsfeld in NRW
    Baden-Baden (2023) 103 Seiten
  • Research report

  • Söylemez, Seckin
    2. Mai 1933 in Essen : Zum 80. Jahrestag der Zerschlagung der Gewerkschaften durch die Nationalsozialisten in Deutschland
    Essen (2013) 28 Seiten
  • Söylemez, Seçkin & Kubesch, Markus (2021). "Zwei Schritte vor, ein Schritt zurück - Zur performativen Selbstreflexion des Postmigrantischen Theaters/ Das postmigrantische Theater als (ästhetisches) Dazwischen?" Talk given at the Conference „Re-thiniking The Post-Migrant Theatre“ (27.05.2021-29.05.2021), des studioNaxos on 27.05.2021 in Frankfurt am Main
  • Söylemez, Seçkin (2021). Ein neuer Antisemitismus? Zur Debatte der Judenfeindlichkeit unter Muslimen in Deutschland. Talk given at „Montagsimpulse“ on 15/03/2021 Mahn- und Gedenkstätte Krefeld in Krefeld
  • Söylemez, Seçkin (2021). Von Corona, Ignoranz und Rassismus. Talk given at „Gesundheit, Studium und Gesellschaft in Zeiten von Corona“ on 16/02/2021 ASTA-Duisburg-Essen
  • Söylemez, Seçkin (2020). Das Gastarbeiternarrativ als These und Antithese. Talk given at „Neue Migrationsnarrative“ on 31/10/2020 Ruhr Museum in Essen
  • Söylemez, Seçkin (2019). Reflections on Self-Discipline in the (Post-)Migration Society. Lecture given at "Wednesday Theory Feautre" on 11/12/2019 ASTA Duisburg-Essen
  • Söylemez, Seçkin (2019). Autocratisation in the Name of Democracy? An Empirical Study of Turkish Citizens' Susceptibility to an Authoritarian Game of Deception. Co-Lecture given in the panel "Militant Democracy and its Hybridity" at General Conference 2019 of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) 04. - 07.09.2019 in Wroclaw
  • Söylemez, Seçkin (2018). On the change and instrumentalization of the concept of democracy in Turkey under the AKP. Speaker in the panel "The meaning of democracy or: On the limits of the concept of democracy" at 27th Scientific Congress of the German Association for Political Science under the title "Frontiers of Democracy - Limits of Democracy" 25. - 28.09.2018 in Frankfurt am Main
  • Söylemez, Seçkin (2017). Biopolitics in the age of stem cell debate - on the topicality of Michel Foucault's concept of biomedical power. Speaker at Conference of the thematic group "Constructivist Theories of Politics" under the title "News from Biopolis? The Politics of Biomedicine - theoretical reflections and practical approaches" 02. - 03.11.2017 in Duisburg