Fast speciation with high-repetition-rate time-of-flight mass spectrometry (HRR-TOF-MS)

Our HRR-TOF-MS system coupled to a shock tube by molecular-beam sampling enables the simultaneous detection of various educt and product species with a mass resolution of 1 mass unit and a time-resolution of 10 µs. A complete mass spectrum up to a m/z ratio of 170 is recorded in a each measurement cycle so that all species in the system are measured simultaneously every 10 µs. The setup enables the measurement of rate coefficients of unimolecular decomposition reactions. An example for a HRR-TOF-MS measurement is given below. The thermal decomposition of 1 % cyclohexene in 98 % Ne with 1 % Ar as internal standard is measured at 1387 K and 1.56 bar. The red circles represent the concentration of cyclohexene, the black squares ethylene, one of the decomposition products, the lines show the results of respective simulations.