Lectures summer term 2023/24

Event Type Speaker Zielgruppe
Excursions: Energy materials und systems Excursion Prof. Schierning Bachelor students of the degree programmes: Energy Science, NanoEngineering and Physics
Group seminar: Electrical and thermal transport in metals and degenerate semiconductors


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Lectures winter term 2023/24

Event Type Speaker Zielgruppe
Applied superconductivity: fundamentals, materials and energetic application Lecture Prof. Schierning Bachelor students of the degree programmes: Energy Science, NanoEngineering and Physics
Group seminar: Electrical and thermal transport in metals and degenerate semiconductors


Changing speakers

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Excursion to the production of superconducting cables at Bruker EAS GmbH in Hannau on 29/02/2024 Excursion   Open to all