Purification using Algae
Europe's water bodies are polluted. Each day, up to 70,000 chemicals are used in industries and agriculture. Researchers at UDE have developed a method to purify water using chemically modified diatom fossils to remove contaminants.

Dispersal Capacity Influences the Recovery of Biodiversity
Pollutants from industry, households, and agriculture are placing significant pressure on our rivers. Although numerous restoration measures have improved water quality in the past and enabled a partial recovery of biodiversity, this positive trend has stagnated. An international research team led by Prof. Dr Peter Haase has identified species' dispersal capacity as a key factor in the recolonisation of restored rivers.

How mathematics decodes the hidden
Inverse problems and their applications are being researched by Dr. Yi-Hsuan Lin from the National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan). He is a guest of Prof. Dr. Irwin Yousept in the Department of Mathematics for 18 months. Lin's stay is funded by a research fellowship for experienced researchers in the Humboldt Foundation’s Henriette Herz Scouting Program.
We get to the bottom of things
Research at UDE

Main Research Areas Profiling Research
Targeted research is important to us - in the faculties, at the entire university and together with our partners. We concentrate particularly on five main research areas.

Laying Foundation for Success Freedom for Science
Gaining knowledge and the possibility of opening up new scientific activities as a central task: We create freedom for the realisation of research projects.

Together Even Better University Alliance Ruhr
Gaining knowledge and the possibility of opening up new scientific activities as a central task: We create freedom for the realisation of research projects.
Studying at UDE
Application & Enrolment
As one of Germanys largest universities, we offer an extensive range of subjects: You can choose from over 250 bachelor and master programmes as well as teacher training and medicine.
Apply nowAdmittedly, the Ruhr Area is not New York City. But almost.Living in Duisburg & Essen
At the UDE you will meet people from more than 130 nations in a large melting pot. The Ruhr area is a structure of superlatives: Germany's largest settlement area, right in the centre of Europe. Despite all prejudices, it is not grey here, but green. In 2017, Essen was named the "Green Capital of Europe". And the Ruhr region is rich in culture. So rich that the entire region has been declared European Capital of Culture 2010 by the EU. But while other conurbations always try to present their best side, the people in our region show themselves as they are: Imaginative, curious, open-minded.