The Call for Papers is closed

The European Divorce Network is announcing a call for papers for its 22nd anniversary Divorce Conference 2024.

This year, the conference will take place from 10th to 11th October in Berlin, Germany, and is organized by the Hertie School and the University of Duisburg-Essen.

We invite papers on the causes and consequences of union dissolution for women, men, and children, as well as other aspects of divorce and separation. This also includes the study of the consequences of divorce and separation for health disparities and for socio-economic inequalities at advanced ages. Theoretical and empirical papers from psychological, sociological, demographic, economic, and interdisciplinary perspectives are welcome. There is no conference fee. Participants will cover their own travel and lodging expenses.

Please submit a short abstract (max. 200 words) and an extended abstract (800-1500 words) that are sufficiently detailed to allow the selection committee to judge the merits of the paper. It should include a clear research question, theoretical framework, data, methodology, and findings. Please include keywords and choose the preferred presentation format (oral/poster).

Given the venue’s capacity constraints, we may need to carefully choose which submissions to accept. We aim to maintain a balance among early-career, mid-career, and senior researchers. Abstracts not selected for oral presentations could still be considered for the poster session. In such instances, we will contact the authors regarding their willingness to present a poster.

The call for papers was released in January 2024 and the submission deadline was May 15, 2024. Authors will be notified about the acceptance/non-acceptance of their submission by the end of June.
Conference registration for presenters and participants is open until July 15, 2024, after which the final conference programme will be announced.

Organizing and selection committee:

Sven Alexander Brocker, Michaela Kreyenfeld, Sarah Schmauk, Anja Steinbach

If there are any questions, feel free to reach out at

We look forward to meeting you in Berlin,

Sven Alexander Brocker
Michaela Kreyenfeld
Sarah Schmauk
Anja Steinbach