Qualification of fellows in the context of the project Teach First Deutschland | Educational Research and Schooling

Teach First Qualification of fellows in the context of the project „Teach First Deutschland“
„Teach First Deutschland“ is a non-profit organisation that places recent graduates with above-average academic achievements for a two-year service at schools in socially deprived areas. Before engaging in a service agreement, the so-called fellows participate in a training consisting of an online learning period as well as an attendance period with courses and practical assignments.
The study includes an evaluation with different features of the training that fellows of 2014 have completed. In addition, it includes the different effects on the acquisition of skills. The study is mainly influenced by a summative purpose. On the one hand, it deals with the changes of the fellows in comparison to their previous knowledge in a longitudinal section. On the other hand, the extent of knowledge acquisition is also highlighted in comparison to new teaching stuff. Last but not least, also formative objectives are pursued regarding the design of the training and the fellow’s assessment of individual modules.
Project Team
Prof. Dr. Hermann Josef Abs, Essen
Prof. Dr. Thomas Eckert, München
Eva Anderson-Park, M.A., Essen
Teach First Deutschland gGmbH (2014-2015)
Publications on the subject
- Abs, Hermann Josef; Anderson-Park, Eva (2014). Programme zur Berufseinführung von Lehrpersonen. In: Terhart, Ewald; Bennewitz Hedda; Rothland, Martin (Hrsg.): Handbuch der Forschung zum Lehrberuf. 2. Auflage. Münster (Waxmann). 489-510.
- Huppert, Annette; Abs, Hermann Josef (2013). Profession, Professionalisierung und Professionalität im Lehrerberuf. In: Hufer, Klaus Peter; Richter, Dagmar (Hrsg.). Politische Bildung als Beruf. Verständnisse und Forschungen. Bonn (Bundeszentrale Politische Bildung). 65-80.